Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Negotiations break down; Mediacom drops KOMU from lineup Mid Missouri News


Early Tuesday, Mediacom dropped KOMU 8 and Mid-Missouri’s CW channel from its lineup in Mid-Missouri.

The TV station reported that the disconnect occurred due to a breakdown in negotiations between the New York-based cable provider and KOMU, the local NBC affiliate.

“KOMU appreciates our loyal viewers,” KOMU General Manager Marty Siddall stated in a news release. “I want them to know that we have been strongly committed to reaching a fair, reasonable agreement with Mediacom. Although our good faith efforts have been rebuffed thus far, we will continue to seek an acceptable agreement.”

Mediacom claims in a message posted on the former KOMU channel that the cable company "believes taxpayer-supported KOMU's demands are excessive, which is why we're working to ensure our customers get a good value."

Mediacom refers twice in its statement to "taxpayer-supported" KOMU, a reference to the station's ownership by the University of Missouri. However, KOMU notes that its revenues come from advertising and retransmission fees and that no tax dollars are used to run its commercial station.

Mediacom's action dropping KOMU from its service does not affect Mid-Missouri viewers who receive the channel by antenna or through other cable and satellite providers like Dish Network, DirecTV or CenturyLink.

Last Friday, Dec. 31, KOMU and Mediacom agreed to terms for the first year of a three-year contract extension, according to the TV station's news release. On Monday, negotiations on years two and three of the contract stalled. In response, KOMU offered Mediacom a one-year contract based on the terms agreed to last Friday, but Mediacom rejected that offer.

“We were assured the terms negotiated on December 31 would set the stage for successful negotiations of years two and three of a contract," said Siddall. "Unfortunately, Mediacom’s negotiating position since then has been contrary to the spirit of terms agreed to last week."

However, Mediacom's message to its customers state the company's efforts to negotiate "a reasonable agreement with taxpayer-owned KOMU resulted in KOMU's decision to remove their signal from our system."

Mediacom Digital customers can receive certain NBC shows like "The Office" by using the digital service's On Demand service. The company also noted that subscribers can "stream live sports like the NHL and Sunday Night Football by using high-speed Internet."
Mediacom's message also reported that customers who do not subscribe to the digital level of service can visit the company's office "for a free NBC On Demand box."

Meanwhile, KOMU reported it is listing alternatives for viewing its programming at KOMU.com/freeTV, or by calling KOMU at 573-882-8888.

Some NBC network programs are also available for viewing via the Internet at www.nbc.com or at www.hulu.com.


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Keiser Report: Monsanto and the Seeds of Evil - Financial News Analysis


The Keiser Report


Since September 2009, Keiser has hosted The Keiser Report with financial news and analysis, on the RT network. The 30-minute program is produced twice a week. Stacy Herbert appears in the first half of each show with headlines and commentary. In the second half Max Keiser interviews a guest.[20]

Financial punditry

Keiser has appeared as a financial pundit on a number of news-networks. His appearances are remarkable for the often incendiary nature of his remarks. For example, Keiser called for a "fatwa" against Hank Paulson[21] on Al Jazeera in response to the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). In a later-broadcast Keiser was seen ranting "Paulson Stinks".[22]


Throughout Keiser's shows he has been known for making predictions:
  • In the September 2004 issue of The Ecologist magazine, Keiser correctly predicted the 2008 collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when he wrote, "My guess is that the two stocks that look the likeliest to implode at the hands of derivative-wielding Wall Street financial types (and other fundamentalists) preying on a US economy made weak by cheap money are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."[23]
  • In 2006 he correctly predicted that sub-prime mortgage-backed securities would be the cause of recession by 2008.[18][dead link][citation needed]
  • In 2007 he correctly predicted the break-down of Iceland's economy in 2008.[24]
  • In July 2008, accused Lehman Brothers of "trying to out-Enron Enron", accusing the bank of "Peek-a-boo accounting", an attempt to mis-report the bank's wealth by gaming the regulatory system.[25]

