Sunday, November 14, 2010

Feds: Woman illegally fired over Facebook remarks...Protected Under Water Cooler Law


A Connecticut woman who was fired after she posted disparaging remarks about her boss on Facebook has prompted a first-of-its-kind legal case by federal authorities who say her comments are protected speech under labor laws.

   The National Labor Relations Board alleges that American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc. illegally fired Dawnmarie Souza from her job as an emergency medical technician late last year after she criticized her supervisor on her personal Facebook page and then traded Facebook messages about the negative comments with other employees.

The complaint, filed Oct. 27 by the board's Hartford, Conn., regional office, could set a precedent for employers to heed as more workers use social networking sites to share details about their jobs.

"It's the same as talking at the water cooler," said Lafe Solomon, the board's acting general counsel. "The point is that employees have protection under the law to talk to each other about conditions at work."

Federal labor law has long protected employees against reprisal for talking to co-workers on their own time about their jobs and working conditions, including remarks that may be critical of managers. The law applies whether or not workers are covered by a union.. Click Here for more info.
Facebook And Your Boss

Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)

Missouri appeals court puts deer hunting ruling on hold

A Missouri appeals court has put on hold a judge's ruling that struck down state regulations against the use of dogs and vehicles while hunting deer.

On Friday, the Southern District of the Missouri Court of Appeals stayed the effect of an Aug. 5 ruling by a Ripley County judge while the appeals process continues.

. Click Here for more info.

Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)

TSA Desktop Image Makes Joke of Cavity Searching Children


A Flickr photo shows a computer in a TSA airport office with a desktop image of a satirical book entitled “My First Cavity Search.” photo and Photoshop experts have examined the image and believe that it is real. is currently attempting to contact the Flickr photographer to establish if the image is real.. Click Here for more info.

Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)

TSA is being sued over their use of full body scanners at airports: Link to Suit Included Below

The Drudge Report,, Prison, and the alternative media have forced CNN and the corporate media to cover this issue.

 Airport body-scan radiation under scrutiny

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is proceeding with a lawsuit against the TSA over its use of naked body scanners. Filed in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, EPIC's lawsuit asks for the courts to halt the US government's use of naked body scanners altogether.

EPIC has brought claims under the Administrative Procedure Act, the Privacy Act, the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and the Fourth Amendment.

(The TSA's naked body scanners and aggressive pat-down techniques violate all these federal laws and Constitutional protections.)

That effort has now been joined by consumer advocate Ralph Nader, who agrees that the TSA's use of naked body scanners must be challenged.

EPIC's lawsuit against the TSA alleges that the intrusive pat-downs are used by the TSA as a retaliatory punishment for those passengers who choose to opt out of the body scanners.

The EPIC lawsuit also submits that the capture of naked body scanner images is itself a violation of federal law.
. Click Here to read the suit (pdf).



Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)