Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tornado Damage Maryland Heights Missouri April 22, 2011 RAW VIDEO: UPDATE: Tornado confirmed; 2,700 buildings in St. Louis County with serious damage


2,700 buildings in St. Louis County with serious damage

ST. LOUIS COUNTY • Response teams were out in force Saturday to assess damage and provide help after a violent storm hammered the region, bringing the worst destruction in recent memory.
The National Weather Service confirmed today that an EF4 tornado, packing winds between 166 and 200 mph, touched down in Bridgeton. It also confirmed an EF1 touch-down in New Melle (St. Charles County), and an EF2 touch-down in Pontoon Beach, near Granite City. The Weather Service also believes there was a touch-down in Maryland Heights but is still taking measurements.
In St. Louis County alone, more than 2,700 buildings, including homes and businesses, suffered "noticeable damage," according to early estimates from county officials. That ranges from severe to extreme damage and doesn't include homes that may have suffered less dramatic damage. North County suffered the brunt of the hit.
"It's pretty much a straight path from Maryland Heights to the Chain of Rocks Bridge," said Rick Eckhard, spokesman for the St. Louis County Police.
Officials expressed surprise that more people weren't seriously hurt, given the scale of the storm and how far it reached across the area.
"We're calling it a miracle," said Michael Smiley, director of emergency management for St. Louis County. "We haven't had any fatalities and there were no serious injuries."
The county provided the following preliminary estimates of the number of buildings with "noticeable damage":
• Maryland Heights: 1,169. Nearly 200 homes were damaged in the David Meadows subdivision alone, with some buildings completely leveled and the roofs of several others ripped off.
• Bridgeton: 901. The Harmann Estates subdivision had about 80 damaged homes, at least half of which were major.
• Berkeley: 456. Police Chief Frank McCall Jr. said officers have been telling residents they need to clear out of badly damaged homes. "A lot of the residences are going to be condemned," he said.
• Ferguson: 34
• Dellwood: 30
• Moline Acres: 30
• Riverview: 30
• St. Ann: 20 to 30
• Bellefontaine Neighbors: 20 to 30
Meanwhile, two local highways are open again after storm damage forced closures last night. Interstate 70, between I-270 and Cypress Road, was reopened this morning after downed power lines and debris were cleared. I-270 between Dorsett Road and McKelvey Road is also open again.
Crews had to plow the debris to the side of the roadways and it will take several days to clear. Officials warned motorists not to slow to gawk at the debris, as many have been doing today.
Another concern right now is possible flooding, with lakes and rivers already cresting and rain expected to continue through Monday. The National Weather service has issued a flash flood watch for at least 24 counties in the bi-state region, including St. Louis and St. Louis County.
Outside of St. Louis County, Granite City and New Melle were among the outlying communities that suffered damage. In New Melle, 14 homes suffered minor damage and four suffered major damage, according to county officials.


Storm leaves heavy damage in St. Louis region

April 23, 2011

ST. LOUIS • The National Weather Service reports that the storm that ripped through the region Friday was the worst its seen in more than 40 years.
The last time the area saw such severe and widespread damage was on Jan. 24., 1967, when a tornado traveled 21 miles across St. Louis County following an eerily similar path.
That was the fourth-worst tornado in history to hit the St. Louis metropolitan area, according to the weather service.
"People are going to remember this for a long time," said Jim Sieveking, the lead forecaster at the National Weather Service in St. Louis.
A storm path producing tornadoes on Friday traveled from Maryland Heights all the way across the Mississippi River to Granite City, leaving a wake of destroyed homes, fallen trees and downed wires.
Its path was only about five to 10 miles off from the tornado of 1967, Sieveking said.
Lambert International Airport, smack in the middle of that path, was hit hard, losing part of its roof and seeing its windows shattered throughout the main terminal. There were multiple injuries, none serious. The airport is closed down indefinitely.
Officials plan to hold a press conference at 10 a.m. with updates on the situation there.
The weather service has confirmed tornadoes touched down in New Melle, Maryland Heights and Granite City. Survey teams are out inspecting the damage, to confirm suspected tornadoes elsewhere along that storm route.
Sieveking said they will be looking for the telltale signs: convergent patterns in the damage, twisting and turning of the tree limbs, houses removed from their foundations.
He said forecasters are confident the tornado touched down in Maryland Heights, Bridgeton and Edmundson because at those points they were actually picking up on their weather radars the debris that was swirling through the tornadoes.
This storm was far worse than the one that hammered Sunset Hills on New Year's Eve, he said. The tornadoes then were from a squall line thunderstorm. Squall lines are famous for their damaging winds but don't usually produce tornadoes — and when they do, they are short-lived, he said.
Friday was a supercell thunder storm, known for producing long-path tornadoes, hail and damaging winds.
The 1967 storm first touched down in Chesterfield and then headed northeast at 40 miles-per-hour. It was on the ground for 35 minutes, according to the weather service, and left a path of destruction ranging from 50 to 200 yards wide.
There were 216 injuries and three fatalities. Property damage was significant, with 168 homes destroyed, 258 with major damage, and 1485 with minor damage. At least 600 businesses were damaged or destroyed.
The total damage was estimated to be around 15 million dollars.

