Tuesday, November 16, 2010


TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants

Big Sis turns up the heat: New super-enhanced pat-down more invasive
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The TSA’s invasive new screening measures include officers literally putting their hands down people’s pants if they are wearing baggy clothing in a shocking new elevation of groping procedures that have stoked a nationwide revolt against privacy-busting airport security measures.

Forget John Tyner’s “don’t touch my junk” experience at the hands of TSA goons in San Diego recently, another victim of Big Sis was told by TSA officials that it was now policy to go even further when dealing with people wearing loose pants or shorts.
Going through airport security this past weekend, radio host Owen JJ Stone, known as “OhDoctah,” related how he was told that the rules had been changed and was offered a private screening. When he asked what the procedure entailed, the TSA agent responded, “I have to go in your waistband, I have to put my hand down your pants,” after which he did precisely that.
Stone chose to conduct the search in public in the fear that the TSA worker would be even more aggressive in a private room.
“If you’re wearing sweat pants or baggy clothing, I was wearing sweat pants they’re not baggy, they’re sweat pants,” said Stone, adding that the agent pulled out his waistband before patting his backside and his crotch.
Even the TSA agent who put his hands down the man’s pants was embarrassed at what he had been told to do by his superiors, apologizing profusely to the victim.

A 54-year-old Missouri City man experienced similar treatment when he was going through security at Fort Lauderdale Airport.
Thomas Mollman was subject to a groping by a TSA officer that was tantamount to sexual molestation.
“I was wearing shorts at the time – between the underwear, right on the skin, all the way around the back, all the way around my front, 360 degrees, touched inappropriately,” he said.
“This was an assault. This was no different than a sexual assault,” said KTRK Legal Analyst Joel Androphy.
The level of abuse appears to be getting worse on an almost daily basis. First TSA agents use the back of their hands, then they outright grope you with the front, and now they are being trained to put their hands down traveler’s pants. What’s next? Mandatory bodily probes?
Even as the resistance to airport oppression grows, Big Sis and the TSA are responding by making the pat down procedures more invasive. Napolitano has figuratively said to the American people ‘let them eat cake’ as she slaps them in the face.
Given the fact that the TSA’s own woeful background checks for their own employees allows rapists and pedophiles to get jobs as pat down agents, will you allow TSA workers to put their hands down the pants of your daughter or wife?
UPDATE: Owen JJ Stone appeared on The Alex Jones Show today to discuss the incident and how the TSA goon ‘touched his junk’ by specifically patting his backside and testicles while his hand was inside Stone’s pants – video of the interview coming soon.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.


Want the Scanner instead????




General Mcinerney: “I am absolutely certain that is not an aircraft”

More information on the recent sighting off the coast of California has once again confirmed the unidentified flying object as a missile.
Sean Hannity of FOX News interviewed a panel of three guests on November 11, 2010 in regards to what their conclusions were pertaining to the mystery sighting last monday off of California’s coast.

Sean Hannity began the interview by saying that the official statement by the Pentagon is that the object was a plane, and that he was willing to entertain that assertion.
However, Retired Airforce Lt. General Tom Mcinerney, with no reservations stated that this object was clearly a missile saying:
“Well first of all, I do not agree with the assertion Sean. And your question is, we should get a definitive answer. You’re absolutely correct. Look, this is not an airplane because of the plume, and the way you see that plume. Airplanes do not con at sea level or 5000 ft like that. I spent 35 yrs flying fighters, and I never saw an airplane con like that. That is a missile – it’s launched from a submarine, and you can see it go through a correction course, and then it gives a very smooth trajectory meaning that the guidance system has now kicked in, it’s going at about a 45 degrees away from you that’s why you’re not seeing a lot of vertical velocity.”
When Sean interrupted Lt. Mcinerney, asking ” are you 100% certain? Mcinerney answered with 100% conviction:
“Sean… I’ve watched that film 10 times, I’ve watched 15 other Trident films, SM 3.. Standard missile threes, and T Lam launches…. I am absolutely certain that that is not an aircraft.”
 This statement by Lt. General Mcinerney appears to agree with the report by Wayne Madsen where he reports that missile experts say the plume was definitely from a missile, (most likely a JL-2 ICBM) and that it was probably launched from a Chinese Jin class submarine.. Click Here for more info.



