Friday, May 6, 2011

U.S. DOD Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag



Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack
aul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.
Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”. He served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations, Nixon, Ford and Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior, and still works as a consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain, Pieczenik achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School as he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT.
Recruited by Lawrence Eagleburger as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Management, Pieczenik went on to develop, “the basic tenets for psychological warfare, counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural negotiations for the US State Department, military and intelligence communities and other agencies of the US Government,” while also developing foundational strategies for hostage rescue that were later employed around the world.
Pieczenik also served as a senior policy planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker and worked on George W. Bush’s election campaign against Al Gore. His record underscores the fact that he is one of the most deeply connected men in intelligence circles over the past three decades plus.
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Obama Wants to Tax and Track All Drivers

Eric Blair
Activist Post
May 6, 2011

“Oh, say can you see…the land of the fee, and home of the slave?” Americans really better wake up before it’s too late. Perhaps it already is.

Today Pete Kasperowicz of The Hill reported that the Obama administration, following a March Congressional Budget Office report, has “floated” the idea of taxing drivers per mile.  Kasperowicz writes:
The plan is a part of the administration’s ‘Transportation Opportunities Act,’ an undated draft of which was obtained this week by Transportation Weekly.
…Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations. (my emphasis)
If this doesn’t alert you to the direction of America, I don’t know what will. The government wants to tax Americans for simply leaving their homes, and track their cars via mandatory GPS chips.
According to the bill, a new sub-agency, the Surface Transportation Revenue Alternatives Office, will be funded to the tune of $300 million to ”study framework that defines the functionality of a mileage-based user fee system and other systems.”

The White House claims they did not create or support the measure because “This was an early working draft proposal that was never formally circulated within the administration, does not take into account the advice of the president’s senior advisers, economic team or Cabinet officials, and does not represent the views of the president.”
But, why would they need a GPS tracking device to accomplish this goal?  Couldn’t they simply raise gas taxes?  After all, it’s a consumption-based tax that supposedly goes into road maintenance.

This is a classic case of introducing draconian legislation to float the most extreme path in order get half of what they really expected to get.  They know there will be a loud uproar over mandates for GPS mileage trackers in every car.  Yet, they’ll make the argument that it’s needed because of our crumbling infrastructure, crippling debt, or to help reduce global warming.  Meanwhile, they’ll bloat the government even more with this new well-funded agency to prepare the “public awareness communications plan” — aka propaganda.  When it’s all over, they’ll leave the tracking to LoJack and your smart phone to relieve the anxiety about Big Brother intrusions and simply raise the gas taxes nationally.  And once again, citizens will be fleeced by the government but they’ll somehow be content with the compromise.
This is a new proposal at the Federal level, but has been proposed in a handful of states aimed at raising revenues.  An active program in Oregon is for electric vehicles which are obviously exempt from paying gas taxes at the pump.  But the proposal for Massachusetts and the nation is reportedly for all cars.
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Below is a recent segment on Fox News to have a mock debate about it.  The host apparently got the propaganda talking points already as he subtly sells the idea throughout the segment. While Senator Scott Brown was right to call it Orwellian, he’s just playing his role, too.  Get ready to accept more slavery.


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Unemployment Up Again 9 Percent as Higher Gas Prices Slows Economic Recovery


U.S. Payrolls Increased 244,000 in April; Unemployment at 9%


The U.S. economy added more jobs than forecast in April, easing concern that higher fuel prices are slowing the economic recovery.
Payrolls increased by 244,000 workers last month, the biggest gain since May 2010, after a revised 221,000 gain the prior month, the Labor Department said today in Washington. Economists projected an April rise of 185,000, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. Employment excluding government jobs jumped the most in five years. The jobless rate rose to 9 percent, the first increase since November.
More jobs and rising wages may give households, whose spending accounts for 70 percent of the economy, the means to overcome the highest gasoline prices in almost three years. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and some of his colleagues have signaled they plan to forge ahead through June with record monetary stimulus to bolster the expansion.
“The labor market has finally moved into sustainable- growth mode,” Guy LeBas, chief fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC in Philadelphia, said before the report. “We can expect growth numbers to be positive.”
Payroll estimates in the Bloomberg survey of 86 economists ranged from gains of 118,000 to 325,000. March was revised up from a previously reported gain of 216,000, and February payrolls increased 235,000 after a prior estimate of 194,000.
The unemployment rate was projected to hold at 8.8 percent, according to the survey median.

