Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'Pepper-spray' Cop Identified as Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna: UPDATE:Bloomberg Attempt to Entice Riot Using Police Supervisor Provocateur or is it a Lone Wolf Rouge Cop

Occupy Wall Street: 'Pepper-spray' officer named in Bush protest claim

Anthony Bologna, NYPD officer named in pepper-spray incident, is accused of civil rights violations at the time of the 2004 Republican national convention protests

A senior New York police officer accused of pepper-spraying young women on the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations is the subject of a pending legal action over his conduct at another protest in the city.
The Guardian has learned that the officer, named by activists as deputy inspector Anthony Bologna, stands accused of false arrest and civil rights violations in a claim brought by a protester involved in the 2004 demonstrations at the Republican national convention.
Then, 1,800 people were arrested during protests against the Iraq war and the policies of president George W Bush.
Alan Levine, a civil rights lawyer representing Post A Posr, a protester at the 2004 event, told the Guardian that he filed an action against Bologna and another officer, Tulio Camejo, in 2007. The case, filed at the New York Southern District Court, is expected to be heard next year.
Levine said that when he heard about the pepper spray incident "a bunch of us were wondering if any of the same guys were involved".
The lawyer said Posr was arrested on 31 August 2004, after he approached the driver of a Volkswagen festooned with anti-abortion slogans.
His arrest was not directly related to the protest against the Republican convention, but was at a time of heightened tension in New York.
Levine said: "Police contend that Posr hit the man with a rolled-up newspaper. He said he was just talking to the guy. Bologna ordered another officer, Camejo, to arrest Posr."
Posr was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and one count of second degree harassment, and held until September 2. On November 8, all charges against him were dropped.
Levine said that, in a departure from normal police procedure, his client was held in a special detention facility, at Pier 57, where he and others arrested were held until the protests were over.
The Guardian asked the NYPD to respond to the naming of the officer and the allegation that he was previously the subject of a civil rights complaint, but a spokesman said the department had not yet decided whether to comment.
Bologna's name appeared on Twitter and on activists' websites after the incident on Saturday. YouTube footage appears to show a white-shirted NYPD officer firing the spray into the eyes of the protesters, who are penned in by other officers with orange netting. As the officer walks away, two of the women crumple to the ground, screaming in pain.
There were a number of clashes between protesters and police at the march, when protesters moved uptown from their base at a park in the Financial District. There were about 80 arrests.
Hacker collective Anonymous claimed responsibility on Monday for posting Bologna's details, which they said was in retribution for the pepper-spray incident.
The online postings identified Bologna as a deputy inspector of Patrol Borough Manhattan South, and revealed his phone number and family details.
The information, posted on a site called Pastebin, included a statement which read: "As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barbarically pepper-spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behaviour."
"You know who the innocent women were; now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"
Since the post, other activists have followed suit, urging people to call his precinct to complain or to call him directly.
The move drew a mixed response from the Occupy Wall Street activists who have been camped out in Zuccotti Park for nine days. Many say they were angry about the "brutal and unnecessary" tactics used by police at the weekend.
Hero Vincent, 28, an artist from the Bronx, said: "I think it should be out there, so that people know what's going on and if people want to enter his precinct and ask that he should be fired, they can. We are a peaceful protest. For them to attack us is wrong."
Vincent, who was arrested for resisting arrest on Saturday, claimed he was kicked in the stomach by officers.
But there was also disquiet over the officer's family details being made public.
Another protester, who did not want to be named, told the Guardian: "My dad is a police officer and he got a lot of death threats. I don't know if his family details should be out there. But if the information is correct and he has a rights case against him, I'm extremely concerned that he was put into what was a very tense situation."
One protester, Jeanne Mansfield – who said she was standing so close to the women sprayed in the face that her own eyes burned – claimed other NYPD officers had expressed disbelief at the actions of the senior officer.
In a vivid account of the incident in the Boston Review, Mansfield said: "A white-shirt, now known to be NYPD Lieutenant Anthony Bologna, comes from the left, walks straight up to the three young girls at the front of the crowd, and pepper-sprays them in the face for a few seconds, continuing as they scream 'No! Why are you doing that?!'"
Despite her attempts to turn away from the "unavoidable" spray, Mansfield, who took part in Saturday's march with her boyfriend on a whim after "stumbling across" it, said she suffered burning and temporary blindness in her left eye and tears streaming down her face.
She continued: "In the street I shout for water to rinse my eyes or give to the girls on the ground. But no one responds. One of the blue-shirts, tall and bald, stares in disbelief and says, 'I can't believe he just fuckin' maced her.'"

