Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gold Crackdown: Sales Outlawed in National City, California


National City Cracks Down On Gold-Buying Businesses
September 8, 2011

Editor’s note: Big Brother in National City insists the moratorium is about crime, but it seems the problem is the rapid turnover in gold at pawnshops does not allow government to collect taxes.  Don't be surprised to see this spread across the nation.  

National City has adopted a 10-month moratorium on new pawn shops, secondhand stores and precious metal dealers in the city after concerns about legal problems and crime.City leaders want to slow the increased interest in gold sales and purchases within city limits. As of Wednesday afternoon, gold was valued at $1,817 an ounce."It has just skyrocketed on the number of businesses opening up," said National City Mayor Ron Morrison. "I mean, people out of their beauty salon or whatever else buying gold… it just becomes this huge deal."


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West Nile Virus Reported in Jefferson, St. Louis Counties


Jefferson, St. Louis counties report first cases of West Nile virus this year

  September 8, 2011

A 49-year-old Jefferson County man developed a severe case of West Nile virus, county health officials said Thursday. State health records show the man was hospitalized, but his current condition is unknown.
Also Thursday, St. Louis County health officials said a Wellston boy was briefly hospitalized after being infected by the virus.
The boy, 12, had a fever for three or four days with nausea and vomiting. His was the first case reported in St. Louis County this year. In 2010, the county reported one case of West Nile virus.
A 48-year-old St. Louis city woman who became infected in August was the first case reported in the state this year. There have been five West Nile virus cases in Illinois this year.
The virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes, can cause flu-like symptoms. Most people who catch the virus do not develop any symptoms, although in very rare cases it can be fatal.
The St. Louis County health department says the mosquito season won't be over for several weeks and reminds people to get rid of standing water outside and wear repellents.

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Obama Five Times Worse Than Carter on Economy: UsNews Internet poll


Poll: Obama Five Times Worse Than Carter on Economy

September 8,

Two new polls today find that just one third of the public feels President Obama deserves re-election while five times more Americans think Obama has done a worse job fixing the economy than Jimmy Carter, the modern era's Herbert Hoover.
Washington Whispers contributor John Zogby tells us that his new polling is spirit-crushing for the depressed White House. "It was a very bad week for Barack Obama. Our polling shows his job approval at 39 percent and the percentage saying he deserves re-election at 33 percent, both the lowest of his term, while the percentage of voters saying the nation is on the wrong track reached a high since he took office at 75 percent," he said.
With job growth at zero last month and the president sinking, Zogby said there is even more pressure on Obama to hit one out of the park in tonight's jobs speech before a joint session of Congress.
"As so often happens, something with little policy importance, the scheduling of his jobs speech to Congress, becomes a bigger deal by strengthening the media theme that Obama is weak and easily pushed around by the Republicans. He needs to come out swinging in that speech to regain a passing grade," said the pollster.
But the public's view, like wet cement, may be setting when it comes with their dissatisfaction with the president's handling of the economy.
The latest Washington Whispers Internet poll finds that nearly half the nation thinks Obama has been the worst at fixing the economy in modern times. Carter, is seen as more than five times better than Obama on fixing the economy.
We posed the question this way: "Many recent presidents up for reelection have struggled with troubled economies and growing unemployment like the current situation. Which of the following was the worst at fixing the economy?"
President Obama - 47 percent.
George H.W. Bush - 40 percent.
Jimmy Carter - 8 percent.
Ronald Reagan - 5 percent.
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PLAYING FOOTSY: Big Sis Wants To Zap Air Travelers With MRI-Style Scans


