Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Chicken Underground: Raising Fresh Food Criminal

As reported on

Luke Rudkowski reports for the suburbs of Atlanta Georgia about the traitorous laws against its citizens.

The Chicken Underground: Raising fresh food against the law?

May 19, 2011

Luke Rudkowski, founder of We Are Change and contributor to RT’s Adam Vs. The Man, travels to Georgia where he finds farmers-in-hiding who break the law and risk a $6000 fine for raising backyard chickens.
Reality has been turned on its head under the audacity of state power as the system rubber stamps little-studied genetically modified foods and factory-farm products created by Big Agra while criminalizing gardens, chickens, raw milk and more cultivated by individuals and simple families. For more info, research SB 510 “Food Safety Modernization Bill” and the United Nations’ Agenda 21 accord for sustainable development, meant to reduce development and subject the once free people’s of the world to global governance and bad policy.


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Obama 'a black mascot' and 'black puppet' says Princeton University Professor


Cornel West, shown speaking last year in Martin Luther King Jr.'s former church, labeled President Obama 'a black mascot' and 'black puppet' during an interview.

West: Obama 'a black mascot' and 'black puppet'
May 19, 2011


by Matt Viser, Globe Staff

Cornel West, a Princeton University professor and leading black intellectual, is harshly criticizing President Obama, a candidate he once supported but now calls “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.”
West, a former Harvard University professor, said during an interview with the website Truthdig posted yesterday that the president has not been true to his race.
“I think my dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men,” West said. “It’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a white context, brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white…When he meets an independent black brother, it is frightening.”
The White House did not have an immediate comment. West did not respond to messages left at his office.

Republicans have questioned Obama’s origins — to the point where he felt compelled to release his long-form birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii — but West also uses Obama’s past to draw into question the president’s racial bearings.
“Obama, coming out of Kansas influence, white, loving grandparents, coming out of Hawaii and Indonesia, when he meets these independent black folk who have a history of slavery, Jim Crow, Jane Crow and so on, he is very apprehensive,” West said. “He has a certain rootlessness, a deracination. It is understandable.”
West is a professor at Princeton's Center for African American Studies and is the author of "Race Matters." He was a professor at Harvard, but left in 2002 amid quarrels with then-president Lawrence Summers.
West also recounts personal slights — that his phone calls didn’t get returned, and that he couldn’t get a ticket with his mother and brother to the inauguration.
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Transparency Denial: Obama Can’t Handle The Truth


Mitt Romney: Obama can’t handle the truth

By Dave Wedge
Thursday, May 19,

Former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney fired back at President Obama for barring the Herald from full access to the presidential visit to Boston yesterday, saying the commander-in-chief’s “retribution” against the media has no place in the White House.
“The media has a responsibility to be truthful and to be interesting, and the Herald is both of those things,” Romney said last night. “The president barring the Herald from attending a presidential event flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment.”
The White House blocked the Herald from being part of the press pool at yesterday’s Hub fund-raiser, citing the front-page treatment the paper gave to an opinion piece by Romney criticizing the president’s economic policies the last time Obama was in town.
“I know the president and the White House are very sensitive about anyone who talks about the failures in the economy,” Romney said. “They’re in denial about putting people out of work and the under-employed. When the Herald speaks the truth, they lash out.”
Romney, who is the current GOP front-runner to take on Obama in 2012, also blasted the president for going back on pledges he made during his historic 2008 run.
Where it all began: » Mitt Romney: Obama Misery Index hits a record high
“I think the president’s campaign promises in too many cases have gone by the boards. The transparency pledge was the first to go,” Romney said. “The inclination toward retribution and lashing out toward people who disagree with his economic posture is only the latest chapter.”
And should Romney win the White House next year, he is a firm believer that he couldn’t get away with snubbing the press as Obama has done.
“I think it’s very hard for a Republican administration to try and punish the media for a story they don’t like,” Romney said. “And this is not in keeping with the First Amendment principles that have governed the White House.”
The White House Press Office didn’t respond to several e-mails requesting comment.
The Herald’s blackballing also drew fire from the national GOP.
“It’s ironic that the president who claims to be the most transparent in history stops when it comes to lining his campaign coffers,” said Republican National Committee spokeswoman Krista Kukowski, referring to reports that Obama won’t reveal how much he raised at the Boston events.
Tory Mazzola, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, slammed the White House’s “phony, business-as-usual” actions against the Herald.
“It’s obvious that those promises of change and transparency were nothing more than empty campaign slogans,” Mazzola said.