Max Keiser (born January 23, 1960) is a film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Keiser is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis hosted by Iran's Press TV.[1] He also hosts Keiser Report, a financial tabloid, that broadcasts on RT (formerly Russia Today).[2] Keiser hosted the New Year's Eve special, The Keiser's Business Guide to 2010 for BBC Radio 5 Live.[3]
Keiser formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. Previously he produced and appeared regularly in the TV series People & Power on the Al-Jazeera English network. He also presents a weekly show about finance and markets on London's Resonance FM, as well as writing for The Huffington Post.[4]
In addition to his broadcasting work, Keiser is known for his invention of "Virtual Specialist Technology" - a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange.


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Lifehouse - Whatever It Takes VH1 - Will Headline Washington Missouri Town and Country Fair in August 2011


Several big-name country and rock artists will perform at the Washington Town and Country Fair in August.

The Washington Fair opens Wednesday, Aug. 3, and runs through Sunday, Aug. 7, at the city fairgrounds.

The musical headliners will kick off Thursday night with country band Little Big Town.

The group has sold over 1.5 million records and earned three Grammy nominations. They also recently performed the national anthem for both the Orange Bowl and Cotton Bowl.

Friday night's act is not official, but Nowak said it's a well-known rock band that's been around since the 1990s.

On Saturday, typically the biggest draw for the Fair, will be Lifehouse, an alternative rock band with many Top 40 hits, including "You and Me," "Hanging by a Moment," "Whatever It Takes" and "First Time."

 Closing out the Fair on Sunday night will be country music star Joe Nichols whose No. 1 singles include "Brokenheartsville," "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and "Gimmie That Girl."
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Israeli Vulture Arrested by Saudi Arabia as 'Zionist Spy' - yet another odd bird story


Saudis detain Israeli vulture for being ‘Zionist spy’

By Daniel Tencer
Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
Saudi Arabian authorities have reportedly detained a vulture on suspicion of being an Israeli spy.

According to reports in Middle Eastern media, a vulture discovered near a sheikh's home in the town of Hayel was tagged with the words "Tel Aviv University" and had a GPS transmitter attached to its leg.

For many locals, that was enough to indicate a plot by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. Saudi newspaper al-Weeam reported that the bird had a "foul odor coming out of its mouth -- proof of a Zionist plot."

But scientists at Tel Aviv University say the bird -- designated "E65" by researchers -- was part of a research project tracking the migrating habits of Middle Eastern vultures. They say seven birds were tagged in Israel in recent years, and some have made their way to Saudi Arabia.

"The subject is receiving great publicity [in Saudi Arabia] and it is important that Saudi authorities understand that it is not true," Ohad Hatzofe of Israel's Nature and Parks Authority said.
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Five myths about bullying - #1 myth Most bullying now happens online

 By Susan M. Swearer - Washington Post

Five myths about bullying

From schoolyards to workplaces and now to cyberspace as well, it seems that bullies are everywhere. New efforts to stop them and to help victims cope - such as the "It Gets Better" campaign - are gaining attention and popularity, but are they the best ways to protect kids and others from the worst forms of bullying? For them to have a fighting chance, let's first dispense with a few popular fallacies about getting picked on in America.

1. Most bullying now happens online.

Cyber-bullying has received enormous attention since the 2006 suicide of Megan Meier, an eighth-grader who was bullied on MySpace. The suicide of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi - who jumped off the George Washington Bridge near Manhattan in September after his roommate streamed video of a sexual encounter between Clementi and another male student online - also grabbed headlines.

As tragic as they are, these high-profile cases should not distract from more traditional - and more prevalent - forms of bullying. Whether battling rumors about their sexual orientation, enduring criticism of their clothes or getting pushed around at recess, kids are bullied offline all the time. While it's hard to stereotype bullying behavior in every school in every town in America, experts agree that at least 25 percent of students across the nation are bullied in traditional ways: hit, shoved, kicked, gossiped about, intimidated or excluded from social groups.