Big Sis Set To Zap Travelers With MRI-Style Scans

Janet Napolitano’s promise that Americans won’t be forced to remove their shoes comes at a price
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Janet Napolitano’s promise that travelers will soon not be required to take their shoes off at airport security checkpoints comes at a cost – new MRI-style scanners that will zap Americans with a powerful magnetic field that has been linked with numerous health risks.
“Safran Morpho, a firm that was formerly a part of General Electric’s Security division, told POLITICO that their model could be mass produced in a matter of months and that a prototype was already ready.”
“Morpho’s device would scan shoes in three ways: using technology similar to MRIs used in medical settings; explosives trace scanners; and traditional magnetometer metal detection,” according to the Politico report.
However, the new technology is set to be unveiled with barely a whimper of public discussion about the potential health concerns associated with MRI scanning technology, which is normally only used in highly controlled medical settings, and the sanity of allowing such sensitive technology to be operated in busy airports by low-paid TSA security goons.
MRI scans can be dangerous and even fatal for individuals who have implants in their body which contain metal.
People with implants in their body should not use MRI-style scanners, because the magnetism generated by such technology can cause implants to move, causing physical damage to the body. If the device helps perform a bodily function, the scan can also cause it to malfunction. This is particularly dangerous to anyone who has a knee or hip replacement, because the scan can damage and weaken surrounding tissues.
The scan also causes metal objects to heat up, risking burns. This heating process can also be fatal for the babies of pregnant women.
People with damaged kidneys would also be at risk from the dye used in some MRI scanning technology, which can cause, “nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) in patients with impaired kidney function.”
MRI scans have to be conducted in highly controlled medical environments because the high magnetism of the device can cause loose objects to fly across the room like missiles. The hustle and bustle of a busy airport security checkpoint, where all kinds of objects are on display, is one of the least suitable situations in which such technology should be used.
In 2008, the Health Protection Agency was asked to investigate the risks associated with magnetic resonance imaging because, “The exposures to patients and medical staff from the magnetic fields can be high and there is a shortage of information on possible adverse long-term health effects,” said HPA chairperson Sir William Stewart.
The study, which was backed by the World Health Organization, was tasked with investigating whether there was a link to cancer because the powerful magnetic field generated by the technology “can interrupt normal body functions.”
The TSA’s record on properly evaluating the health risks posed by scanning technology does not bode well for the safe introduction of MRI-style scans, which are great for helping to diagnose medical problems in carefully regulated hospital environments, but have no place in airports being operated by minimum wage TSA goons.
In claiming their radiation-firing naked body scanners were completely safe, the TSA ignored studies by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, Columbia University and the University of California, who all concluded that such scans would increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
When a “cluster” of cancer cases developed amongst TSA screeners at Boston Logan, the TSA attempted to cover up the story.
Documents obtained by Forbes show that the federal agency “Has been planning pilot programs to deploy mobile scanning units that can be set up at public events and in train stations, along with mobile x-ray vans capable of scanning pedestrians on city streets.”
“This would allow them to take these technologies out of the airport and into other contexts like public streets, special events and ground transit,” says Ginger McCall, an attorney with EPIC. “It’s a clear violation of the fourth amendment that’s very invasive, not necessarily effective, and poses all the same radiation risks as the airport scans.”
Indeed, mobile scanning vans are already roaming American streets and highways, conducting drive-by scans of the American people with technology that can see through walls, cars and clothing.
EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) filed a lawsuit in May against the DHS for attempting to keep the program secret.
EPIC’s suit asked a federal court to order disclosure of nearly 1,000 pages of additional records detailing the controversial program – records the agency has repeatedly refused to make public, despite freedom of information requests and appeals over the last seven months.
The lawsuit points to an agency under the DHS umbrella, the Science and Technology Directorate, which has released only 15 full pages of documents on the mobile scanners, whilst heavily redacting another 158 pages and withholding 983 pages of documents.
In February, EPIC discovered (PDF) that the DHS had paid contractors “millions of dollars on mobile body scanner technology that could be used at railways, stadiums, and elsewhere” on crowds of moving people.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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WHY CAN'T THE FED HEAD SEE: Bernanke puzzled by weak consumer spending


Bernanke puzzled by weak consumer spending

Associated Press 
September 8, 2011

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says he is surprised by how cautious consumers have been in the two years since the recession officially ended. But the Fed chief offered no hints of any steps the Fed would take to boost the weak economy.
Bernanke says a number of factors are keeping consumers from spending more, including high unemployment, a temporary spike in energy prices, falling home prices and high debt burdens.
Bernanke said the Fed will consider range of policy options at its next meeting later this month without offering any clues to what it might do. His comments were familiar to ones he gave last month in Jackson Hole, Wyo.


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R.I.P. Taylor Nicole Thompson: Visitation Today 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. Funeral Services 10:00 a.m. Friday (Obituary )


Taylor Nicole Thompson, 17, of Hermann, Missouri, passed away on Monday, September 5, 2011 at University of Missouri Medical Center, Columbia, Missouri.

Miss Thompson was born in Hermann, Missouri on February 17, 1994, the daughter of Larry F. and Kelly (Monnig) Thompson of Hermann, Missouri.

She was a member of St. Paul's Church, Berger, Missouri. She was a member & Vice President of the Hermann Chapter F.F.A., Chaplain Area 14 F.F.A. She sang in F.F.A. National Talent and state for three years and was a member & president of Town & Country 4-H. She was a student at Hermann High School where she was a member of the National Honor Society. She had several part time jobs she worked for Hermann Save-a-lot, the Cottage Restaurant, Buckridge Peach Farm and for Mrs. Rohlfing as a caretaker.