Anthony Bologna Petition: Remove Mr. Mace From NYPD Force

By Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A petition has been created at with the intent of being sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, asking him to remove NYPD’s deputy inspector of Patrol Borough Manhattan South Anthony Bologna from the force for pepper-spraying peaceful protesters at Union Square on September 24th.
The protesters were already hemmed in with orange netting. They had nowhere to go. They were effectively neutralized by the law, and yet Bologna thought it a good idea to sneak in, pepper-spray the protesters and then run away like a coward back into his crowd of police officers, as though cameras would not catch him if he were quick about it.
The NYPD is defending Bologna’s actions and there is no sign that his conduct is being investigated. Indeed, the NYPD, through spokesperson Paul Browne, is advancing the absurd theory that they, in fact, are the victims here. Therefore, this petition is essential.
The petition states, “We demand that Anthony Bologna be charged with assault for his actions and that he sees jail time.”
It also states, “We demand that Mayor Michael Bloomberg address the Occupy Wall Street & General Assembly and apologize for the police brutality and the weak attempt at a cover-up that has followed.”
Also included in the petition is a request to remove NYPD Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly for not being able to control senior officers but in “sheltering them from receiving punishment.”
Bologna clearly displayed not only a lack of judgment but also a reprehensible reaction to his own actions—running away from his handiwork and, according to some, laughter. At the very least, the pepper-spray incident deserves investigation, as well as the high-tailing it from the scene; but the laughter after the fact should be investigated as well.
It seems that Bologna has a history with protesters. Bologna stands accused of false arrest and civil rights violations in a 2007 claim filed by a protester who attended the 2004 Republican National Convention demonstrations. The case is to be heard next year. And Cryptome makes reference to a 2001 May Day incident in which Bologna shoved two protesters.
Head over to to sign the petition.

Bloomberg Attempt to Entice Riot: A Thesis Video

Editorial and Video Compiled By: Poor Richard - Hermann Mo News
September 26, 2011

Wall Street Protest: Cop Attack and Mace Incident

Exhibit 1) Mayor Warns of Riots in the Streets on September 16, 2011 - "...that's what happened in Cairo, that's what happened in Madrid, you don't want those kind of riots here..."

Exhibit 2) New York City Police Crack Down, Police Supervisor (provocateur) using (a) excessive force as well as (b) chemical agents(see top photo) to illegally suppress people's right to protest peacefully.

Exhibit 3) Isolate and Pen-In Peaceful Victims on Sidewalk: Video shows uniformed officers had corralled women protesters using orange nets.

Exhibit 4) So-Called Rogue Police Supervisor (provocateur) checks out next victim for Mace Attack (Watch video carefully): Police supervisors made a beeline for the women, and at least one suddenly sprayed the women before turning and quickly walking away

Exhibit 5) Police Supervisor Retreat Attempting to Blend into the Crowd.

Exhibit 6) Denial of Incident (i.e. Plausible Deni-ability) - Removal of Police Isolation Corral - Leaving Victims on Sidewalk to Treat Their Injuries Themselves: Footage of other police altercations also circulated online, but it was unclear what caused the dramatic mood shift in an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

The NYPD was investigating the use of pepper spray.   
How about an Grand Jury Investigation?