In a recent survey of more than 40,000 U.S. high school students conducted by the Josephson Institute, which focuses on ethics, 47 percent said they were bullied in the past year. But, according to the 2007 book "Cyber Bullying," as few as 10 percent of bullying victims are cyber-bullied. Meanwhile, a study of fifth, eighth and 11th graders in Colorado that same year found that they were more likely to be bullied verbally or physically than online.

Of course, with increased access to computers, cellphones and wireless Internet - not to mention the exploding popularity of social media sites - cyber-bullying will be on the rise in the coming years. But for now, traditional forms of bullying are more common.

2. Bullies are bullies and victims are victims.

Actually, it is common for kids who are bullied at home by an older sibling or abused by a parent to become bullies themselves at school. Domestic violence and bullying feed each other. Researchers have found that elementary school bullies are more likely than non-bullies to have witnessed domestic violence during their preschool years. According to a 2007 study of bullying in Japan, South Africa and the United States, 72 percent of children who were physically abused by their parents became a bully, a victim of a bully or both.

But taking out their frustrations on kids at school doesn't help bullies. Researchers have found that bullies who are bullied themselves have higher rates of depression, anxiety, anger and low self-esteem than kids who are only bullies, only victims or who are not involved in bullying at all. 

3. Bullying ends when you grow up.
4. Bullying is a major cause of suicide.
5. We can end bullying. 
. Click Here for more info.


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Hermann Missouri Area Bank Customers Target of Phone Phishing Scams Jan. 4th


Hermann Missouri Area Bank Customers Target of Phishing Scams Jan. 4th 2011

Peoples Savings Bank has issued a warning to local consumers about a telemarketing scam going on today in the area. Suspicious automated phone call which asks the consumer to type-in their credit or debit card number.

It is a type of phishing scam.  The recorded message says the card has been deactivated and to reactivate the card, the number must be typed-in.  Once the scammer has the card number, the account will be very vulnerable to theft.

If you receive one of these "robo calls," you are encouraged to hang up immediately.

phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.


Police department warns residents against newest cell phone scam

Texts were circulating around mid-Missouri on Tuesday, informing people they needed to contact Central Bank Trust about their account. The texts were scams, according to the Fulton Police Department.
The text gave a number for customers to call and when they called, Fulton Police Lt. Andre Cook said a recording told them the call would be recorded for customer service and “to better serve you, please enter your 16-digit card number.”
Cook warned against giving out personal information.

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An example of a phishing e-mail, disguised as an official e-mail from a (fictional) bank. The sender is attempting to trick the recipient into revealing confidential information by "confirming" it at the phisher's website. Note the misspelling of the words received and discrepancy. Such mistakes are common in most phishing emails. Also note that although the URL of the bank's webpage appears to be legitimate, it actually links to the phisher's webpage.
In the field of computer security, phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail or instant messaging,[1] and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to fool users,[2] and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies.[3] Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.
A phishing technique was described in detail in 1987, and the first recorded use of the term "phishing" was made in 1996. The term is a variant of fishing,[4] probably influenced by phreaking,[5][6] and alludes to baits used to "catch" financial information and passwords.

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La. has mass bird kill just days after Ark.

