Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gold Price Suppression by U.S. Government Exposed in State Department Internal Cable Released Unredacted by Wikileaks

1882  $10,000 US Gold Certificate  

WikiLeaks drops Bombshell on Gold Market; GATA right again!

September 10, 2011

With an avalanche of ever-tantalizing news stories and upcoming nail-biting scheduled officialdom events in both Europe and the U.S. all hitting the gold market at once in September, discerning the story that could propel some distance from Jim Sinclair’s exosphere target of $1,764 in the gold price weighs heavily in favor of the WikiLeaks story and its potential explosive impact on the price of gold from today $1,900 print to Sinclair’s ultimate target of $12,000+.
Though the European financial crisis soap opera moves from Greece and Portugal to, now, Italy and Germany, shifting temporarily away from France, with Belgium’s dirty laundry on deck in case there’s a lull in the action, the WikiLeaks release of a U.S. State Department internal cables on the subject of Beijing’s plan for undermining the U.S. dollar through the gold market even trumps the Israel/Turkey potential gray-swan military conflict brewing in the Mediterranean (could ex-CIA operative Robert Baer be right about an Israeli attack in the region by the fall?).
The leaked State Department U.S. embassy cable – 09BEIJING1134, published by WikiLeaks exposes both the clandestine operations at the Fed/Treasury as well as reveals who’s been sleeping with the enemy.
According to China’s National Foreign Exchanges Administration, China’s gold reserves have recently increased. Currently, the majority of its gold reserves have been located in the United States and European countries. The U.S. and Europe have always suppressed the rising price of gold. They intend to weaken gold’s function as an international reserve currency. They don’t want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U.S. dollar or euro. Therefore, suppressing the price of gold is very beneficial for the U.S. in maintaining the U.S. dollar’s role as the international reserve currency. China’s increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries toward reserving more gold. Large gold reserves are also beneficial in promoting the internationalization of the renminbi.
And now we all know that Beijing knows of the gold suppression scheme, and that Washington knows that Beijing knows of the scheme. So what does that mean for the gold price?
Zerohedge wrote:
Wondering why gold at $1,850 is cheap, or why gold at double that price will also be cheap, or, frankly, at any price? Because, as the following leaked cable explains, gold is, to China at least, nothing but the opportunity cost of destroying the dollar’s reserve status. Putting that into dollar terms is, therefore, impractical at best and illogical at worst. We have a suspicion that the following cable from the U.S. embassy in China is about to go not viral but very much global, and prompt all those mutual fund managers who are on the golden sidelines to dip a toe in the 24-karat pool.
So, out of the raft of news coming out from across the globe, the WikiLeaks story trumps them all. And, of course, you won’t see this breaking story run on CNBC.

Click Here to Read More.


US embassy cable - 09BEIJING1134


Identifier: 09BEIJING1134
Origin: Embassy Beijing
Created: 2009-04-28 08:23:00
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Redacted: This cable was not redacted by Wikileaks.

DE RUEHBJ #1134 1180823
R 280823Z APR 09
E.O. 12958:  N/A 
  Editorial Quotes 
"China and Japan should alleviate the U.S. influence in their 
countries' future development" 
The official Communist Party international news publication Global 
Times (Huanqiu Shibao)(04/28): "The Japanese Prime Minister will 
visit China soon. This brings attention to the development of the 
bilateral relationship between the two countries. The two countries 
have both developed independently. China is gradually moving past 
the 'American conceptual restrictions' that exist in the country, 
especially after the results of the financial crisis.  China's 
de-Americanization is gaining speed.  Japan's de- Japan's 
de-Americanization is speeding up as well.  Japan is likely to 
discard the U.S. completely and take steps closer to its East Asian 
neighbor countries. The U.S. should not encourage Japan to develop 
its military strength. U.S. interference will be an important factor 
to overcome if China-Japan relations intend to develop maturely. 
China should change their old thinking that U.S.-China relations are 
more important than China-Japan relations. In fact, the significance 
of the China-Japan relationship has also globalized, and is not 
limited to Asia. China and Japan should seek more breakthroughs in 
global cooperation. The two countries should contribute more in the 
development of the world." 
"Obamaism is not yet fully formed" 
The China Radio International sponsored newspaper World News Journal 
(Shijie Xinwenbao)(04/28): "Obama has just become president. During 
his first 100 days in office, the concepts of Obamaism have 
frequently appeared. Obamaism is characterized by the fact that the 
Obama administration is aware that the U.S. cannot solve so many 
international issues by itself.  It is very different from Bush's 
cowboy diplomacy.  However, Obamaism hasn't fully formed and it is 
facing challenges. People doubt that Obama will make any 
breakthroughs in the core strategic interests and values of the U.S. 
It is doubtful that he will give up the country's long-term pursuit 
of hegemony. Obama once stated that he would reshape the global 
leadership of the U.S. This shows that the U.S. does not intend to 
be an equal partner in international communications. The U.S. also 
struggles with the variant nature of its policies. One can gain 
insight from the U.S. Cuba policy. However, people can still be 
"China increases its gold reserves in order to kill two birds with 
one stone" 
The China Radio International sponsored newspaper World News Journal 
(Shijie Xinwenbao)(04/28): "According to China's National Foreign 
Exchanges Administration China 's gold reserves have recently 
increased. Currently, the majority of its gold reserves have been 
located in the U.S. and European countries. The U.S. and Europe have 
always suppressed the rising price of gold. They intend to weaken 
gold's function as an international reserve currency. They don't 
want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the 
U.S. dollar or Euro. Therefore, suppressing the price of gold is 
very beneficial for the U.S. in maintaining the U.S. dollar's role 
as the international reserve currency. China's increased gold 
reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries towards 
reserving more gold. Large gold reserves are also beneficial in 
promoting the internationalization of the RMB." 

