Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dorothy Heying Celebrates Birthday 100 with Former Students Hermann Missouri High School


Centenarian educator remains an
inspiration to students from decades past

By Mike Bush
KSDK -- At the corner of quaint and charming streets is Hermann, Missouri,
located about 80 miles west of St. Louis. You can learn a lot here. And not just
about Missouri wine.
In a sophomore class at Hermann High School, Julie Lassiter is trying to get
her students to focus on English.
"At times it may be difficult, there are so many distractions," says Lassiter.
Fifteen and 16-year-olds don't yet appreciate their education, but that's not a
problem just down the hall. The students in that classroom are either from the
1970s or in their 70s. And they're back in high school for one simple reason:
their English teacher, Dorothy Heying.
"Dorothy got me through school," says Joey Kallmeyer, class of 1954.
"She brought the best out in me," adds Howard Klenk, class of 1952.
Dorothy Heying was an educator for more than 50 years.
"If you don't like it, you don't have any business in the classroom," says Heying.
Born in St. Louis, Heying says she came to Hermann with her husband in the
1930s. Even then, she was shorter than many of her students but she had a
big presence.
"She sure was strict. Especially to me," jokes Roger Blumer, Class of 1952.
Although, as Carol Kallmeyer of the Class of 1954 explains, it's "strictness with
a sense of humor, so you didn't feel little when she got finished with you."
Heying's philosophy has always been to give her students something to take
home besides homework.
"She had a way of knowing what your potential was and bringing that potential
out," says Lois Puchta, Class of 1965.
Like the time she tried to get one of her more difficult student interested in the
colossal classic, "Moby Dick."
"So what does she do?" says Klenk. "She goes to the drugstore and gets one
of these comic illustrated books about 'Moby Dick' and brings it to me."
Klenk says he ended up liking the story.
And although she never had kids of her own, Heying will tell you she's been
more than blessed.
"Well, I don't remember how many children I've had, I lost track. But I know it
was over a thousand," she says.
When you've helped light the way for so many, you deserve a celebration;
especially when the celebration is your 100th birthday. That's why so many of
Heying's former students came back to Hermann High School and even sat in
the classroom with her.
"That's why we're here, because of the role model she's been for all of us,"
says Puchta.
Dorothy finally put away the chalk and eraser 30 years ago.
"The day I retired, I cried all day," she says. But clearly, she's a teacher for life.
"It's really joyous. And it's exciting too because it really affirms our profession,"
says Lassiter.
Thanks to Dorothy Heying, generations of students in Hermann understand
that teaching from a book is never as effective as teaching from the heart.


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WEB VIDEO: Golden Globe 7 nominations 'The King's Speech'




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Filmography - 270 Movies from 2010 All in One Video


Take a few minutes and watch this very well-done super-cut of (nearly) every movie that came out in 2010. You'll be amazed how well they flow together, as well as how many movies can be released in just 365 days. 270 of them here!!!

1. Ratatat - Nostrand -
2. Kanye West - Power -
3. Rooney - Not In My House -
4. Apartment - Fall Into Place -
5. Civil Twilight - Letters from the Sky -
6. SUNBEARS! - Little Baby Pines -

Films in order of appearance:


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WAKE UP CALL: Porter Stansberry Research - End of America As We Know It 3


Porter Stansberry, founder of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. His monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory, deals with safe value investments.

Porter Stansberry predicted, the collapse of GM, Fannie may, Freddie mac and others, years before they happened. Now he is predicting a much larger catastrophe in the markets ahead that will dwarf what we have already seen and gone through.
Click Here for more info.








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WAKE UP AMERICA: FBI Entraps Another Useful “Homegrown” Idiot to Push the Fake War On Terror


FBI Entraps Another Useful “Homegrown” Idiot to Push the Fake War On Terror

 Kurt Nimmo
December 14, 2010

Scary Muslims donning turbans and satellite phones have not attacked the United States since September 11, 2001, when a gaggle of cave dwellers magically commandeered the laws of physics and made NORAD stand down.