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Facebook Admits it's Cookies Were Spying on Users when they Left the Site


'We didn't mean to track you' says Facebook as social network giant admits to 'bugs' in new privacy row

By Daniel Bates
September 28, 2011

Facebook has admitted that it has been watching the web pages its members visit – even when they have logged out.
In its latest privacy blunder, the social networking site was forced to confirm that it has been constantly tracking its 750million users, even when they are using other sites.
The social networking giant says the huge privacy breach was simply a mistake - that software automatically downloaded to users' computers when they logged in to Facebook 'inadvertently' sent information to the company, whether or not they were logged in at the time.
Most would assume that Facebook stops monitoring them after they leave its site, but technology bloggers discovered this was not the case.
In fact, data has been regularly sent back to the social network’s servers – data that could be worth billions when creating 'targeted' advertising based on the sites users visit.
The website’s practices were exposed by Australian technology blogger Nik Cubrilovic and have provoked a furious response across the internet.
Facebook claims to have 'fixed' the issue - and 'thanked' Mr Cubrilovic for pointing it out - while simultaneously claiming that it wasn't really an issue in the first place.
Mr Cubrilovic found that when you sign up to Facebook it automatically puts files known as ‘cookies’ on your computer which monitor your browsing history.
This is still the case. But Facebook claims the cookies no longer send information while you are logged out of its site. If you are logged in to Facebook, the cookies  will still send the information, and they remain on your computer unless you manually delete them.

They send Facebook your IP address - the 'unique identifier' address of your PC - and information on whether you have visited millions of websites: anything with a Facebook ‘like’ or ‘recommend’ button on it.
'We place cookies on the computer of the user,' said a Facebook spokesperson - and admitted that some Facebook cookies send back the address of users' PCs and sites they had visited, even while logged out.
'Three of these cookies inadvertently included unique identifiers when the user had logged out of Facebook. We did not store these for logged out users. We could not have used this information.'
However, the site spokesperson said that the 'potential issue' had now been 'fixed' so that the cookies will no longer broadcast information: 'We fixed the cookies so they won't include unique information in the future when people log out.'
'It's just the latest privacy issue to affect a company that has a long history of blunders relating to user's private information.
Monitoring all: Facebook founder and chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg
Monitoring all: Facebook founder and chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg
Mr Cubrilovic wrote: ‘Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit.
‘The only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser, or to use a separate (web) browser for Facebook interactions.
‘This is not what "logout" is supposed to mean’.
The admission is the latest in a series of privacy blunders from Facebook, which has a record of only correcting such matters when they are brought to light by other people.
Earlier this year it stopped gathering browser data from users who had never even been to after it was exposed by a Dutch researcher.
The site was forced into a partial climbdown over changes to privacy settings which many claimed made too much public.
It also came under attack for launching a ‘stalker button’ which allowed users to track another person’s every move in a list which was constantly being updated.
New Design: Mark Zuckerberg talks about a new look for Facebook at a conference earlier this month
New Design: Mark Zuckerberg talks about a new look for Facebook at a conference earlier this month
Arturo Bejar, one of Facebook’s directors of engineering, admitted that users continue to be tracked after they log out but said that the data was deleted right away.
He said it was to do with the way the ‘like’ feature works, which is a button users can click on to show they like something.
He said: ‘The onus is on us is to take all the data and scrub it. What really matters is what we say as a company and back it up.’
On technology blog CNET, however, users were outraged at what was going on.
One wrote: ‘Who the hell do these people think they are? ‘Trust us?’ Why? Why should we trust a company that spies on us without our knowledge and consent?’
Another added: ‘Holy wow.... they've just lept way past Google on the creepy meter’.
According to U.S. reports Facebook has recently set up its own Political Action Committee, an American term for a lobbying outfit to get its views heard on Capitol Hill.
So far this year it has already spent £352,000 on lobbying, already ahead of last year’s total of £224,000.
The website has also been forced to deny Internet rumours it will begin charging for its services and said it will ‘always be free’.
A spokesman for Facebook said that the login and log out measures were designed for security and were there to prevent fraud.
He added: ‘We to do not use this information to target adverts’.

