Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Driver and Dog OK...

Early in the 5:00 o'clock hour this evening, a young female driver was driving north on Gellert St. when a dog came into the roadway.

. Click Here for more info.

Pit bull does back flips...VIDEO

WEB VIDEO OF THE DAY: Pit bull does back flips

For some dogs, playing fetch is challenging enough, but a pit bull puts a whole new spin on that trick.


Missouri voters send anti-Obama signal in electing Blunt...

Republican Roy Blunt soundly defeated Democrat Robin Carnahan to become Missouri's next U.S. senator in a bruising battle between two of the state's most prominent political families. The results signaled voter frustration with the sluggish economy and with the direction of the country under President Barack Obama, who, two years after winning office, will have to work with new lawmakers who campaigned on opposing White House policies.
Blunt's decisive victory was part of a larger pro-Republican trend statewide. GOP challenger Tom Schweich defeated incumbent Democrat Susan Montee in the state auditor's race, while longtime 4th District incumbent U.S. Rep. Ike Skelton lost to Republican challenger Vicky Hartzler. Also, Republicans looked to increase their majorities in both chambers of the Missouri Legislature.
. Click Here for more info.

pOT pRop In CAlifornIA gOeS uP iN SmOKe...

California voters declined to make their trendsetting state the nation's first to legalize marijuana use and sales, heeding warnings of legal chaos and that pot smokers would get behind the wheel and show up to work while high. The legalization effort was losing by nine percentage points with more than two-thirds of precincts reporting. Backers showed support for the measure by gathering outside the campaign's headquarters to watch returns come in — some of them lighting up joints to mark the occasion.
. Click Here for more info.

So shall you reap: Government by gridlock...

The nation now faces two years of congressional gridlock. Under the leadership of Republican Speaker-designate John Boehner of Ohio, the GOP will march in lockstep on a conservative agenda of tax cuts, regulatory relaxation and spending cuts.
They will send these bills to the Senate, where they will stall, just like most of the bills passed by the Democratic-led House in the last two years. Very little will get done. If this is a revolution, it will be a revolution in slow motion.
. Click Here for more info.