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. Important Note: FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." . ________________________________________________________________________

Obama NRC allows closure of Yucca Mountain nuclear dump


NRC allows closure of Yucca Mountain nuclear dump

September 10, 2011
Associated Press

A divided Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Friday allowed the Obama administration to continue plans to close the controversial Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada.
The commission split, 2-2, on whether to uphold or reject a decision by an independent nuclear licensing board. The board voted last year to block the Energy Department from withdrawing its application for Yucca Mountain, a remote site 90 miles from Las Vegas. The licensing board said the government failed to make a scientific case for why the application should be withdrawn.
Despite the split vote, the NRC said in an order Friday that the licensing board should continue steps to close out work on Yucca Mountain by the end of the month, citing "budgetary limitations."
The Energy Department has not requested additional funding for Yucca Mountain, and NRC spending on Yucca expires at the end of the month.
The NRC decision appeared to be a victory for NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko, who last year ordered NRC staff to halt work on the Yucca project.
Jaczko, a former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, Yucca Mountain's leading congressional opponent, has made a series of decisions to delay or halt work on the Nevada dump since becoming chairman in 2009. His actions have infuriated congressional Republicans, who accuse Jaczko of carrying out the wishes of Reid and President Barack Obama, who appointed Jaczko as NRC chairman and promised in the 2008 campaign to kill the Yucca Mountain project.
The NRC vote may not be the last word on the issue.
Two top leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said in a statement Friday that the NRC's action "means the Yucca Mountain license application remains alive."
GOP Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan and John Shimkus of Illinois said the tie vote means the June 2010 decision by the independent Atomic Safety Licensing Board is not overturned and the DOE's motion to withdraw the Yucca Mountain application is not granted. Upton chairs the Energy and Commerce panel, while Shimkus heads an environment subcommittee.
NRC Commissioner William Ostendorff agreed with Upton and Shimkus. Ostendorff, a Republican, supports using Yucca Mountain for storage of nuclear waste and has clashed with Jaczko over the NRC's handling of the issue.
"In my discussions with senior NRC attorneys, a 2-2 split is legally unambiguous" and leaves the licensing board's decision intact, Ostendorff said in an email.
Ostendorff said the NRC order "acknowledges the current fiscal realities" and directs the licensing board to take steps to close out its review of the project.
A federal appeals court in Washington is considering a suit by South Carolina, Washington state and others that want to ship spent nuclear fuel to Yucca Mountain.
Congress chose Yucca Mountain as the leading candidate for disposal of radioactive nuclear waste. But opponents are concerned about contamination, and the Obama administration has said it would not consider the site and would look for alternatives.
The appeals court ruled in July that it would not intervene in the case because the NRC had not made a final decision on the status of Yucca Mountain.
As a practical matter, work on Yucca Mountain will not continue in the short term, Ostendorff and others said, because neither the Energy Department nor the NRC has allocated money for the project.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu has said Yucca Mountain is not a "workable option."
Jaczko's actions on Yucca Mountain have been criticized by House Republicans, by his own scientific staff and by the NRC's Inspector General. The IG report found that Jaczko acted within his authority and broke no laws. But it also concluded that to get his way on the issue he failed to be forthcoming with other commissioners
Jaczko declined to comment Friday, and a spokesman for the NRC declined to reveal how individual commissioners voted. However it is widely believed that Jaczko and fellow Democrat William Magwood voted to overturn the licensing board decision, while Ostendorff and fellow Republican Kristine Svinicki voted to uphold it. Ostendorff confirmed Friday that he voted to uphold the licensing board.
Commissioner George Apostolakis, a Democrat, recused himself from the vote because he has worked on Yucca-related issues in the past.
Joe Strolin, acting chief of the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects, said the ruling was "good for us," but added: "We have to remain vigilant because it could be revived at any time." Strolin's agency opposes the Yucca Mountain project.
Strolin expressed frustration that Nevada has to continue a legal and technical fight while a political battle continues in Congress over the fate of the stalled project.
"It remains in limbo," Strolin said. "For all practical purposes it's dead in the water, but technically and legally it remains alive. If Congress allocates money for the project it could be revived."
Upton and Shimkus said that's what they intend do. The GOP-led House approved a spending bill in July that includes $45 million for the Yucca project. The bill has little chance of approval in the Senate.
Associated Press writer Ken Ritter in Las Vegas, Nev., contributed to this report.
NRC Yucca Mountain site