Antonio Martinez: Another pathetic patsy set-up by the FBI to promote the non-existent homegrown terror threat.

Instead, the government and the military-industrial-intelligence complex has engaged in a series of small attacks and would-be attacks in order to keep the global war on manufactured terror chugging along.
Last week we were subjected to yet another phony baloney FBI orchestrated entrapment of a clueless Muslim.

Antonio Martinez, a recent Muslim convert, who calls himself Muhammed Hussain, was arrested after undercover FBI agents supplied him with a fake car bomb. It is said Martinez aka Hussain wanted to bomb a recruiting center.

Rod Rosenstein, a federal attorney, said the goal of Hussain’s entrapment was to deter others from planning schemes or recruiting others for their agendas.

Big Sis, Janet Napolitano, boss over at the Ministry of Homeland Security, said “that this arrest and another in Oregon last month shows that plots and schemes are no longer planned overseas and brought into our country, but rather are being birthed from within,” according to Robert Ingram, writing for Christian Life News.

In other words, the case is another sensationalized circus sideshow designed to convince us that al-CIA-duh is now homegrown, so we need to get used to having TSA goons sticking their hands down our pants and our kids being zapped with backscatter radiation.

According to defense attorney Joseph Balter, Martinez was “incapable” of pulling off an attack on his own and failed miserably when he tried to recruit confederates to take part in the plot cooked up by the FBI and the government. Balter characterized the incident as a “government sting operation,” according to the Washsington Post.

Muslim groups, led by CAIR, have lately accused the FBI and the Justice Department of entrapment. Earlier this month, Attorney General Eric Holder disputed claims that sting operations the Justice Department engaged in to target suspects in several recent terrorism cases amounted to entrapment writes Josh Gerstein for Politico.

Holder defended the entrapment of Mohamed Mohamud, a useful idiot who allowed himself to be tricked by the FBI into thinking he was going to blow up a public Christmas tree display. “These types of operations have proven to be an essential law enforcement tool in uncovering and preventing potential terror attacks,” said Holder.

Translation: It is essential the government find idiot savants and powerless miscreants and set them up and then use the pathetic cases in order to push the fallacious war on manufactured terror and force Americans to live in a high-tech police state.. Click Here for more info.



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Hermann Lady Bearcats Basketball: Bearcats Beat Saint Clair 70-53 - Missouri

Monday, December 13 - Hermann 70 Saint Clair 53

Monday, December 13  

JV Girls - Hermann 72 Saint Clair 22

Friday, December 10
Hermann 57 Warrenton 32
Shelby Winkelmann scored 33-points and pulled down 10-rebounds.


Shelby Winkelmann Poured in 40 points and added 12 rebounds and five steals as Hermann upended No. 2 seeded Clopton 72-55 in the semifinals of the Montgomery County Invitational last Wednesday night, December 1, at Montgomery City.

   The Lady Bearcats, seeded third and the defending champions of this tournament, broke away from a 26-25 halftime lead with a 16-point scoring edge after intermission.

   Winkelmann had 19 of Hermann's 26 points in the first half, and the Lady Bearcats got some offensive firepower in the second half from Laura Rethemeyer and Ashley Brooks. They each finished with 12 points.

   Hermann pulled away in the fourth quarter when it outscored Clopton 25-15.

   Corby Hackmann, a 5-9 senior forward, grabbed eight rebounds for the Lady Bearcats.

   Wednesday's game was the first of the season for Brooks, who missed the first-round game last Monday after suffering hot-water burns in an accident at home. 


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Missouri City Of Hermann Police Investigating Three Attempted Burglaries


Hermann Police were looking for suspects Tuesday afternoon after three attempted burglaries in the span of a few hours. The burglary attempts were made at Trapper's Grill at 4th and Market Streets, the Downtown Deli on E. First Street, and the United Methodist Church on W. 16th Street and Route 100, according to Hermann Police.