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Obama Faces Libya War Powers Deadline

Republican senators press president on War Powers deadline
May 19, 2011

Washington (CNN) – As the U.S. military campaign in Libya approaches the 60-day mark this Friday, six Republican senators wrote President Obama asking if he will comply with the War Powers Act, which says Congress must authorize action that lasts more than 60 days.
"Friday is the final day of the statutory sixty-day period for you to terminate the use of the United States Armed Forces in Libya under the War Powers Resolution. Last week some in your Administration indicated use of the United States Armed Forces will continue indefinitely, while others said you would act in a manner consistent with the War Powers Resolution. Therefore, we are writing to ask whether you intend to comply with the requirements of the War Powers Resolution. We await your response," wrote the GOP senators Wednesday.

The letter was signed by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
The GOP senators said they believe the president already violated part of the War Powers Act – which says the president's constitutional powers allow him to only deploy troops into "hostilities" with a declaration of war, specific authorization from Congress or a national emergency caused by an attack on the U.S.
But the president did follow the provision in the 1973 law requiring him to provide information to Congress about committing U.S. forces. Now the question is whether he will abide by the part of the War Powers Act which says he must get Congressional permission within 60 days.
Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Tuesday that he is "talking to the administration" about what exactly Congress and the White House might do to abide by that looming 60-day deadline Friday with regard to Libya.
"We want to make sure we're not stretching anything inappropriate. So we're looking at some language," Kerry said as he entered a weekly policy lunch in the Capitol with Democratic senators. "We're really looking at it very seriously to keep everyone on the same page."

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Housing Market Recovery Stalled by Foreclosures

Foreclosures continue to stall housing market's recovery
By Mary Delach Leonard, Beacon staff
May 19, 2011