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Youths Feel Betrayed By Obama, Protest 'Too Big to Fail' Banks on Wall Street: Demand Five Reforms and the Movement is Spreading to other Cities

The protest on Wall Street is in its second week, with more people showing up every day. The protesters have come from all over the country and show no sign of going home.  The movement has started to spread to other cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston.

Wall Street Invaded

By Victor Thorn
September 28, 2011

Beginning on Sept. 17, three organizations—Adbusters, Occupy Wall Street and U.S. Days of Rage-unleashed a campaign to radically disrupt, for two straight months, the heart of America’s financial sector, in New York City. Events are also planned in 10 other cities, including Washington, D.C.

One of these groups, Adbusters (aka Culture Jammers), envisions a scene reminiscent of the recent London riots that devastated England’s commercial district. On Aug. 10, Adbusters proclaimed, “Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly and modestly. A revolution is an insurrection.”

When it comes to an honest appraisal of the Occupy Wall Street protests, radio talk show host Dave Orts of Push Back Now couldn’t have been more forthright about the participants. On Sept. 13 he told this writer: “What most gets under their skin is that other people have more money than they do. Money is a great addiction, and today’s youth have a desire to ascend up the financial ladder. They know the money is already there, but it’s being held and not released by those on Wall Street.”

Orts provided a fitting example. “When a 22-year-old college kid paying taxes on a summer job sees Jeffrey Immelt working on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board while his company General Electric didn’t pay a cent in income taxes last year, they know something’s wrong.”

Although many Americans don’t agree with the Days of Rage tactics, Orts gives them credit for being mobilized. “In order for us to remove a rock from our shoe, we have to take action. The rock doesn’t go away on its own.” However, he finds a certain amount of amusement in their naïve aspirations. “If anyone thinks they’re going to peacefully assemble and take down Wall Street,” Orts laughed, “on 9-11 both towers came crashing to the ground, but Wall Street still only remained closed for a few days.”

The end result may also be a bit misguided. Orts noted: “The Days of Rage icon used on their posters is a communist model. The name Days of Rage connotes a group of people that are deeply disturbed by a societal evolution that is not fitting to what they want. Yet they view President Obama’s political appointees and union leaders feeding off the top tier of government, and they feel betrayed. The promised redistribution of wealth isn’t coming their way, so in essence they’re saying, ‘If you keep screwing around, you won’t be around any longer.’”


For their part, U.S. Days of Rage organizer Alexa O’Brien and her cohorts have made five demands:

1) Money should be removed from “buying politicians” who feed the Wall Street beast.

2) The resources of our nation shall no longer be used to coddle and benefit banksters and their minions.

3) The U.S. government should diligently rein in the parasitic destruction wreaked by Wall Street.

4) Our nation should no longer be held hostage by “too big to fail” banks.

5) Solutions should be found that stop the Federal Reserve from stealing our future.

O’Brien summarized their goals. “We have no choice but to focus on the sources of money. Both the Democratic and Republican parties set the bankster agenda because of the money.”


When asked to describe why leftist youths were so frustrated that they’d try to occupy Wall Street, Eric Verlo of Not My Tribe told this writer on Sept. 12: “Barack Obama promised hope and change, but it never happened. Now we’re taking real change to the streets to show him how it’s done.”

He continued: “Our eyes have been opened to the fact that presidents don’t have as much power as we thought they did. But compared to George Bush, Obama seems powerless.”

When asked about the possibility of violence during their Days of Rage event, Verlo stated matter-of-factly, “It’s hard to get people motivated if you say, ‘Hey, come out and get beat up or slaughtered.’But when it comes to defending ourselves, if you want to swing back, that’s everyone’s free choice.”