Taylor is survived by her parents Larry F. & Kelly Thompson of Hermann, her grandparents Larry E. Thompson of Hermann and Robert & Juanita Monnig of Hermann, a brother Cullen Thompson, a sister Emily Thompson and brother Larry Thompson all of Hermann, many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.

Visitation will be Thursday 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Toedtmann & Grosse Funeral Home, Hermann, Missouri.

Funeral Services will be held at St. George Church, Hermann, Missouri at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 9th, with Father Bill Debo officiating.

Memorials may be given to St. George School, Hermann F.F.A. in honor of Taylor or the Taylor Thompson Scholarship Fund. C/O Toedtmann-Grosse Funeral Home.

Taylor Nicole Thompson Funeral Procession

MHP Traffic Crash Reports
Crash Report Details

Crash Information
Investigated By Incident# Date Time County Location Troop
Vehicle Information
Veh. # Vehicle Description Damage Disposition Driver Name Driver Gender Driver Age Safety Device Driver City/State Driver Insurance Vehicle Direction
Injury Information
Veh. # Name Gender Age Injury Type Safety Device City/State Involvement Disposition
Misc. Information

Missouri teen killed in two-car crash
September 6, 2011
WELLSVILLE, Mo. • A teenage girl from Hermann, Mo., was killed in a two-car crash Monday afternoon in Montgomery County.
Taylor N. Thompson, 17, was driving north on Highway 19 when she crossed the center line and hit an oncoming car, the Missouri Highway Patrol says.
The crash happened at about 2 p.m. Monday, just south of Porters Road, the patrol says. The area is south of Wellsville, Mo.
Thompson, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was taken to University Hospital in Columbia, where she died at 5:30 p.m. Monday.
Gerald J. Vanstrien, 68, of Perry, Mo., was driving the southbound car that Thompson struck. Vanstrien, who was wearing a seatbelt, was uninjured, the patrol said.
Thompson's father, Larry Thompson of Hermann, said his daughter was on her way to a friend's family gathering when she crashed. He said Taylor was a senior at Hermann High School. She was active in FFA and wanted to become a state officer for the agricultural organization. FFA is also known as Future Farmers of America.
"She was a beautiful and outgoing girl and had a lot of plans," her father said.
She wanted to attend college to major in business and possibly one day teach agriculture. She dreamed of opening a bed and breakfast called, "A Home Away from Home," her father added.

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Are You Ready For Some Football: NFL Season Begins Tonight

September 8, 2011

The curtain raises on the 2011 NFL season tonight with a matchup of the past two Super Bowl winners. The defending champion Green Bay Packers host the 2009 champion New Orleans Saints at historic Lambeau Field in the NFL's traditional Thursday night opener. The Rams kick off the campaign Sunday at home against Michael Vick and the Philadelphia Eagles.

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Passing The Buck: Obama FINALLY Calls for Urgent Steps on Economy SPEECH TONIGHT


Obama to call for urgent steps on economy

September 8, 2011

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama will lay out a jobs package worth more than $300 billion on Thursday, staking his re-election hopes on a call for urgent bipartisan action to revive the faltering economy.
With his poll numbers sliding to new lows amid voter frustration with 9.1 percent unemployment, Obama will make tax cuts for middle-class households and businesses the centerpiece of the plan and will press for new spending to repair roads, bridges and other deteriorating infrastructure.
He will use his televised speech before a joint session of Congress, at 7 p.m. EDT, to urge passage of those measures by year-end.
If congressional Republicans reject his remedies, his strategy will be to paint them as obstructionists and blame them for the stagnating economy.
Stubbornly high unemployment has heightened fears that the economy could be headed for another recession. Net employment growth registered zero in August as a budget standoff in Washington and the European debt crisis spooked businesses and consumers.
Obama is under intense pressure to change perceptions that he has shown weak leadership. His economic stewardship has been criticized by both Republicans and fellow Democrats, casting a cloud over his prospects for re-election in November 2012.
"It's a major leadership moment for Obama," said Terry Madonna, a political scientist at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. "He's running out of months before voters settle in on whether his presidency has failed."
A renewal of payroll tax cuts for workers passed last December is one of the biggest elements of Obama's plan. He will also propose tax cuts to encourage businesses to hire.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll this week showed Obama was no longer the favorite to win re-election. It was one of a series of polls this week that held gloomy news for Obama, whose popularity has dwindled to nearly 40 percent.
Democratic sources said Obama would discuss in stark terms the difficulties the economy faces and challenge Republicans to work with him. He will argue that Washington must do all it can to help the economy heal, a message he will press, not just in the speech, but in a series of other appearances this autumn.
The goal is to pass legislation by the end of this year, with the aim of making a dent in the unemployment rate by spring of 2012. Political analysts say that to bolster his chances for re-election, Obama needs to be able to point to economic improvement by the middle of next year.
If Congress, which controls the nation's purse strings, does not act, the White House is prepared to paint Republicans as obstructing his efforts to solving the jobless problem.
The bruising battle in July over the country's debt highlighted a wide philosophical chasm between Obama's Democrats and Republicans who control the House of Representatives.
Republicans have derided an $800 billion economic stimulus package that Obama pushed through Congress in 2009 as wasteful spending and have pushed for immediate cuts in the deficit.
Democrats say that while long-term deficits must be addressed, the economy needs a short-term fiscal boost.
Media reports have put the size of Obama's jobs package at upward of $300 billion. CNN quoted sources saying it could top $400 billion. The White House would not confirm the reports.
In a shift, the two top House Republicans, Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, this week signaled openness to working with Obama. They said they were amenable to some infrastructure spending and to a program Obama plans to pitch to help train unemployed workers.
Many Democrats felt Obama was too deferential to Republicans during the fight over debt and have urged him to "go bold" in his economic speech.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, asked about Obama's reported jobs package, said, "$300 billion is a lot of money, and if properly spent, can make a tremendous difference."
Republican Senator Lamar Alexander said Obama should take responsibility for making the economy worse.
"Unemployment is worse, housing is worse, the debt is worse, and he's done all that by throwing a big wet blanket over the economy with his regulatory, tax and healthcare policies," he said.
(Writing by Caren Bohan; editing by Christopher Wilson)