Four years after the burst of the U.S. housing bubble, Americans remain wary of buying homes, says Realtor Karen Vennard of O'Fallon, Mo.
"People just don't have an incentive to buy," she said. "I think they're still afraid."
The housing market's recovery remains uneven, at best, analysts say. The tax credit for first-time homebuyers that expired one year ago -- a plan designed to jumpstart the market -- increased sales only temporarily.
Vennard says many factors are at play, despite optimal conditions: continued low mortgage interest rates and an abundance of good affordable homes on the market. Buyers face tight credit, and rising gas and food prices aren't helping.
Recovery could be further hampered if regulators make lending requirements too stringent and if Congress eliminates the mortgage interest tax deduction, said Vennard, who is just back from a mid-year meeting of the National Association of Realtors in Washington.
"There are a lot of threats on the horizon to real estate," she said.
Americans see long haul ahead
More than half of American adults -- 54 percent -- now believe the housing market recovery is at least three years away, according to a survey released today by Trulia and RealtyTrac, companies that offer online resources for real estate and foreclosure properties.
Views have dimmed from six months ago when 42 percent of American adults said the market had either already turned around or would do so by 2012; only 23 percent now believe that, according to the survey.
"Even with mortgage rates still below 5 percent -- against the backdrop of joblessness -- today's market conditions actually make consumers more skeptical about when the housing market will improve rather than sparking a sense of urgency or interest in buying a home," said Pete Flint, co-founder and CEO of Trulia, during a conference call announcing the survey results.
"We still have a long way to go before consumers feel secure in their jobs, secure in the economy and are willing to make major purchases, which is a home," he said.
That hesitancy comes despite the fact that it is now more affordable to buy than rent a two-bedroom home in many major U.S. cities, Flint said.
"I'd love to say we've taken a few steps forward, but the reality is that we're actually backtracking," he said. "Foreclosures still continue to be a major part of the housing market, and as a direct result, home prices across America continue to drop."
Flint forecasts a volatile market throughout 2011. He predicted that home prices will continue to drop for another 18 months before stabilizing, prodding more homeowners who are upside down on their mortgages to walk away rather than stay aboard a sinking ship.
Rick Sharga, senior vice president of RealtyTrac, said the number of homes that are in some stage of foreclosure distress is mindboggling and continues to grow.
"At the moment there are over 900,000 bank-owned properties currently on the banks' books. Of those, less than 30 percent are actively being listed for sale," he said. "So we have a backlog of over 600,000 bank properties yet to reach the market."
Another 1.2 million properties are in some stage of foreclosure; about 20 percent of those are listed for sale, Sharga said. Waiting in the pipeline are another 4 million properties in some stage of delinquency.
"There is plenty of distressed inventory already on the market, with a boatload yet to come," he said.
It's still about foreclosures
In recent months, any small dose of good housing news is tempered by bad news, usually related to the nation's foreclosure hangover:
  • Sales of existing homes in the U.S. increased 3.7 percent between March and February of this year, but prices continued to drop, reported the National Association of Realtors.
  • Distressed home sales -- think foreclosure -- accounted for 40 percent of existing home sales in March, the highest in two years, according to the Realtors association. Distressed sales include short sales and REOs (bank-owned) transactions.
Home prices declined nationally in March for the eighth straight month, according to the Home Price Index released last week by CoreLogic, an analytics company.
When distressed sales are included in the data, national home prices declined by 7.5 percent in March compared to March 2010. But if distressed sales are excluded, the year-over-year decline in national home prices was just 0.96 percent. (Home prices, including distressed sales, declined by 5.8 percent for February 2011 compared to 2010.)
In the St. Louis region, March home prices showed a greater decline: 9.73 percent from one year ago, when distressed sales are included. Excluding distressed sales, the decline was 3.39 percent. (In February, year-over-year home prices in St. Louis were down by 7.24 percent. Excluding distressed sales, the decline was 2.72 percent.)
Until foreclosures go away, housing prices will continue to suffer, analysts say.
Foreclosures in the St. Louis region have been declining -- by about 11 percent in the first quarter of 2011 when compared to last year, according to the April report by Realtytrac -- but the problem is far from over. Sharga says the delay in processing foreclosures by banks is basically putting off the inevitable.
He adds that buyer interest remains strong in buying distressed properties -- which accounted for 26 percent of all single-family residential sales last year -- but there is, even now, a two-year inventory of foreclosures at current sales rates.
According to the Trulia/RealtyTrac survey, more than half of U.S. renters (56 percent) and 47 percent of current homeowners said they are at least somewhat likely to purchase a foreclosed home, despite concerns over hidden costs, the buying process and loss in home value. They expected to pay 38 percent less for a foreclosed home than a similar home not in foreclosure.
The majority of buyers interested in purchasing foreclosures are either investors paying cash or first-time homebuyers who qualify for loans from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Sharga said. He added that the continuing inability of average homebuyers to qualify for loans is hampering overall market recovery.
"There has to be credit available for homebuyers who are looking to finance these properties, " Sharga said.
Sharga said the fate of government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is vital because, together with the FHA, they account for 96 percent of all mortgages being issued.
"Absent those government entities, there is no mortgage market and there is no housing market. The private mortgage market has not yet come back at all," he said.
'Skin in the game'
Vennard said that buyers who are initially interested in buying foreclosures think they will get a deal, but those properties often require major repairs and the buying process can be long and cumbersome.
"The biggest pool of buyers right now are investors who are taking advantage of the low prices," she said.
Vennard, a former president of the St. Charles County Association of Realtors, is now an alderwoman in Lake St. Louis. She says the decline in home prices -- and property assessments -- is having a serious impact on area communities.
She believes that it is important to correct the mistakes that drove the housing market's collapse, but she fears the pendulum could swing too far. Debate over Fannie and Freddie needs to take into account their role in providing market liquidity that helps average homebuyers, she said.
And while it is important to require homebuyers to have "skin in the game," she fears that overly stringent regulatory reforms could make it difficult for an average American family ever to buy a home. One such proposal would require a 20 percent down payment for a conventional mortgage -- and would remove seller concessions, such as negotiated closing costs.
Despite the drawbacks, homeownership remains the best investment most Americans can make, she said.
"I don't care what anybody says, you have to live somewhere," she said. "And buying a home, over time, remains a good investment."