Private Hiring Jumps

Private hiring, which excludes government agencies, rose by 268,000 in April, more than the 200,000 median forecast in the Bloomberg survey and the most since February 2006, after a 231,000 increase in March.
While companies stepped up hiring, earnings rose and hours increased. Average hourly earnings climbed to $22.95 in April, today’s report showed, while the average work week for all employees held at 34.3 hours.
The separate survey of households showed the size of the labor force was little changed in April and employment shrank by 190,000. That pushed the share of the population in the labor force down to 58.4 percent from 58.5 percent a month earlier.
Government payrolls decreased by 24,000 last month. Local government employment dropped by 14,000.
Factory payrolls increased by 29,000 last month, more than the survey forecast of a 20,000 gain, after a 22,000 rise in March.
Employment at service-providers rose 200,000 in April after a 184,000 gain the prior month. The health care industry added 37,300 workers in April. Construction payrolls rose 5,000 and retail trade employment increased 57,100.

Norfolk Southern

Some companies are adding workers. Norfolk Southern Corp. (NSC) is expanding payrolls as the fourth-biggest U.S. railroad benefits from an economic expansion that’s boosting shipping volumes. First-quarter profit excluding some items was $1 a share, topping the 90-cent average estimate from 27 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.
“We still have a need for additional employees for the business that we’ve got out there,” Mark Manion, chief operating officer of Norfolk Southern, said in an April 27 teleconference. “There is a need to hire for our current business as well as hiring for the growth that’s anticipated in the first -- this year and on into 2012.”
While payrolls have grown each month since October, Bernanke said on April 27 that central bankers would like to see more strength in the U.S. job market, noting that a recovery has been “quite slow.”

‘Improving Gradually’

“The labor market is improving gradually,” Bernanke said to reporters during the first-ever press conference following a Federal Open Market Committee meeting. “We would like to make sure that that is sustainable. The longer it goes on, the more confident we are.”
Economic growth slowed to a 1.8 percent annual rate in the first quarter after expanding at a 3.1 percent pace in the last three months of 2010, according to Commerce Department figures.
Regular fuel was $3.99 a gallon on May 4, the highest since July 2008, according to AAA, the nation’s biggest motoring organization. Food costs rose 0.8 percent in March, also the most since July 2008, consumer-price index data from the Labor Department showed last month.
The so-called underemployment rate -- which includes part- time workers who’d prefer a full-time position and people who want work but have given up looking -- rose to 15.9 percent from 15.7 percent, today’s report showed.

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Gas $ 3.99 Gallon Average Highest Since July 2008: Rate of Job Growth Too Slow to Help Unemployment Rate

Last time gas prices hit $4 a Gallon...

Employment in U.S. Likely Slowed as Companies Cut Spending
May 6, 2011

The pace of hiring in the U.S. probably cooled in April as companies curbed spending in the face of rising raw-material costs, economists said ahead of a government report today.
Payrolls rose by 185,000 workers last month compared with a 216,000 advance in March, according to the median forecast of 86 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The jobless rate may have held at 8.8 percent.
The economic recovery that began in June 2009 may need to generate more jobs to ensure that consumers, whose spending accounts for 70 percent of the economy, will be able to weather rising fuel and food prices. An employment slowdown underscores why Federal Reserve policy makers last week decided to forge ahead with record monetary stimulus to bolster the expansion.
The current, “moderate” rate of job growth “is a pace that really wouldn’t do much for the unemployment rate,” said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James & Associates Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida. “There’s a lot of slack in the economy, especially in the labor market. Higher gasoline prices have been a restraint in the near-term.”
The Labor Department’s jobs numbers are due at 8:30 a.m. in Washington. Bloomberg survey estimates range from payroll increases of 118,000 to 325,000.
Private payrolls, which exclude government positions, are forecast to rise by 200,000 following a 230,000 gain the previous month, according to the survey median. The projected April increase would be the smallest in three months.

Two-Year Low

The jobless rate dropped a percentage point over the four months ended March to reach 8.8 percent, the lowest level in two years. Estimates in the Bloomberg survey for April range from 8.6 percent to 9 percent.
While payrolls have grown each month since October, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said on April 27 that central bankers would like to see more strength in the U.S. labor market, noting that a recovery has been “quite slow.”
“The labor market is improving gradually,” Bernanke said to reporters during the first-ever press conference following a Federal Open Market Committee meeting. “We would like to make sure that that is sustainable. The longer it goes on, the more confident we are.”
Households may find it difficult to boost spending as they pay more for groceries and gas. The average price of regular gasoline was $3.99 a gallon on May 4, the highest since July 2008, according to AAA, the nation’s biggest motoring organization. Food costs rose 0.8 percent in March, also the most since July 2008, data from the Labor Department showed last month.