BEEBE, Ark. – Blackbirds are having hard time staying alive in the Southeast. Just a few days after 3,000 blackbirds fell from the sky in Arkansas, about 500 birds dropped to their death in Louisiana, littering a quarter-mile stretch of highway near Baton Rouge. It wasn't clear if the deaths were linked, but such massive wildlife kills are far from uncommon.
Biologists were trying to figure out what killed the birds in rural Pointe Coupee Parish, La. About 300 miles to the north, in the small town of Beebe in central Arkansas, scientists said celebratory fireworks on New Year's Eve likely sent thousands of discombobulated blackbirds into such a tizzy that they crashed into homes, cars and each other before plummeting to their deaths. Still, officials acknowledged it's unlikely they'll ever pinpoint a cause with certainty.
Wildlife officials in both Arkansas and Louisiana were sending carcasses to researchers at the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis. and the University of Georgia, but it's not clear the bird deaths were related.
In Beebe, New Year's revelers spent the holiday weekend cleaning up between 4,000 and 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds. Some speculated that bad weather was to blame. Others said one confused bird could have led the group in a fatal plunge. A few spooked schoolkids guessed the birds committed mass suicide.
"There was probably some physical reason, but I doubt anyone will ever know what it was," said Thurman Booth, the state's wildlife services director.
The birds were the second mass wildlife death in Arkansas in recent days. Last week, about 83,000 dead and dying drum fish washed up along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River, about 100 miles west of Beebe. Wildlife officials say the fish deaths are not related to the dead birds, and that because mainly one species of fish was affected, it is likely they were stricken by an illness. Full test results could take up to a month.
The U.S. Geological Service's website lists about 90 mass deaths of birds and other wildlife from June through Dec. 12. Five list deaths of at least 1,000 birds and another 12 show at least 500 dead birds.
The largest was near Houston, Minn., where about 4,000 water birds died between Sept. 6 and Nov. 26 from infestations of various parasites.
Red-winged blackbirds are among North America's most abundant birds, with somewhere between 100 million and 200 million nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, N.Y.
Associated Press writers Kelly P. Kissel and Chuck Bartels in Little Rock; Janet McConnaughey in New Orleans and Science Writer Seth Borenstein in Washington contributed to this report.


Mass La. bird deaths puzzle investigators

  • Advocate Westside bureau
  • Published: Jan 4, 2011

LABARRE — Hundreds of dead and dying birds littered a quarter-mile stretch of highway in Pointe Coupee Parish on Monday as motorists drove over and around them.

State biologists are trying to determine what led to the deaths of the estimated 500 red-winged blackbirds and starlings on La. 1 just down the road from Pointe Coupee Central High School.

The discovery of the dead birds — some of which were lying face down, clumped in groups, while others were face up with their wings outstretched and rigid legs pointing upward — comes just three days after more than 3,000 blackbirds rained down from the sky in Beebe, Ark.

Necropsies performed Monday on the birds in Arkansas showed the birds suffered internal injuries that formed blood clots leading to their deaths, The Associated Press reported.

In Louisiana, biologists with the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries spent part of the day Monday scooping up some of the birds in Pointe Coupee Parish to be sent for testing at labs in Georgia and Wisconsin.

The remaining carcasses were still on the roadway, on the shoulder and in drainage ditches Monday afternoon as some motorists sped past, flattening birds lying in the roadway, while other drivers slowed down to gawk.

State Wildlife Veterinarian Jim LaCour said he planned to drive to Pointe Coupee to pick up some of the bird carcasses to study.

Lab tests could take several weeks to come up with an explanation for the deaths, and LaCour declined to speculate on possible causes; however, he did say massive bird deaths have been known to occur in the state in the past, albeit in smaller numbers.

“Underlying disease, starvation and cold fronts where birds can’t get their body heat up” have caused similar occurrences “in various species over the years,” he said.

LaCour said some of the bird samples will be sent to the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Center in Wisconsin for analysis.

USGS spokesman Paul Slota said Monday afternoon he was unaware of the mass deaths in Louisiana, but he expects bird samples taken from the Arkansas occurrence on New Year’s Eve to arrive Tuesday in Wisconsin.

Slota also declined to speculate on a cause for the deaths, but he said a search of USGS records shows there have been 16 events in the past 30 years involving blackbirds where at least 1,000 of the birds have died seemingly all at once.