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As May 21 'Judgement Day' Approaches Obama Turns Against Israel


Obama says Palestine must be based in 1967 borders

May 19, 2011

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians' demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel. Israel says the borders of a Palestinian state have to be determined through negotiations.

In a speech outlining U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Obama on Thursday sided with the Palestinians' opening position a day ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to referring to the 1967 borders.

Until Thursday, the U.S. position had been that the Palestinian goal of a state based on the 1967 borders, with agreed land swaps, should be reconciled with Israel's desire for a secure Jewish state through negotiations.

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Internet 'Ministry of Truth' Called for By Liar Bill Clinton


Bill Clinton Calls For Internet ‘Ministry of Truth’

Despite couching his idea in fluffy, friendly, democratic rhetoric, Clinton is advocating the creation of a Communist Chinese-style state run media outlet

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mr Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton, a man who knowingly lied to the nation on live television at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has called for the creation of an Internet ‘ministry of truth’ style organization that would be run by the federal government or the UN to address “misinformation and rumors floating on the Internet.”

Couching the idea in the kind of doublespeak rhetoric that would make George Orwell roll in his grave, Clinton said that the agency would have to be “independent” and “transparent,” but that it would be created and run by the federal government – a complete oxymoron.
The former president said that the organization “Would have to be an independent federal agency that no president could countermand or anything else because people wouldn’t think you were just censoring the news and giving a different falsehood out.”
No matter how many fluffy, friendly and democratic words he attaches to the proposal, Clinton is basically calling for the creation of a state-run media outlet in the mould of Communist China. He says it should operate like, “National Public Radio or BBC or something like that, except it would have to be really independent and they would not express opinions, and their mandate would be narrowly confined to identifying relevant factual errors.”
In other words, as his wife Hillary bemoaned recently, the US military-industrial complex is “losing the information war” to independent media outlets and something needs to be done to redress the balance because too many people are stumbling across that habitual irritant to the power elite – the truth.
Despite admitting that the organization would have “no credibility whatever, particularly with a lot of the people who are most active on the internet,” Clinton said that such an agency was necessary to counter “misinformation and rumors floating on the Internet,” reports Politico.
This is Cass Sunstein’s “cognitive infiltration” on steroids. Harvard law professor Sunstein, Obama’s information czar, has demanded websites be mandated by law to link to opposing information or that pop ups containing government propaganda be forcibly included on political blogs.
In a 2008 article published in the Journal of Political Philosophy, Sunstein outlined a plan for the government to stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine” those groups.
On page 14 of Sunstein’s January 2008 white paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” he proposed that “under imaginable conditions” the government “might ban conspiracy theorizing” and could “impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.”
Sunstein’s definition of “conspiracy theories” includes ideas shared by the majority of American people, such as the notion that the JFK assassination occurred as part of a wider plot, as well as the belief that the threat of global warming has been hyped by governments and global institutions. Both of these ideas would be examples of thought crime under Sunstein’s regime.
Bill Clinton’s call for a government-run ministry of truth is a brazen attempt to implement Sunstein’s dangerous anti-free speech agenda.
During Hillary’s call for the empire to strike back in the information war, she made particular reference to Russia Today as well as media platforms, and the fact that they were “winning” because they actually dared to act like “real news” organizations, asking questions of authority and investigating stories, and not like the US mainstream press, which acts as nothing more than an obedient, supine clearinghouse for government propaganda.
Russia Today, which regularly provides a voice to the likes of Alex Jones, Max Keiser, Wayne Madsen, Paul Craig Roberts and Webster Tarpley, has played an instrumental role in filling the gaps left by the castrated US corporate media by reporting on real news issues and actually having the temerity to question talking points put out by the White House – this is what the Clintons both want to see neutralized with a new ministry of truth run by the feds.
Indeed, when Russia Today attempted to put up promotional billboards in US airports encouraging viewers to think about both sides of a story, the ads were summarily banned.
That’s exactly why the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton are demanding a more aggressive psychological warfare assault on the American people – they want to create an unthinking mass that instantly accepts what they are told by government as the absolute truth, despite the fact that the US government itself has proven itself to be the pre-eminent global leader in lies and deceit, while all dissenting voices will be crushed under Cass Sunstein’s thought crime information blockade.
FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’
FLASHBACK: Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites
FLASHBACK: Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech
FLASHBACK: Obama Information Czar Outlined Plan For Government To Infiltrate Conspiracy Groups
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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College Education Biggest Scam in U.S. History Says New Documentary