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TSA Caves In On Molesting Pilots: Big Sis Caught LYING

Janet Napolitano said that the feds were looking at changing pat down procedures for pilots

Prison Planet.com
Monday, November 15, 2010

TSA Administrator John Pistole told CNN's John Roberts this morning that the feds were looking at changing pat down procedures for pilots, a first indication that the government is beginning to back down in the face of a nationwide backlash against naked body scanners and intrusive airport groping measures.

Speaking about how he and DHS chief Janet Napolitano met with pilots representatives last week, Pistole said, "Well obviously they're a trusted group in so many different ways and so it makes sense to do some type of different type of screening which we will explore and I think have a way forward here in the near future."

Adding that he didn't want to speak prematurely, Pistole said "There are options that we are looking at that will make sense."

Host Roberts made the point that screening pilots for weapons was pointless when pilots have the biggest weapon they could possibly have -- the plane itself -- in their hands.

However, Pistole did nothing to address similar measures being directed against the traveling public which amount to little less than sexual molestation, and had no answer to why airport officials are threatening people who refused to be groped with $10,000 dollar fines, as in the case of a man who had a run in with TSA goons at San Diego International Airport this past weekend.

Despite the TSA's blanket refusal to amend measures that are stoking outrage across the country and leading many to decide against flying until changes are made, this first step in the feds being forced to back down on one level is obviously a sign of progress.

It has been established that the implementation of the aggressive groping techniques had nothing to do with security and was solely designed to force people into the body scanner, which as Columbia University and other scientists have proven increases the risk of cancer.

In addition, the body scanners would not even have stopped underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Flight 253 on Christmas Day.

The feds have finally accepted the fact that common sense needs to be applied to screening pilots, and that same "intelligence-driven" process, as Pistole labels it, now needs to be applied to ordinary travelers.

It is not "intelligence-driven" to subject toddlers to sexual molestation in the name of stopping terror. A "risk-based" approached should not include targeting the very people who represent the least risk -- women, children, the elderly and the disabled -- who are precisely the groups that have been on the receiving end of the most humiliating degradation at the hands of TSA.. Click Here for more info.


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Passenger refuses TSA pat-down: "Don't touch my..."(WEB-VIRAL VIDEO)




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WEB VIDEO She's a Lady with Amazing dribbling skills

WEB VIDEO  Amazing dribbling skills

A woman can dribble five basketballs at once while balancing on a board.______________________________________________________________________________

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Web Video: Coyote runs loose on streets of Chicago

  • Coyote runs loose on streets of Chicago


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Wild Crazy Web Video : Impossible push-ups

Bet You Can't Do This:

Web Video Impossible pushups

Yury Tikhonovich has an incredible talent.

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Best Greatest Football Fake of the Year 2010

Photo Grab of Video:
Click on Actual video BELOW to View.

Game ends in 6-6 Tie...

The greatest football fake of the year didn't come from the mind of Bill Belichick or out of the Boise State Broncos playbook. It came from a middle school coach in Corpus Christi, Texas, and his eighth-grade quarterback.
During Saturday's middle school championship game against rival Wynn Seale, the Driscoll Middle School team pulled off one of the best trick plays you'll ever see. Late in the third quarter, with Driscoll down 6-0, the Wynn Seale defense was called for a 5-yard penalty which led to a respotting of the ball. Before the next snap, quarterback Jason Garza loudly told the center that the refs were marking off 5 more yards.
   Garza then told the center to give him the ball - technically hiking it to start the play - and pretended to mark off the additional yardage. Once he was clear of the defensive line, Garza made a break for the end zone. 
Gaza admitted that he "didn't think it was going to work at all." Turns out it worked perfectly.
The 6-6 score after the missed extra point was the game's final.
"This is first time we ever tried it," says Rodriguez of the Penalty Play drawn up by assistant coach John Delosantos. "And it worked."
Before the video went web-viral,  the trick play has gotten notice from as far as 5039 miles away in an incredulous writeup on London's Daily Mail Website. Monday morning, Rodriguez and the school have fielded calls from CNN, Fox News and CBS' The Early Show.

Best Football Play of the Year 2010!!!

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