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Japan Earthquake Tsunami Scenes of Cleanup and Life in Quake Aftermath April 2011 VIDEO


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1. Various of collapsed houses, upside down cars [0.00-2.11]
2. Various of excavators, workers clearing debris [2.11-3.12]
3. Various of damaged ships [3.12-3.30]
4. Various of collapsed houses, upside down cars, people walking amid debris [3.30-4.31]
5. Various of people taking possessions from collapsed houses [4.31-5.03]
6. Various of damaged ships [5.03-5.15]
7. Various of collapsed houses [5.15-5.42]
8. Mid: rescue crew in motor boat [5.43-5.54]
9. Mid: worker fixing electric pole [5.54-6.00]
10. Various of collapsed houses [6.00-6.14]
11. Various of people washing dishes in river [6.14-6.40]
12. Various of people taking possessions from collapsed houses [6.40-7.28]
13. Various damaged houses [7.28-7.39]
14. Various of flooded area [7.39-8.04]
15. Various damaged houses [8.04-8.41]
16. Mid: teenagers riding bicycles [8.41-8.50]
17. Wide: flooded area seen from car window [8.50-8.59]
18. Various of industrial buildings with “Welcome to Ishinomaki” written on one of them [8.59-9.08]
19. Various of broken ship [9.08-9.18]
20. Various of relief center, mobile kitchen [9.18-9.34]
21. Various of children playing [9.34-9.44]
22. Various of relief center, sleeping room [9.44-10.24]
23. Various of people checking the lists [10.24-10.35]
24. Various of people receiving meal [10.35-11.09]
25. Various of girl watching TV [11.09-11.18]
26. Various of people receiving meal [11.18-11.45]

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Mars Orbiter Discovers Ice Lake NASA Reveals


NASA discovers ice lake on Mars




NASA scientists recently discovered an underground dry ice lake containing more carbon dioxide than originally thought. The trapped carbon dioxide is thought to have come from the planet's atmosphere earlier in its history when it was conducive for life on Mars to exist.

"It really is a buried treasure," said Jeffrey Plaut, a scientist of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a report appearing in the journal Science. "We found something underground that no one else realized was there."
The discovery was made possible through ground-penetrating radar of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter who is searching for clues of life on Mars, according to Empowered News.
The newly deposit is about 3,000 cubic miles, or about the volume of Lake Superior, and holds enough carbon dioxide to nearly double the mass of the Martian atmosphere. Mars' atmosphere has a surface pressure less than 1 percent that at Earth's surface at the lowest altitudes. The air on Mars is 95 percent carbon dioxide, while that on Earth is less than 0.04 percent CO2.
"We already knew there is a small perennial cap of carbon-dioxide ice on top of the water ice there, but this buried deposit has about 30 times more dry ice than previously estimated," said Roger Phillips of Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., in a statement. Phillips is deputy team leader for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Shallow Radar instrument and lead author of the study, International Business Times reports.

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Great mix of the the two songs!!!

Metropolis is a silent science fiction film directed by Fritz Lang and written by Lang and Thea von Harbou. Music by Gottried Huppertz. Lang and von Harbou, who were married, wrote the screenplay in 1924, and the story was novelized by von Harbou in 1926. It is set in a futuristic urban dystopia and examines a common science fiction theme of the day: the social crisis between workers and owners in capitalism. The film stars Alfred Abel as the leader of the city, Gustav Fröhlich as his son, who tries to mediate between the elite caste and the workers, Brigitte Helm as both the pure-at-heart worker Maria and the debased robot version of her, and Rudolf Klein-Rogge as the mad scientist who created the robot.
Metropolis was produced in Germany in the Babelsberg Studios by Universum Film A.G. (UFA) and released in 1927 during a stable period of the Weimar Republic. The most expensive film of its time, it cost approximately 7 million Reichsmark to make. The film was cut substantially after its German premiere, and there have been several efforts to restore it.