College Conspiracy (part 1)

College Conspiracy (part 2)

College Conspiracy (part 3)

College Conspiracy (part 4)

College Conspiracy (part 5)

College Conspiracy (part 6)


College Education is a Scam Says New Documentary
May 19, 2011

NIA today officially released the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about higher education in the U.S. NIA's hour-long documentary called 'College Conspiracy' exposes the facts and truth about America's college education system. 'College Conspiracy' was produced over a six-month period by NIA's team of expert Austrian economists with the help of thousands of NIA members who contributed their ideas and personal stories for the film. NIA believes the U.S. college education system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves for life.

NIA tracks price inflation in all U.S. industries and there is no industry that has seen more consistent price inflation this decade than college education. After the burst of the Real Estate bubble, student loans are now the easiest loan to receive in the U.S., and total student loan debts now exceed credit card debts. The government gives out easy student loans to anybody, regardless of grades, credit history, what they are majoring in, and what their job prospects are. NIA believes it is illegal for the U.S. government to be in the student loan business because the U.S. constitution doesn't authorize it. Just like how the U.S. government created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make housing affordable, but instead drove housing prices through the roof; the U.S. government, by trying to make college more affordable, is accomplishing the exact opposite and driving tuition prices to astronomical levels that provide a negative return on investment.

The U.S. has been experiencing 5.15% annual college tuition inflation this decade. Despite this, 70.1% of high school graduates are now enrolling into college, a new all time record. 2/3 of college students are now graduating with an average of $24,000 in debt. There is nothing special about getting a college degree if everyone else has one, and it is certainly not worth getting $24,000 into debt to camouflage yourself into the crowd. NIA's President is friends with hundreds of CEOs of mid-sized corporations who tell him that someone who skipped college is a lot more likely to stand out amongst the hundreds of applicants who apply for each job available.

The real unemployment rate in America is now 22% and 60% of college graduates who are lucky enough to find a job, are receiving low skilled jobs where a college degree isn't even required. In fact, 70% of high school graduates who didn't go to college, were able to get these very same jobs as the average college graduate. The main difference is, by the time Americans who went to college get their degree, those who went straight into the work force after high school will already have 4 to 6 years of valuable workplace experience. Instead of having $24,000 in debt, these experienced Americans will be working their way up to a higher paid position or a better job at a different company.

All across America, colleges are deceiving prospective students with misleading and often fraudulent tactics and statistics. The fact is, law schools are handing out 43,000 law degrees each year, when there are 15,000 less attorney and legal staff jobs in the U.S. than three years ago. Many law schools are advertising a 90% job placement rate within one year of graduating. However, weeks before job placement surveys are conducted, some law schools will hire unemployed graduates to work in their admissions department. They are let go as soon as these surveys are completed, but count as being part of the 90% employed.

'College Conspiracy' also exposes how three years ago when 15 new pharmacist schools were getting ready to open in the U.S., the college cartel created a pharmacist shortage hoax to scam Americans into investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend pharmacist school. NIA has uncovered how economists were bribed to produce phony studies that forecast the need for 150,000 new pharmacists in America by 2020. Today, NIA is hearing from many young Americans who were deceived into getting pharmacist degrees and can't find any pharmacist jobs no matter how many they apply for. These Americans are now deeply in debt and admit that they would have been better off getting minimum wage jobs stocking shelves somewhere.