“These large events do take place,” he said. “It’s not terribly unusual.”
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Congressmen Carnahan, Filner plan update on investigation VA Medical Center in St. Louis Missouri

__________________________________________________________________________ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Carnahan, Filner plan update on VA investigation

Two congressmen are visiting St. Louis to meet with veterans and VA nurses as part of an investigation into problems at the VA Medical Center in St. Louis.

Democratic House members Russ Carnahan of St. Louis and Bob Filner of California were also scheduled Tuesday to tour the medical center and update the media on the investigation.

Filner was chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee last year. He led a field hearing in July after news that sterilization failures at the hospital's dental clinic potentially exposed more than 1,800 veterans to hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.

So far, no known cases of disease have been linked to the sterilization problem.
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Suspicion Over Mass Bird Deaths Tops Google Trends 100,000 Fish Die Off Arkansas

Green Box 1 is Beebe Location of Bird Die Off - 
Red Box 2 is Ozark Damn area of Fish Die Off.
Both Die Offs occurred within 125 miles of each other.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com

Monday, January 3, 2011

Suspicion over the real cause of a mass die-off of birds and fish in Arkansas is running rampant after the story topped Google Trends today following our article which asked whether secret government testing was behind the carnage.

“Bird government testing,” shot to number one on Google Trends, which ranks the most popular search queries on the web.

Alex Jones’ film Endgame, which documents countless examples of biological testing and other unwitting experiments conducted by governments in pursuit of bacteriological warfare and population control, also hit number two on the search rankings.

Our article was also picked up by the popular Drudge Report website as the story became the hottest topic on the Internet.
Read the article: Is Mass Bird and Fish Die Off Connected to Government Testing?











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100.000 Dead Drum Fish cover 20-miles of Arkansas River in Ozark, Franklin County VIDEO


Arkansas Game & Fish is trying to figure out why 100,000 fish in Northwest Arkansas turned up dead. They were found along a 20-mile stretch between the Ozark Dam and Highway 109 Bridge in Franklin County.
The 20-mile stretch along the Arkansas River where an estimated 100,000 drum fish were found washed ashore and floating looks much different now.

Keith Stephens with Game and Fish explains, "We got a call last week from a tug boat operator that found the fish out on the river along the bank, in the river channel and we immediately dispatched somebody to the area to take a look."

Investigators from local and state agencies took samples from the affected area. Stephens says fish kills occur every year, but the magnitude of this one is unusual, and disease could be the cause.

A pollutant would have affected cross species. Stephens says, "Ninety-nine percent of them were Drum, which is a bottom feeder. It's not a game fish in Arkansas."

Some fish collected were alive and visibly sick. They have been taken to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for testing.
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Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe Arkansas New Years Eve 2 VIDEOS


Just before folks in Beebe rang in the New Year, many witnessed an uncanny resemblance to the Hitchcock movie "The Birds." About 2,000 black birds fell from the sky off Windwood Drive, leaving quite the mess to clean up.

Folks Today's THV spoke with initially thought the birds were poisoned because they are what they call a nuisance around this time every year, but they are surprised to hear it is more of a mystery.

Stephen Bryant recalls, "Millions, millions fly over every night. You look up at the sky and it's just black and then last night at about 10:30 I came out here and saw a bird drop."

In a matter of hours on New Years Eve thousands of birds fell from the sky to their death.

Melissa Weatherly says, "I immediately called mom because I had to go to work, I said you have to come get the kids and get the dog because I don't know what's going on." She continues, "It was horrible; you could not even get down the road without running over hundreds. It was that bad."

The mystery is unraveling like scenes from a movie, dozens of U.S. Environmental Services crews spent the day picking up the birds, walking between homes and climbing on roofs with protective hazmat suits and breathing masks,.

Charles Boldrey stands outside watching the crews, "Nobody knows, I asked these guys who are out here picking them up and they don't seem to know anything. Nobody seems to know anything. It just kind of freaked everybody out."

Officials with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission flew over the area and determined it's a one mile stretch. There are a variety of dead black birds, mostly red winged and a duck was also found.

