Thursday, December 23, 2010

Facebook Tries to Restrick Gag My Account 30 Days In The Hole LMAO


You and Your Friends can Still REQUEST TO BE A FRIEND!!! Poor Richard 2011 - Hermann MO News


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MUSIC VIDEO: Pearl Jam Black - Happy Birthday 44th Eddie Vedder

Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam - December 23, 1966

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MOVIE REVIEW: 'True Grit' Western New and Improved


REVIEW: 'True Grit': the Duke would abide

Remakes are a dangerous business. It is nearly impossible to improve upon an original version, and if that movie holds some sort of iconic presence in the mind of filmgoers, the venture becomes that much more treacherous.
The cinematic landscape is littered with the corpses of remakes.
Of course, if the smart money were on anyone to pull it off, you'd have to go with the Cohen Brothers (and even they have added to the remake body-count with their quickly-forgotten redux of "The Ladykillers").
Well, guess what? The boys have emerged from the remake battleground unscathed and have brought us a new and improved version of the classic western, "True Grit."
"True Grit" is best known as the movie that won John Wayne his one and only Academy Award, but truth be told, it's not all that great of a film. Oh, sure, Wayne is very good as Rooster Cogburn, a deputy U.S. Marshal hunter hired by a precocious 14-year-old girl to track down her father's killer.
But I suspect a lot of the award had to do with a voters' sentiment of: "We had better hurry up and give The Duke an Oscar before he drops dead and/or beats us up."
This time around Jeff Bridges tackles the role of Rooster and manages to match Wayne pound for pound (literally) in one-eyed, drunken awesomeness. He bellows his way through this movie with a voice scarred by whiskey and tobacco smoke. Fantastic stuff.
But while Bridges holds the line, it is the massive upgrade in talent in the rest of the cast that leaves the 1969 version of "True Grit" quaking in its boots.
. Click Here for more info.


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# 10 Missouri Amazing 21 - 7 Run Defeats Number 21 Illinois 75-64 Last 4 Minutes - College Basketball Highlights


Hey all, this video is highlights of the craziness that was the final four minutes that showcased Mizzou, down by 3, making an amazing 21 - 7 run to defeat Illinois 75 - 64, their second Busch Braggin' Rights victory in a row.


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WEB VIDEO: Antoine Dodson's 'Chimney Intruder' MERRY CHRISTMAS


The star of the super-viral CLICK HERE"Bed Intruder" song has a new hit this holiday season.
Instead of Antoine Dodson telling folks to hide their kids and hide their wives, he is advising people to hide their presents and trees from Santa.
Every year celebrities come out with Christmas songs. Now it's Antoine's turn. (Produced by Michael Bearden).


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WEB VIDEO: JibJab Merry Christmas, ROCK AND ROLL



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JibJab Mannequins Year in Review So long to Ya 2010



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Franklin County Missouri Agency (DSFC) Wants to Double Tax Rate Next Year


Agency Wants to Double Tax Rate Next Year

By Evin Fritschle, Missourian Staff Writer 
The county agency serving those with developmental disabilities wants a tax increase, the agency executive director said Tuesday.
Dr. Ron Kruse, executive director of Developmental Services of Franklin County (DSFC), told the county commission that his agency needs more money to expand services to those in need.
"We have a wide array of services we offer to those with developmental disabilities from birth almost to death," Kruse said.
Kruse and the agency's board of directors is seeking to double its current property tax rate and wants the issue to be put on the April 5, 2011, ballot.
He estimated there are more than 300 individuals living in the county who have some form of autism, a neural development disorder, and more than 100 people on waiting lists for employment and support at Sheltered Workshops Inc., Washington, and Sheltered Industries of the Meramec Valley, Sullivan.
"There is a lot that can be done for these people," Kruse said. "We have a need for facilities. We need to upgrade the sheltered workshops in Washington and Sullivan.
"Rainbow (Activity Center) has two locations in Union and could be more efficient if it had a new facility under one roof," he said.
Rainbow is an adult care center that cares for those with disabilities.
Kruse said the Pacific area is underserved and developmental services could be expanded to the area with additional funding.
The agency serves those with developmental disabilities and offers support to their families.
Kruse noted that, with a roughly $700 million shortfall anticipated in the state of Missouri's upcoming budget, funding from the state could be cut.
"There's a great deal of stress on the families (of those with developmental disabilities) and with the state facing a budget crisis, we have come to the conclusion that we need to ask the taxpayers for more taxes," he said.
"The taxes would stay here in Franklin County as they are now and would continue to be used effectively and efficiently," Kruse said.
"We know this is a tough economic time, but the children we treat, they don't know that. They just know that they graduated from a special education program somewhere and they need a job," he said, referring to those on the waiting lists at the sheltered workshops.
"The need is here right now," Kruse said.
Presiding Commissioner John Griesheimer said he appreciates the work Kruse's agency does.
"I'm not a big property tax advocate, but I've had a lot of contacts in my years as a legislator from families needing support," Griesheimer said. "Every time I've contacted (DSFC), they've been able to get it done.
"The people that you serve, I call them God's people because they are very very special," Griesheimer said."

Current Funding
The organization currently receives about $1.7 million in funding from the county a year, Kruse said.
The agency receives other funding including state and federal money and has a total annual budget of about $5.5 million.
The agency works with other nonprofit entities including Exceptional Equestrians, the county's sheltered workshop facilities, Rainbow and others, to seek combined grant funding through a nonprofit entity the groups set up last year.
Presiding Commissioner John Griesheimer said the funding DSFC receives from the county is from a 10 cent per $100 of assessed valuation property tax.
Kruse said DSFC would like to double that amount, raising the tax rate to 20 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.
That would double the funding the agency receives from the county.
Kruse said he hopes the commission would consider the issue within the next month in time to put it on the April ballot.
Commissioners said if the agency can prepare proposed ballot language by the end of the first week of January 2011, it could be discussed at the Jan. 11, 2011, meeting.
The deadline to put an issue on the April 5, 2011, ballot is Jan. 25, 2011.

. Click Here for more info.

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Calififornia Storms Prompt Rescues Evacuations Turning to Snow as it Heads East




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MERRY CHRISTMAS from Hermann MO News - Thank You for Your Support!!! Christmas Carol Wonderful Hallelujah Chorus


A photography company said it wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas by surprising shoppers.

The company organized a flash mob to perform at the Welland Seaway Mall in Ontario last month. It begins with one woman jumping up and starting to sing Hallelujah in the food court. Then, a few more people join in. 

In the end, dozens of people serenade shoppers. 


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JibJab Mannequins Christmas Special Jib Jab Puppet Show



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NEW POLL ADDED: Should The City of Hermann have put the Electrical Rate Increase on The Ballot so the People could decide?


Hermann MO News has added a New Poll (under the welcome Photo near the top of this web page).


Should The City of Hermann have put the Electrical Rate Increase on The Ballot so the People could decide?


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