NIA is very pro-education and dedicated to educating its members to the truth about the U.S. economy and inflation for free. Americans who read NIA's articles and watch NIA's documentaries for one year are guaranteed to learn more about the U.S. economy than they would have learned studying economics at an ivy league college for 4 years. NIA believes that in today's world, any young American who is motivated to become well educated and have a successful career, can become self-educated by simply reading college textbooks and using the Internet.

Americans today need to change their mindsets. Instead of worrying about getting a job, they need to focus on making a job. Not only is it possible to become educated online at a low cost, but it is also possible to start an online business with almost no overhead expenses. The current system in America that everybody follows of studying useless information to get good grades in high school, taking out a student loan, going to college, taking out a mortgage, buying a house, and getting married, is setup to transfer wealth through inflation from the middle-class to bankers and lawyers who produce nothing for society. Americans need to stop being sheep and learn how to think for themselves.

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Peter Fonda Calls Obama F(expletive) Traitor Over Handling Gulf Oil Gusher spill

Actor Peter Fonda at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival

Peter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes

May 19, 2011

CANNES, France (AFP) – Peter Fonda launched a four-letter attack on US President Barack Obama at the Cannes film festival on Wednesday, calling him a traitor over the handling of the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.
The star of the 1969 road movie "Easy Rider" was in Cannes for the premiere of "The Big Fix" by Rebecca and Josh Tickell, the only feature documentary in the official selection at the Cannes film festival this year.
Fonda -- a keen environmentalist and co-producer of the film which centres on the explosion of the BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon, the ensuing spill and its consequences -- accused Washington of trying to gag reporting on the issue.
"I sent an email to President Obama saying, 'You are a f(expletive) traitor,' using those words... 'You're a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on our soil telling our military -- in this case the coastguard -- what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the United States, what we could or could not do'."
Fonda, who said he sent the email last week, appears in "The Big Fix" trying to get on to Louisiana beaches to assess the impact of the biggest oil spill in US history, only to be turned away by BP clean-up personnel.
Speaking at a press event at the American Pavilion to promote the film, Fonda denounced BP as "a bunch of Brits -- I thought we kicked them out a long time ago. They tried to get back in in 1812, but they didn't make it."

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Another Fake Bin Laden Tape Surfaces Praises Egypt Revolt


Osama Bin Laden Speaks From Beyond the Grave
___________________________________________________________________________________  By MATTHEW COLE
May 19, 2011
Al Qaeda has released a new message from Osama bin Laden, the first since the terror group's leader was killed in a U.S. raid on his Pakistan compound almost three weeks ago.

The 13-minute audiotape, which references the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt, includes still images emblazoned with an old picture of bin Laden and dated with the Islamic month that begins in the last week of April. It seems to have been recorded after Feb. 17.

In the message, bin Laden addresses fellow Muslims across the Middle East, but does not issue threats and does not mention the U.S. or the West.

"The winds of change flew to the square of Tahrir," he says, referring to Cairo, "and a great revolution was begun. This wasn't a revolution of starving and pain, but a revolution of giving and peace."

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Hermann Missouri Maifest Celebrating 175th Anniversary of City's Founding with Parade Sunday


Friday, May 20
6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Hermann Jaycees carnival rides, City Park
6:00 to Midnight
Hermann Jaycees Beer Garden, Upper City Park
6:30 and 8:00 p.m. Guided lantern tours at the White House Hotel with actors in period costume
Friday night Live music at Simon's on Wharf Street

Saturday, May 21
9:00 to 5:00
Schiller Street Volksplatz. More than 40 vendor booths—food, arts and crafts and demonstrations
10:00 to 4:00
Historic Hermann Tours — Deutschheim State Historic Site (tours at 10:00 12:30 & 2:30), German School, Gasconade County Historical Society Archive Center, White House Hotel
10:00 to 3:00 Blacksmithing Demonstration, Forge on Gutenerg Street
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Hermann Jaycees carnival rides, City Park
11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Maifest Bier Garten — Entertainment, food and drink, Sesquicentennial Park, 3rd and Gutenberg
12:00 Noon
Kinder King and Queen Contest, German School
12:00 to 5:00 Loehnig Family Band, Stone Hill Winery
12:45 p.m. Junior Wurstjaegers at Stone Hill Winery
2:30 p.m. Wurstjaeger Dancers at Stone Hill Winery
1:00 to 6:00 Music by St. Louis Czech Express, Tin Mill Brewery
1:00 to 5:00 Music by Badlands, OakGlenn Winery ($5 cover charge)
Throughout the day German food, music and dancing at Hermannhof Winery
2:00 to 3:30
Old-fashioned German-style kids games, German School yard
6:00 to Midnight
Jaycee Beer Garden, City Park (live entertainment 6:00 to 10:00)
Saturday Night Music by the Bluff-tones at the Bank Bar on Schiller Street
Saturday night Live music at Simon's on Wharf Street

