Friday, August 26, 2011

Hermann Celebrates 175th Anniversary Friday-Sunday: Septaquintaquinquecentennial

Celebrating Our 175th Anniversary
It's our Septaquintaquinquecentennial!
Special German Menus
In honor of this celebration, several Hermann restaurants will add German specialties to their menus.
Walking Tours
Free maps available at the Welcome Center and museums for three self-guided walking tours: Riverfront, City Park, and George Bayer. 
Museum at the German School
312 Schiller Street
See many of Hermann’s most historic treasures exhibited in six rooms of this recently renovated 140-year-old school house.
Monday-Saturday 10:00 to 4:00; Sunday noon to 4:00. (Closed Wednesdays). Adults $5, students $3.
Deutschheim State Historic Site
109 West 2nd Street
Visit a significant part of German-American history – and early Missouri settlement – at Deutschheim State Historic Site. Stroll through the restored 1840s and 1850s buildings and explore how German-Americans settled the Hermann area and developed the basis for a Missouri wine industry. Grapevines planted in the 1850s can still be seen on the property as can a number of historic artifacts.
Open daily 10:00 to 4:00 with free exhibits on German Settlement Society.
Tours of Pommer Gentner House and Strehly House/Winery at 10:00, 12:30 and 2:30. Adults $4, students and children $2.50.
Stone Hill Winery  
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Stone Hill is Missouri’s oldest winery. Guided tours take visitors through  ancient arched cellars, state-of-the-art production facilities, and  tasting rooms. Learn how Stone Hill and Hermann helped establish the wine industry in the United States. 
Monday-Saturday, 8:30 7:00 p.m.; Sunday 10:00 to 6:00.
Tours every 30 minutes. Tickets: Adults $2.50, Children $1.
Hermannhof Winery
Hermannhof Winery is located  in one of 100 historic buildings on the National Register of Historic Places. Several of its unique and historic wine cellars, still used today, will be open for free, self-guided tours.
FRIDAY, August 26                                        
Lois Puchta Presentation: Streets of Hermann—Yesteryear
7:30 p.m. • Showboat Theatre
A look at many buildings in Hermann from an architectural and historical perspective. 
The Bluff-Tones
7:00 to 10:00 p.m. • Amphitheater
Kickoff the anniversary observance with a free concert featuring one of Hermann’s most popular local bands.
SATURDAY, August 27                                 
Deutschheim State Historic
10:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Special exhibits on the German Settlement Society of Philadelphia
• Translations of the Philadelphia German newspaper, Alte und Neu Welt, regarding the move west and why the society was formed in 1836.
• Comparisons of Philadelphia and Hermann—similar town grids, market houses and other features.
• The Pommer family and their piano-making business in Philadelphia and in Hermann at 110 Market Street.
• Registry of the original 678 shareowners. Descendants are invited to sign in and be recognized for their link to the original settlers.
•  Light refreshments
Museum at the German School
10:00 to 4:00 p.m.
See many of Hermann’s most historic treasures exhibited in six rooms of this recently renovated 140-year-old school house. Adults $5, students $3.
Gasconade County Historical Society Archives and Records Center: 10th Anniversary Observance
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
View display of the original 1837 parchment document from George and Catherine Bayer conveying more than 11,000 acres to the trustees of the German Settlement Society.
Old-Fashioned German-Style Games for Children
10:30 to Noon • German School Lawn
Dave Ludig Presentation: German Schutzen Targets
11:00 a.m. • Kunstlerhaus Gallery, East First Street
Barry Bierwirth Presentation: Hand-Cranked Music Boxes
2:00 p.m. • Upper City Park Rotunda
Hermann native Barry Bierwirth presents his rare collection of hand-cranked music boxes (organettes) from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.These boxes provided the first music in homes that did not require playing an instrument.
Tin Mill Brewing Company Tours
Located in a landmark 100-year-old tin mill in downtown Hermann, Tin Mill Brewing Company is the only true lager microbrewery in the state of Missouri and one of the few German style microbreweries in the country. Guided tours at 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30. Cost: $2
Amphitheater Entertainment                          
Food, Beer and Wine Tent
Open 2:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Schuhplattler Verein Blautaler Dancers from Kansas City
Performances at 4:00 & 6:30
Deutsche Maenner Chor of St. Louis
4:30 p.m.
Deutschmeister Brass Band of St. Louis
Playing throughout the evening, from 5:00 to 10:00
Since its founding in 1963, this group has performed across the United States to provide musical entertainment and German atmosphere for a wide variety of audiences. The band is part of the German Cultural Society of St. Louis and is structured after the European military bands of the late 1800s.
SUNDAY, August 28                                      
Deutschheim State Historic
10:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Special exhibits on the German Settlement Society of Philadelphia
• Translations of the Philadelphia German newspaper, Alte und Neu Welt, regarding the move west and why the society was formed in 1836.
• Comparisons of Philadelphia and Hermann—similar town grids, market houses and other features.
• The Pommer family and their piano-making business in Philadelphia and in Hermann at 110 Market Street.
• Registry of the original 678 shareowners. Descendants are invited to sign in and be recognized for their link to the original settlers.
•  Light refreshments
Museum at the German School
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
See many of Hermann’s most historic treasures exhibited in six rooms of this recently renovated 140-year-old school house. Adults $5, students $3.
Dave Ludig Presentation: German Schutzen Targets
2:00 p.m. • Kunstlerhaus Gallery, East First Street
Amphitheater Entertainment                        
Food, Beer and Wine Tent
Open 2:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Loehnig Family Band
3:30 p.m.
Old-Fashioned German-Style Games for Children
3:30 p.m.
Wurstjaeger Dancers and Junior Wurstjaegers
5:00 p.m.
Waterloo German Band
6:30 p.m.
This legendary German band from Waterloo, Illinois, has performed on the White House lawn for several Presidents. In September, the band will play in the German Steuben Parade on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.
Loehnig Family Band Closes the Festivities
8:00 p.m.