Officers responded to Trapper's Tuesday morning, where they found a door window broken in an apparent attempt to get inside, police said. It did not appear the suspects were successful in gaining entry.

As police were clearing the scene at Trapper's, a similar problem was reported at the Downtown Deli.    Glass on the Deli's front door was found broken, and evidence suggested an unknown person or persons entered the building and manipulated a cash register inside, police said.   The register had been emptied the night before by employees.   Nothing was reported missing.

Around 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, police were called to the Methodist Church for another broken window.    Police did not believe anyone made entry.   It's likely the three incidents were related, Police Chief Frank Tennant said.

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'Why Gold and Silver?' Investing 101 (DVD / VIDEO)


Why You Should Own Gold and Silver
First off, why should you own precious metals?  Read this:

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the “hidden” confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.”

Who do you think this was written by?  If you guessed former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan, you would be correct.  It is titled “Gold and Economic Freedom,” and it was originally published in 1966.  (Click here to read the entire Greenspan article.) After reading this, it is hard to believe he was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve for nearly 20 years.  Gold is the antithesis of the Federal Reserve Note.
Greenspan’s article is the time tested reason for owning gold.  For more current reasons, look no further than “The Seven “Ds” of the Developing Disaster,” written by gold expert Alf Field.  In short:
  • Deficits
  • Dollar
  • Devaluations
  • Debt
  • Demographics
  • Derivatives (this is the big one)
  • Devolution
The above are the reasons why Field says gold and silver are bound to rise over the long term.  (Click here to read the complete article from Field.)

Video Explanation for How and Why to Buy Gold and Silver (BELOW)
For a video explanation for how and why to buy precious metals, we turn to Mike Maloney.  He’s a best selling author who wrote a book titled “Why Gold and Silver?”  His videos give the simplest and clearest explanation I’ve ever seen.

How To Buy Gold and Silver
Now that you know the “why,” let’s get into the “how” of buying gold.  First of all, gold and silver are sold by the “Troy” ounce.  A “Troy” ounce weighs more than the ounce used to measure milk or meat.  A Troy ounce is 31.1 grams, which is more than the 28.35 gram ounces you come across in everyday life.  By the way, because a Troy ounce weighs more than a regular ounce, it only takes 12 Troy ounces to make a pound.  However, you buy precious metals by the ounce not the pound.


These 4 Gold, 1 ounce coins are the most popular and most recognized in the world.

There are other fine gold coins that are minted throughout the world. For example in Australia, China, Mexico and Europe. They are simply less popular, but are very much still valuable
The 3 most popular and recognized silver 1 ounce coins in the world are the:
  • U.S. Silver Eagle
  • Canadian Silver Maple Leaf
  • Silver Austrian Philharmonic.

Junk Silver
Then, there is “Junk” silver.  “Junk” silver is any U.S. dime, quarter or half-dollar minted on or before 1964.   1964 and earlier  dimes, quarters and half-dollars had 90% silver content.  “Junk” is sold by face value of the coin.
The most popular way to buy “Junk” silver is a 55 pound bag.  A 55 pound bag is $1,000 in face value of the coins, but that also equals 715 ounces of silver.  So, for example, a bag of dimes may have a face value of $1,000, but you pay the same as you would if you paid for 715 ounces of silver.  You always pay the spot price of silver plus a commission.  The advantage of buying “Junk” silver is you pay less commission per ounce than a 1 ounce silver coin, but you still
have coins.  It is the cheapest way to buy quality silver coins officially minted by the government.
You can also buy “Junk” silver in much smaller increments.  Just remember that $1.50 in change equals about an ounce.  So, 15 dimes of “Junk” silver is an ounce and so on.  This way, you can always figure out how much you are paying per ounce when you buy “Junk” silver.  The most desirable “Junk” from best to least are half- dollars, quarters and dimes.  There are a few later years of coins after 1964 that had 40% silver, but those are extremely bulky and are the least desirable “Junk” silver coins.



















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