Sunday, May 22
10:00 to 4:00
Schiller Street Volksplatz. More than 40 vendor booths—food, arts and crafts and demonstrations
10:00 to 4:00
Historic Hermann Tours — Deutschheim State Historic Site, German School, Gasconade County Historical Society Archive Center, White House Hotel
11:00 to 4:00
Maifest Bier Garten — Entertainment, food and drink, Sesquicentennial Park, 3rd and Gutenberg
12:00 to 5:00 Loehnig Family Band, Stone Hill Winery
Throughout the day German food, music and dancing at Hermannhof Winery
10:00 to 3:00 Blacksmithing Demonstration, Forge on Gutenerg Street
11:30 a.m.
Reception at the Gasconade County Courthouse honoring 2011 parade grand marshalls Calvin and Caroll Scheidegger
12:30 p.m. Re-enactment of the firing of the Little Cannon on the Courthouse lawn
Parade — celebrating the 175th anniversary of Hermann's founding
  Activities for children after the parade

Maifest activities will be held throughout town all weekend at Hermannhof and Stone Hill Wineries, the Tin Mill Brewing Company, and other locations. Click for lodging information.


lthough the exact date is unknown, local historians believe Hermann's first Maifest was held sometime in the early 1870s, after the German School was built. Hermann's early Maifests were last-day-of-school picnics for children, After church (the event was always held on Sunday), children would fidget through dinner with their families, waiting until it was time to assemble at the German School.
Girls in new white dresses (the frillier the better) and boys in their Sunday best were given a Maifest badge by the teacher and an American flag by a school board member. The Municipal Band led a parade to the city park, where the first order of business was "the treat." As the bugler blew a special call, children lined up, first for Knockwurst on a bun, then for a glass of pink lemonade colored with wine, and finally for an orange.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing games and visiting the concession stand, where 20 cents bought all the popcorn and candy a child could eat. Maifest Sunday was the highlight of many a Hermann childhood. "It was a high point of the year," remembers one of Hermann's older residents. "We lived for Christmas and Maifest."

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Sunset Spotlight St. Paul, Mn AWESOME WEB PHOTO

Sunset captured on cell phone, 5/10/11, St. Paul, Mn.
By: Dennis S.

COAST TO COAST AM: Photo of the Day May 18, 2011

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Rare Depression Era Color Photos Release by Library Congress

Steal of a deal: the Grand Grocery Company in Lincoln, Nebraska, 1942.

 Distributing surplus commodities in St Johns, Arizona, October 1940

 Servicing an A-20 bomber. Langley Field, Virginia, July 1942


In the bleak light of the Depression: Rare colour photographs of the era that defined a generation

By Daily Mail Reporter
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May 19, 2011

It was an era that defined a generation. The Great Depression marked the bitter and abrupt end to the post-World War 1 bubble that left America giddy with promise in the 1920s. Near the end of the 1930s the country was beginning to recover from the crash, but many in small towns and rural areas were still poverty-stricken. These rare photographs are some of the few documenting those iconic years in colour. The photographs and captions are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color. The images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, shed a bleak new light on a world now gone with the wind.

 Farmers planting corn along a river in north-eastern Tennessee, May 1940.

Planting corn along a river. Northeastern Tennessee, May 1940. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Marion Post Wolcott. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
, boys hauling crates of peaches from the orchard to the shipping shed in Delta County, Colorado, September 1940

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