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Gumby Robbery Attempt Fails VIDEO

September 8, 2011

A person dressed like Gumby tried to rob a convenience store in San Diego but the clerk thought it was a joke.  Gumby fumbled with his cosume as if to pull a gun but finally gave up and left the store with nothing.

SAN DIEGO (CBS) — Cartoons are now resorting to a life of crime.
San Diego police say a suspect, dressed up as Gumby, tried to rob a 7-Eleven on Labor Day.
The botched robbery happened just after midnight Monday in Rancho Penasquitos.
Surveillance tape shows the costumed bandit telling the clerk he is being robbed and reportedly demands a pack of cigarettes and cash. The flexible suspect then tried to pull out what he said was a gun from his costume.
Apparently flustered, Gumby dropped 27 cents  on the floor and left the convenience store empty-handed.
Police say the clerk thought the robbery was a joke and pocketed the spare change. He didn’t report the incident until his boss saw the tape hours later.
An accomplice was also caught on camera and San Diego police are working to identify him. Gumby’s pal, Pokey, was nowhere to be found.
A $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of Gumby and his accomplice.

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What the HELL: Austin fire chief stays out of town as wildfires raged outside city


Austin fire chief out of town as wildfires raged outside city

By Tony Plohetski and Patrick George

September 8, 2011 


As fires tore through hundreds of Central Texas homes, Austin officials dispatched nearly 200 of their firefighters to help across the region and issued an urgent request Sunday for 25 off-duty firefighters to report to work.
But Austin Fire Chief Rhoda Mae Kerr stayed in Colorado for a Labor Day weekend golfing trip, leaving subordinates largely in charge of her department's response while keeping in touch by cellphone and email.
Officials said Tuesday that her absence from the disaster did not hamper firefighting efforts, which were coordinated by county departments, and that she remained involved from afar in her department's response.
A top assistant also said that Kerr offered early on to return and that he emphasized to her that the fire was not in the city's immediate territory.
Kerr, who was set to return to work today, said in a telephone interview Tuesday that she did not come home earlier because flames were not in the city.
"All of the fires are not in the city limits of Austin," Kerr said. "If the fires were in the city limits of Austin, that would have been a whole different thing, and I would have made my way back as fast as I could have."
Tuesday afternoon, several fires broke out in two subdivisions near Duval Road in Northwest Austin, but those were put out by evening.
Kerr's decision to stay on vacation has renewed questions among some firefighters — nine of whom reportedly lost their homes in Bastrop County, the hardest-hit area in the unprecedented fires — and from union officials about her leadership.
Kerr has already faced mounting criticism internally that has centered on the department's new hiring process, which has been plagued by a series of setbacks.
Bob Nicks, president of the Austin Firefighters Association, wondered why Kerr could not have ended her trip early and pointed out that Gov. Rick Perry left the presidential campaign trail to return to Texas.
"It's a 100-year event, with fires of this magnitude," Nicks said. "It would be better if the chief was here to at least provide guidance to the citizens" about fire safety.
He added that numerous Austin firefighters cut short their vacations and Labor Day weekend activities to report for duty when the fires worsened Sunday.

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Ron Paul Wins Debate


Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library?

September 8, 2011 __________________________________________________________________________

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