No one has been evacuated because the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) air test came back clean for toxins.
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Are You Expecting a Better 2011 than 2010 - New HERMANN MO NEWS Poll Added


Just Added, One of Hermann MO News' unscientific, 'Just Curious Polls'

You can find our polls near the top of this web page.

Are You Expecting a Better 2011 than 2010


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Rate Hermann Missouri 2010 Oktoberfest - Hermann MO News Poll Closed - Results Listed


One of Hermann MO News' unscientific, 'Just Curious Polls' recently closed. Here are the results.

Rate Hermann Missouri 2010 Oktoberfest

Best Ever -           7 Votes -  9.5%
Great  -              28 Votes - 37.8%
OK -                  28 Votes - 37.8%
Disappointed -   11 Votes - 14.9%

Thank you for your participation!____________________________________________________________________________

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Do you Like Daylights Savings Time? Hermann MO News Poll Closed - Results Listed


One of Hermann MO News' unscientific, 'Just Curious Polls' recently closed. Here are the results.


Yes -           16 Votes - 25%
No  -           40 Votes - 63%
Don't Care - 7 Votes - 11%

Thank you for your participation!

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14 states may target birthright citizenship - New Anti-Illegal-Immigrant Bill


14 states may target birthright citizenship

By Liz Goodwin
Arizona state politicians will introduce model legislation this week to encourage states to prevent children of illegal immigrants from being granted citizenship under the 14th Amendment.

Lawmakers in at least 14 states have said they are committed to passing the legislation targeting birthright citizenship. Arizona's anti-illegal-immigrant bill, SB-1070, was also based on model legislation that could be easily copied by states, and at least seven states are likely to pass bills similar to the first Arizona immigration overhaul this year, according to one analysis by an immigrants rights group.

Arizona state Senator Russell Pearce will unveil the bill Jan. 5 in Washington, D.C., the Arizona Capital Times reports. The paper says lawmakers in Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Utah have said they want to introduce similar legislation this year.

Pearce argues that the "original intent" of the 14th Amendment was to grant citizenship to freed U.S. slaves, and that it was never meant to apply to the children of foreigners. A Phoenix New Times writer, however, argues that lawmakers who originally passed the amendment took into account the cases of children of Chinese immigrants in California as well as children of gypsies when drafting the measure. A 19th-century Supreme Court precedent also backs that interpretation, though no Supreme Court case has yet dealt with the issue of offspring of illegal immigrant parents.
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Kim Kardashian Poses for February Glamour Magazine in a Corset CLAIMS 'I Don't Feel...Sexy'


Kim Kardashian Isn’t All That Comfortable Taking Her Clothes Off

Posted by ebrady on January 3rd, 2011
kim kardashian glamour 224x300 Kim Kardashian Isnt All That Comfortable Taking Her Clothes Off
Kim Kardashian Shows Her Curves on Glamour Magazine

Kim Karadashian is hot, Hot, HOT!  Girls want to be her.  Guys want to date her..  She send magazines flying off the stands and drives flurries of traffic to websites.  Yet Kim Kardashian isn’t as comfortable with her curves as she appears to be. 

The star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Kourtney & Kim Take New York struggles with the same body image issues that plague many of today’s girls and even grown women.  Despite the fact that she has posed nude on the covers of W and Playboy, Kim Kardashian really doesn’t find herself all that sexy.

Kim Kardahian gives to world a glimpse of what it is like to be the Internet’s most searched woman (and flashes her bra) in the newest issue of Glamour magazine.  From the outside it would seem that Kim is comfortable with her title as one of the world’s most beautiful woman, but in reality she still struggles with the same self esteem issues facing many young girls. 

“I don’t find myself as sexy as everyone thinks,” Kim tells the magazine. “I’m a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I’m always so indecisive.”

It was through her modelling endeavors that Kim found the empowerment to accept her body and become more comfortable in her own skin.
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