Thursday, September 1, 2011

Osage River RR Bridge Deal is Finally Done: Union Pacific hopes trains are rolling across it by 2014


Osage River RR bridge to finally be buil

by Bob Priddy
September 1, 2011

The deal is finally done to eliminate the last bottleneck on the main rail line between Kansas City and St. Louis.  The contract has all the signatures needed to build a second bridge across the Osage River, a project that at one time was a political issue between then-Governor Matt Blunt and then-Attorney General Jay Nixon.
The 28-million dollar project will rely on more than 22-milion dollars in federal stimulus funds. The Union Pacific hopes trains are rolling across it by 2014.  The transportation department’s railroads director, Eric Curtit,  says the state and the railroad faced a September 15th deadline. He says “hot and heavy” negotiations in the last two weeks have brought the department, the UP, the Federal Railroad Administration, and other partners together on the agreement.
The bridge is a critical link in the 130-mile route that AMTRAK and freight trains run on.  The present line over the Osage River is the only single track spot, causing a bottleneck.
The site of the new bridge is the place where Union Pacific originally wanted to put the old KATY Bridge at Boonville, a move supported by the Blunt administration but stalled by the city of Boonville and then-Attorney General Nixon.  Boonville hopes someday to find money to use the KATY bridge as a link between the city, on the south bank of the Missouri River, and the KATY trail on the north side.

 Listen to interview with Eric Curtit 3:05 .mp3

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Fukushima Daichii Radiation Map of ground contamination of caesium-137 TIME LAPSE VIDEO


Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows the US More Contaminated Than Western Japan

September 1, 2011

France's CEREA has the simulation map of ground deposition of cesium-137 from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident on its "Fukushima" page. It not only shows Japan but also the entire northern Pacific Rim, from Russian Siberia to Alaska to the West Coast of the US to the entire US.

According to the map, the US, particularly the West Coast and particularly California, may be more contaminated with radioactive cesium than the western half of Japan or Hokkaido. It looks more contaminated than South Korea or China. Canada doesn't look too well either, particularly along the border with US on the western half. 

 The page also has the animated simulation of cesium-137 dispersion from March 11 to April 6, 2011. If the Japanese think they are the only ones who have the radiation and radioactive fallout from the accident, they are very much mistaken, if the simulation is accurate. (Meteorological institutes and bureaus in Austria, Germany, and Norway all had similar simulation maps.)

Radioactive materials spewed out of Fukushima I Nuke Plant went up and away on the jet stream, reaching the other side of the Pacific. When the fallout from explosions (March 14, 15) reached the US West Coast, it came with an unusually heavy rainfall in California.

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Three Arrested Pipe Bomb Explosion in Franklin County


Three Arrested in Pipe Bomb Incident
September 1, 2011
Franklin County investigators Wednesday arrested three men suspected of manufacturing pipe bombs at a home west of St. Clair.
The suspects were booked and later released as the investigation continues, said Jim Schuhmacher, county arson investigator. He said investigators are looking for a fourth suspect.
The investigation stems from the explosion of a pipe bomb last Friday, Aug. 26, on property off of Highway WW. The bomb was detonated in an abandoned recreational vehicle on property at 1060 Highway WW, near where Route WW turns into Reiker Ford Road.

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Twin Towers Movie Cameo In Remembrance VIDEO


Wonderful Montage Shows Nearly Every Film Appearance Of The Twin Towers

September 1, 2011

By Jon Bershad, Mediaite
Unsurprisingly, we’re currently being inundated with tributes to the victims, survivors, and heros of 9/11. However a video picking up steam online this week makes a wonderfully simple and beautiful ode to two of the biggest victims of that horrible day; the Twin Towers themselves. The video edits together clips of nearly every film appearance the buildings made in their time in the sky. Seeing how directors frame their shots to perfectly capture the Towers is an amazingly effective way to remind us just how iconic they were.

The video, edited by Dan Meth, shows everything from shots of them still under construction in 1972’s The Hot Rock, to Snake Plisken landing atop one in Escape from New York, to little, lost Kevin McCallister visiting them in Home Alone 2. Meth describes his video like this:

From 1969 to 2001, the Twin Towers made countless cameos in Hollywood films. Sometimes featured prominently in the foreground, sometimes lurking in the distance.
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