Stocks Retreat

Stocks have fallen over the past week on concerns that a slowdown in U.S. growth during the first three months of the year may be extending into the second quarter. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has declined 2.1 percent since April 29.
The S&P 500 Index (SPX) fell 0.9 percent yesterday, the most since April 18, after the biggest plunge in commodity prices since 2009. Cheap fuel prices would help ease the damage to consumer spending.
“If we get gasoline prices down, that should help consumer spending and in turn the job outlook,” said Raymond James’ Brown.
The economy expanded at a 1.8 percent annual pace in the first quarter, down from the 3.1 percent rate the previous three months, the Commerce Department said last week.

Growth Slowdown

Other economic measures are signaling a pause in the expansion. The Institute for Supply Management’s indexes of manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies both declined in April.
Some companies are still planning to add workers. “We are going to be hiring and growing employment in Puget Sound and in South Carolina over the foreseeable future,” Jim McNerney, chief executive officer of Boeing Co. (BA), said on an April 27 teleconference. “Production rates are fueling really an unprecedented growth for commercial airplanes.”
Manufacturing employment is forecast to rise by 20,000 in April after a 17,000 increase a month earlier, according to the Bloomberg survey. In January, factory payrolls rose 53,000.

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Ron Paul Cheered - Call For Afghanistan Withdrawal - GOP Presidential Debate VIDEO



Ron Paul's Call For Afghanistan Withdrawal Draws Cheers At Fox News GOP Debate (VIDEO)
May 5, 2011

WASHINGTON -- With the death of Osama bin Laden dominating the news cycle and captivating the public this week, the five Republican presidential hopefuls who showed in South Carolina Thursday for the Fox News debate were asked to explain their position on the war in Afghanistan.
Fox News host Brett Baier brought up the issue in one of the first questions of the night, asking former senator Rick Santorum about his claim that President Obama has made America less safe.
"When it comes to going after terrorists, for example, drone attacks in Pakistan have more than tripled under President Obama. He just sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan last year, and he just authorized, as we talked about, this mission to kill bin Laden. How much more aggressive could he be?" asked Baier.
Santorum replied that when Obama has done well on foreign policy, it's been because he has continued President George W. Bush's policies, such as "keeping Gitmo open" and "trying to win in Afghanistan." In recent days, many Republicans have rushed to embrace the former president, a man barely mentioned during the last election cycle.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), however, received the first applause of the night when he forcefully called for withdrawal:
[Bin Laden] wasn't caught in Afghanistan. Nation-building in Afghanistan and telling those people how to live and getting involved in running their country hardly had anything to do with finding the information where he was being held in a country that we give billions of dollars of foreign aid to, at the same time we are bombing that country. So it's the policy that is at fault. Not having the troops in Afghanistan wouldn't have hurt. We went to Afghanistan to get him, and he hasn't been there. Now that he's killed, boy, it is a wonderful time for this country now to reassess it, get the troops out of Afghanistan and end that war that hasn't helped us and hasn't helped anybody in the Middle East.

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Ron Paul Raises $ 1 Million Plus In One Day Presidential Run


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Britney Spears Jumps On 2012 End Of The World Bandwagon - MUSIC VIDEO: Till The World Ends



Lyrics of this song:
Britney Spears - Verse 1

This Kitten Got Your Tong Tied In Knots I See
Spit It Out Cuz Im Dying For Company
I Notice That You Got It
You Notice That I Want It
You Know That I Can Take It To The Next Level Ba-by!
If You Want This Good Bitch
Sicker Than The Remix
Baby Let Me Blow Your Mind Tonight


I Can't Take It Take It Take No More
Never Felt Like Felt Like This Before
C’mon Get Me Get Me On The Floor
DJ What You What You Waitin' For...


[Verse 2]

Watch Me Move When I Loose When I Loose It Hard
Get You Off With The Touch Dancing In The Dark
You Notice What I'm Wearin'
I'm Noticin' You Starin'
You Know That I Can Take It To The Next Level Ba-by
Harder Than The A-list
Next One On My Hit List
Britney Spears Till The World Ends lyrics found on

Baby Let Me Blow Your Mind Tonight!