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Divide And Conquer: Left vs Right is the 'New World Order' Game Plan


Divide And Conquer: Are The Left And The Right In America About To Go To War With Each Other?

The American Dream
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Every single day, America is becoming a little bit more divided. It is probably not a stretch to say that there could be more political hatred in this country today than at any time since the Civil War.

In fact, there are some very disturbing signs that the very heated war of words between the two major political parties could soon spill over into very real violence in the streets.
Instead of uniting and focusing on our real enemies and on our real problems, the left and the right in America seem ready to go to war with each other. The mainstream media and those that control both political parties love to play “divide and conquer”, and in America today we are taught to pick one political “team” and to absolutely hate those on the other side. But instead of two real choices, what we really have is a false left/right paradigm. The reality is that the two political parties are controlled by the same people at the highest levels. For example, did you know that 3 of the top 7 donors to Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008 were major Wall Street banks? Both the Republicans and the Democrats are very tightly controlled. That is why nothing seems to really change no matter who we elect. But rather than waking up and uniting to take on our real problems, the American people are increasingly choosing to hate one another.
What I am not saying is that any of us should just give up and agree with those that express views that we are 100% opposed to. I am not saying that at all.
But what I am saying is that we can fundamentally disagree with others and yet still love them at the same time.
Right now, political hatred is rising to very frightening levels in America. Just cruise around political websites on the Internet for a while. What you will find will not be pleasant.
Just think about how Democrats and Republicans talk about each other at this point.
How would you describe the emotions that most Republicans feel for most Democrats?
How would you describe the emotions that most Democrats feel for most Republicans?
The sad thing is that the vast majority of the people representing us in Washington D.C. should never receive a single vote from any American voter under any circumstances. We spend so much time defending them when the truth is that nearly all of them should be voted out.
But instead of waking up and understanding what the real issues are, most Americans are rallying around their political “teams” and are seething with hatred for their “enemies”.
Look, without love this country is not going to survive. Yes, we need to vote most of the politicians in Washington D.C. out of office. But that does not mean that we need to obsessively hate them.
The following are just a few recent examples of the rising political hatred that we are seeing in this country….

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Drunk Moose Stuck in Tree

Sept 10, 2011

GOTHENBURG, Sweden -- It was a dark, windy and rainy night when Per Johansson returned from work to his home in Saro just south of Gothenburg, Sweden.

"It was raining really bad. In the wind I heard something screaming with a very dark voice," Johansson told CNN.

"At first I wondered if it was the crazy neighbors, but then I heard it again and went and checked. I saw something really big up in a tree in my neighbors' yard and it was a moose. It must have been drunk after eating fermented apples and as it was reaching out for more fruit it must have slipped and fallen into the tree."

Johansson called the local fire and rescue department, which responded with a fire engine and a jeep with a winch.

"We got the alarm at 9.59 p.m. on September 6 that a moose was stuck in a tree," said Anders Gardhagen, spokesman at the Gothenburg Fire and Rescue Services.

"When we arrived we used the winch to bend down the apple tree so the moose could get himself out of the tree. Once free, the moose collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. So we let him sleep it off and went back home" Gardhagen told CNN.

"Moose are attracted by the apple trees, and in the autumn when the apples have fallen off the trees we normally have at least one of these cases of intoxication. These apples, which ferment in their bellies, aren't part of their natural food, so they can get quite angry from this drunkenness," Gardhagen said.