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VIDEO: MISSOURI THE BEAUTIFUL Take a patriotic tour of the Show Me State's natural wonders . . _____________________________________________________________________________

Fukushima Radiation Covering the Earth (human guinea pigs) Australia 60 Minutes Report VIDEO


August 26, 2011

Australia 60 minutes episode about Fukushima.  The Japanese people are human guinea pigs.  Radiation is covering the Earth and an Unspeakable impact will be felt upon all humanity and the Earth.

How can anyone in this world say Nuclear energy is clean?  One accident makes the whole world toxic and kills people and the Earth. 

It is so hard to comprehend this is really happening.   Australia's 60 minutes should be commended for discussing this, especially since it seems most media around the world has made Fukushima a forbidden subject and it is never spoken by name any more in Mainstream Media.



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VIDEO: MISSOURI THE BEAUTIFUL Take a patriotic tour of the Show Me State's natural wonders . . _____________________________________________________________________________

Peoples Savings Bank: Stupid New Phone Fee Charged to Customers

Area Bank Now Charges for Account Help Over the Phone.  Yes, Peoples Savings Bank now charges you $2.00 if you have questions about your account over the phone.

Most people work during banking hours so if you need to talk to a live person over the phone it will cost you!!!

Mon - Wed:    8:00 am    -    3:30 pm
Thurs:    8:00 am    -    3:30 pm
Fri:    8:00 am    -    5:00 pm
Sat:    8:00 am    -    12:00 pm

Tired of outlandish Bank Fees?  We are!!!  We are taking our business elsewhere!!!

  1. Conspicuously unconventional; bizarre. See synonyms at strange.
  2. Strikingly unfamiliar.
  3. Located far from civilized areas.
  4. Archaic. Of foreign origin; not native.
outlandishly out·land'ish·ly adv.
outlandishness out·land'ish·ness n.

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VIDEO: MISSOURI THE BEAUTIFUL Take a patriotic tour of the Show Me State's natural wonders . . _____________________________________________________________________________