What does all this mean? I read this anonymous theory on the web:

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Attackers Identified, Charged Police Investigate Whether 'Racially Motivated' UPDATE: Female Race War in Baltimore ??? White Girl Down Attack Continues at McDonalds



Violence in another McDonalds almost kills customer
Here is another fine example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Two black females beating the hell out of a white patron, while several black employees stand by and watch. One black male manages to provide the facade of assistance to the white victim in this brutal attack.

The two black females exit, then re-enter the store to continue the beating, until a an older white woman attempts to stop them from dragging the white victim outside into the parking lot. note: the black male employees have disappeared from camera view, even though they are plenty well capable of stopping the attack.

At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the camera operator warns the black female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way. Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend. Less..   
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Our Concern Regarding the Baltimore Video Incident

We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault.  This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling. McDonald’s strives to be a safe, welcoming environment for everyone who visits.  Nothing is more important to us than the safety of customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter.
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Baltimore County McDonald's beating video goes viral

Gay advocacy group says attack on transgender woman a hate crime

April 23, 2011

A video of a vicious beating at a Baltimore County McDonald's restaurant went viral Friday, garnering hundreds of thousands of views on websites and prompting the fast-food giant to issue a statement condemning the incident.

The video shows two women — one of them a 14-year-old girl — repeatedly kicking and punching the 22-year-old victim in the head, as an employee of the Rosedale restaurant and a patron try to intervene. Others can be heard laughing, and men are seen standing idly by.

Toward the end of the video, one of the suspects lands a punishing blow to the victim's head, and she appears to have a seizure. A man's voice tells the women to run because police are coming.

The three-minute clip was apparently first posted on YouTube, then taken down by administrators who said it violated the site's policies. But it popped back up on other sites and was ultimately linked from the popular Drudge Report, which gave it top billing for much of the day.

By early evening, the video had received more than 500,000 views on one site alone.

County police confirmed that the attack occurred April 18 in the 6300 block of Kenwood Ave. Police said the 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile, while charges were pending against an 18-year-old woman.

Equality Maryland said the victim is a transgender woman and called on state Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler to step in and investigate the case as a hate crime. Police and prosecutors said they did not know whether the victim is a transgender woman.

"It does appear that the victim was a transgender woman, and she was brutalized while people stood by and watched," said Lisa Polyak, vice president of the board of directors for Equality Maryland, an advocacy organization that fought unsuccessfully in the past legislative session for greater protections for transgender individuals. "There's no excuse for that violence under any circumstances, but we would encourage police to investigate as a hate crime."

The police report does not provide a motive, but quotes one of the suspects saying that the fight was "over using a bathroom."

As the video spread online, McDonald's acknowledged that the attack had occurred in a Baltimore-area restaurant and said it was working with local police.

"We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling," the company said in a statement posted on its website. "Nothing is more important than the safety of our customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter."

The video received widespread attention part because of the racial dynamics of the attack – the attackers were black, and the victim is white. State's Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger, who said he was unaware of the gender-related issues, said the racial dynamics of the incident could result in hate-crime charges.

"We just received this case, and the Police Department is continuing their investigation," Shellenberger said. "If there is evidence that the crime was racially motivated, we will take a look at those charges and see if we meet those elements. We have the ability, if the facts are there, to upgrade the charges at a later date."

The victim suffered cuts to her mouth and face, and a police report said she had been taken to Franklin Square Hospital Center in fair condition. Police said Friday they had no update on her status.

The video begins with two women near a bathroom door kicking and hitting a woman who is lying on the ground.

An employee repeatedly tries to separate them, but the attackers continue to stomp and kick the victim's head. People yell, "Stop! Stop!" to no avail, though others can be heard laughing. An older woman at one point also attempts to pull the attackers away and is shoved.

About halfway through the three-minute clip, the attackers rip a wig off the victim and drag her by her hair to the front door. That is where the victim is sitting before another blow to the head causes an apparent seizure.