Johansson's son, Gustav, who is about to turn 11, made sure to take lots of pictures of the ordeal.

"He is saving up to buy a PlayStation so he thought he would take pictures that he could sell," Johansson said.

CNN purchased three of Gustav's pictures.

When dawn came the day after it was freed from the tree, the moose had not yet left.

"When I went out for the newspaper it was still laying there on the ground, sleeping. By the time I left for work it was walking around the neighbor's yard on very shaky legs." Johansson said.

"Today the moose came back and walked around the yard," he added. "I think it likes it here."


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Shaved Beauty Catalina Robayo: Miss Universe Contestant scolded for not wearing panties


 Miss Universe entrant Catalina Robayo 'reprimanded for not wearing underpants'

  • Flashing on lookers
  • Miss Colombia "didn't wear underpants"
  • "She completely had her crotch out"
  • Was spoken to by Miss Universe officials
Sept 9, 2011

AS the world's most beautiful women are busy preparing for the Miss Universe pageant, controversy has erupted after a contestant was accused of getting her crotch out at official appearances.
Miss Colombia contestant Catalina Robayo raised eyebrows, and the attention of pageant officials, after reportedly donning short frocks without undergarments.

The fashion blunder earned the 22-year-old beauty a strong rebuke from officials who questioned her inappropriate wardrobe choices during last week's events, reported.

"Colombia had to be spoken to and told she needed to wear underpants as what she was doing was totally inappropriate," a source told the website.

"People have been pretty upset by it, there have been photos and media appearances where she has completely had her crotch out."

Paula Shugart, president of the Miss Universe Organization (MUO), said she was floored when she heard the news from her team.

"There were several girls in short dresses which was a little concerning, but when I saw the [commando] picture on the front page of one of the local papers, [I] was very, very surprised," she said.

"Our supervisors talked to all of the contestants about dressing appropriately, and one of our PR people spoke to her [Robayo] and apparently she said she was wearing underwear. But regardless, it created quite a stir here for a few days," she added.

Miss Colombia's fashion blunder comes as the competition, to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, was rocked by another controversy after pageant officials had to return all the official swimsuit bikini bottoms by Catalina Brasil Swimwear because they were too revealing for network television.

"It looks like we have rectified the issue, and the costumes were beautiful ... being by a Brazilian designer they were definitely a lot smaller than we're used to or most of the contestants are used to," Ms Shugart explained.

"We delayed our shoot so we could add material to the bottom, otherwise we were going to have serious problems on television. [The designers] were a little surprised but … they took them back and they turned out really well."

Scandal aside, the official photographs of the contestants straddle the line between sexy and sleazy, photographer Fadil Berisha explained. The pictures aim to be "not so prissy and not so clothed."

A racy 2010 photo shoot for the competition came under fire as contestants sported lacy lingerie, fishnets, smudged black eyeliner, knee-high boots, ample cleavage and plenty of bare skin, all while positioned in seductive poses on a large bed.

But Mr Berisha insisted the shoots consider each of the contestants' culture and personal beliefs, saying nobody is forced to step outside their comfort zone.

"Some girls choose to wear one-piece bathing suits, or the girls simply tell me they don't want to show too much, and this year some of the girls cover their stomachs for the shoot," he said.

"Here we are with Miss Universe, the most beautiful woman in the world, so we need a girl who looks like a fashion model. If she's smart, that's great, but at the end of the day people want to see a really pretty face."

Miss Universe will be crowned on September 12 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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New Haven Couple Arrested in Beaufort Area Break-In Alleged Burglary


BEAUFORT - On Sept. 7, 2011 at approximately 2:41 p.m., sheriff’s deputies responded to a residence in the 800 block of Wild Rose Lane outside Beaufort.  Neighbors in the area reported seeing a suspicious vehicle at that residence.
Upon arrival, deputies observed a vehicle parked at the residence and the front door of the residence standing open.  Deputies ordered anyone inside to exit the residence.  A white male and female came out of the residence stating that there was a misunderstanding.  The male had a cut on his wrist.
The subjects stated that they were relatives of the owner and had permission to be there.  Deputies contacted the owner who advised that he was related to the male; however, he had not had contact with him in 15 years and he did not have permission to be there.
It appeared that items from inside the residence had been taken outside.  Both the male and female were arrested for investigation of burglary and stealing.  They are identified as a white male, age 23 from New Haven and a white female, age 33 also from New Haven.  Names are being withheld pending issuance of warrants.

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