I Can't Take It Take It Take No More
Never Felt Like Felt Like This Before
C’mon Get Me Get Me On The Floor
DJ What You What You Waitin' For...



See The Sunlight
We Ain't Stoppin’
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends
If You Feel It Let It Happen
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends


See The Sunlight
We Ain't Stoppin’
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends
If You Feel It Let It Happen
Keep On Dancing Till The World Ends
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Evacuations near Memphis as Mississippi River Floods Hit Famous Beale Street VIDEO



Mississippi floods force evacuations near Memphis

Thu May 5, 201


(Reuters) - The rising Mississippi river lapped over downtown Memphis streets on Thursday as a massive wall of water threatened to unleash near record flooding all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.
Water lapped over Riverside Drive and onto Beale Street in Memphis, and threatened some homes on Mud Island, a community of about 5,000 residents with a river theme park. The island connects to downtown Memphis by a bridge and causeway.
Emergency officials in Millington near Memphis were "going door-to-door, asking people to leave," according to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency.
Large amounts of rain and melt from the winter snow has caused a chain reaction of flooding from Canada and the Dakotas through Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas and Tennessee. It is expected to soon hit Mississippi and Louisiana at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
"The flood is rolling down, it is breaking records as it moves down and it is one of those wait-and-see type of things as to how massive it is going to be when it's all said and done," said Charles Camillo, historian for the Mississippi River Commission and the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project.
In Arkansas, westbound traffic on a section of one of the nation's major trucking arteries, Interstate 40, was closed for a second day due to flooding.

The White River was expected to crest at its highest ever level of 40 feet at Des Arc, Arkansas on Thursday night, breaking a 1949 record.
A levee overflowed near the White River, forcing a mandatory evacuation of the town of Cotton Plant, the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management said.
Officials at the Shelby County Office of Preparedness, that includes Memphis, predicted that the flood could affect 2,832 properties if it crests at 48 feet this coming weekend.
A crest of 48 feet would be the river's highest level since 1937, according to the National Weather Service. The service currently puts the river level at Memphis at 45.21 feet, with an expected rise to 47.6 feet by Monday morning.
The flooding is also affecting towns not directly on the Mississippi. Residents in south Dyersburg, Tenn., about 20 miles from the Mississippi, have been asked to evacuate because of the projected crest of the North Fork of the Forked Deer River, which runs into the big river.
North of Memphis upstream, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers blew up a third section of a Missouri levee Thursday afternoon to let flood waters back into the Mississippi.
The Corps blew up a two-mile section of the Birds Point levee Monday night to help ease flooding in Illinois and Kentucky. The levee destruction resulted in the flooding of 130,000 acres of Missouri farmland. The Corps then blew up two smaller sections of the levee Tuesday and Thursday to let water back in the river.
President Barack Obama on Wednesday declared parts of Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee as disaster areas due to flooding. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon Thursday requested that Obama make a major disaster declaration for the state as a result of high winds, tornadoes and flooding since April 19.
The levee system in Mississippi is holding for now but it has never been tested like this before, officials said.
"Compared to the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 this flood is going to be a lot nastier," said Marty Pope, senior hydrologist for the National Weather Service in Jackson, Miss.
The river is predicted to crest at 64.5 feet on May 17 in the Vicksburg, Miss. area. Vicksburg has a flood stage of 48 feet, which means the river will crest more than 16 feet above normal, according to flood experts at the National Weather Service.
The flood waters will reach more than a foot above the Yazoo Backwater Levee near Yazoo City, Miss. and this will flood thousands of acres of farmland, said Pope.
There were major floods on the Mississippi in 1927, 1937, 1973, 1993 and 2008. The 1927 flood caused up to 1,000 deaths and left 600,000 homeless. Floodways were adopted as a response.
Camillo said it was too early to estimate expected damage from the 2011 flooding. He noted that much has changed since the 1927 flood, including the structure of the levees and the addition of dozens of reservoirs throughout the Mississippi River basin and floodways.
The Mississippi has four floodways: Birds Point and three spillways in Louisiana.
"There is a very good possibility that we would operate three floodways ... and we have never done that before," Camillo said.
(Additional reporting by David Bailey in Minneapolis, Tim Ghianni in Nashville, Suzi Parker in Little Rock and Leigh Coleman in Biloxi, Mississippi; Writing by Mary Wisniewski; Editing by Greg McCune

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