Throughout the attack, a man is filming and does not intervene. But when the victim appears to have a seizure, he yells, "She having a seizure, yo. … Police on their way. Y'all better get out of here."

Through a McDonald's spokesman, the owner of the Rosedale restaurant released a statement. The chain said the owner and employees would not be made available for comment, including an update on possible discipline of the employees.

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Presidential Hopefuls Pawlenty, Huckabee to Headline St. Louis area events

Presidential possibles Pawlenty, Huckabee to headline area events

By Jo Mannies
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Two former Republican governors who have their eyes on the White House in 2012 -- Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Mike Huckabee of Arkansas -- will be in the region soon to promote their views and possible candidacies. 
Pawlenty is slated to be in Collinsville next Thursday as the keynote speaker for a luncheon to benefit a conservative political-action committee formally known as "For the Good of Illinois PAC." The PAC’s chairman is Adam Andrzejewski, who made an unsuccessful GOP bid for Illinois governor in 2010. The luncheon also is to feature three new conservative Illinois state legislators from Metro East who won in last fall’s elections. Their victory has been dubbed by Andrzejewski as "the Metro East Miracle."
The luncheon begins at noon at the Gateway Center in Collinsville; tickets are $75.
Meanwhile, Huckabee is to be at the St. Louis Family Arena in St. Charles on May 1, as one of the headliners for a 3 p.m. event called "Road to the White House, Taking Back America."
The sponsor is radio station 97.1 FM, known as "FM News Talk 97.1." The hosts are to be radio talk-show hosts Jamie Allman and Dana Loesch.
The event also will feature Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger and commentator. Tickets are available through FM News Talk 97.1 and Metro Tix.  The prices range from $16 to $103 for special VIP floor tickets.

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Unlikely Honda CRF 450 Highway Crash VIDEO CAUGHT ON TAPE - Warning - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME OR ON THE ROAD



Motorcycle strapped to car DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!!

These two yea-hoos thought they had a great idea to transport their dirt bike on the highway outside of Montreal Canada.

How do I know they were together?  The guy filming has a gas can in the back of his hatchback car.

How do I know the guy filming isn't too bright either?  He is traveling with an open (non-capped) gas can in his vehicle!!!

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Japan Fukushima Devastation Revealed by Robotic Aerial VIDEO PackBots Inside Reactor


Video Taken by Aerial Robotic Vehicle at Fukushima Reveals Devastation

Matt Ryan
April 22, 2011

The ongoing crisis at Fukushima has been all but forgotten in the minds of the mainstream media. Radiation continues to be a serious problem for residents of Japan and even here in America, increased radiation levels are being found across the country. The Japanese government has continued to downplay the magnitude of this disaster and the long-term affects it will have on the world.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the company in charge of the Fukushima plant, used a robotic aerial vehicle known as the T-Hawk to survey the damaged nuclear site last Friday. The T-Hawk was developed by Honeywell and launched through DARPA and is currently being used in Afghanistan and Iraq as a reconnaissance tool.
What the video clearly shows is the extremely devastating impact the large explosions have had on the facility. With spent nuclear fuel rods being housed directly next to the main reactor shielding (seen as a yellow dome in the videos), this new footage may only intensify concerns over their condition.

The beginning of the video is of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Reactor No 4. The helicopter operators seem to be focusing on No 4′s structural damage and on how much and what type of debris is covering No 4′s spent fuel pool.

It then shows the debris adjacent to the east side of the Reactor No 4 building, and what is left of the east side of the Reactor No 4 building and Reactor No 4′s double seal (yellow). Note that No 4′s core has no fuel in it. All of No 4′s fuel (which is not totally spent) is in No 4′s fuel storage pool.

The 6:45 mark of the Video shows the cement pumper truck which is pumping water onto the fuel storage pool.

The next 4 minutes concentrates more on an overhead view of the damaged reactors. Here you can see what is believed to be reactors 3 and 4. Debris are scattered throughout the facility, a clear view from the sky to the reactor 4 double seal (yellow) and smoke seems to be still rising from the reactor.

At the 11:05 mark the video switches to PackBots inside the Reactors as Follows:

11:05 - 1st Floor Unit 3
19:18 - 1st Floor Unit 2
23:17 - 1st Floor Unit 1
23:44 - 1st Floor Unit 3
27:29 - 1st Floor Unit 2

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