As to the locale of these demonstrations, Verlo put their views into perspective: “The youth organizers are very anti-capitalist, and Obama isn’t delivering. Wall Street is where money changes hands, and they shouldn’t be so influential. They’re the real power center. They’re in charge, and we intend to camp out until somebody responds to us.”


According to Greg Eddolls of the Strong Watchman website, Days of Rage organizers are parroting the Mideast’s “Arab spring” uprisings, with one exception.

He told this writer on Sept. 13, “Participants from the younger generation want something, but it’s based on ignorance because they don’t even know what larger forces they’re dealing with.”

Specifically, Eddolls explained: “Mantras like ‘Government for the People’ sound like a noble cause until they start talking about redistribution of wealth. Those with a socialist mindset don’t know what comes with it. In an Orwellian scenario, the government provides everything, and in exchange they also control everything.”

Associated with this phenomenon, Eddolls sees radical transformations taking place in our nation: “Starting a business or going out and making a living are no longer the dominant theme in America. A new generation that still believes in individualism and hard work is fading, and instead they’re more accepting of a collectivist message that’s hidden within global government.”

The planners behind this Days of Rage event are exploiting this sentiment. Eddolls elaborated: “To destabilize our current government, major civil unrest is needed. A stated aim of the anti-capitalists is to prevent the rich from being rich. So, they want to create panic on Wall Street, resulting in, they hope, massive bank runs. People will then remove all their cash, with the financial strain creating a great deal of turmoil.”

When AFP inquired as to whether this scenario is part of a plot to weaken our country, Eddolls answered, “The New World Order is now a conspiracy fact, not a theory, that’s been proven right over the past 15 years.”


It should be noted that two of the figures who are helping organize the U.S. Days of Rage are SEIU union leader Stephen Lerner and ACORN founder Wade Rathke. Both have direct ties to Barack Obama.

This connection to the president has deeper roots in a group known as the October 2011 Movement that contains a host of former Students for a Democratic Society members among its ranks. On Oct. 6, a “Seize DC happening” is planned where many of the above-mentioned groups intend to bring about a U.S. version of the Tahrir Square uprising in Egypt.

Of note, the Weather Underground, a violent band of 1960-1970s anarchists, formed as a splinter group from the SDS. The Weathermen were co-founded by none other than Bill Ayers. Not only did Obama launch his 1995 state senatorial career via a luncheon at Bill Ayers’s Hyde Park home, it’s commonly accepted in many circles that Ayers ghostwrote Obama’s “autobiography.”

On Aug. 18, investigative reporter Danette Clark described a previous version of this year’s Sept. 17 event organized by the Weather Underground in Chicago: “The [Oct. 8] 1969 Days of Rage consisted of violent demonstrations and blowing things up. A commemorative statue of a murdered police officer in Haymarket Square was destroyed by a dynamite bomb. The blast scattered pieces of the statue onto the Kennedy Expressway and shattered nearly 100 windows. Weathermen and fellow demonstrators donning motorcycle and football helmets charged and attacked police officers [while] smashing windows in automobiles, buildings and homes.”

Lerner, who serves on SEIU’s International Executive Board, was President Obama’s guest at the White House on four separate occasions. He is also orchestrating, behind the scenes, the Sept. 17 Occupy Wall Street rally.

Lerner’s stated goals are to destroy JPMorgan Chase, collapse the stock market and destabilize the American power structure by rebuilding a new movement. On March 23, Lerner told the Washington Times: “How do we bring down the stock market? How do we bring down their bonuses? How do we interfere with their ability to be rich?”

One of Lerner’s fellow organizers, Wade Rathke, founded the disgraced community advocacy group ACORN, while also acting as union president of the New Orleans branch of SEIU. Rathke referred to their coordinated Days of Rage efforts as an “anti-banking jihad.”

As a past SDS member affiliated with Ayers, Rathke voiced his disgust with what he called “rats” who notified FBI agents about a left-wing plot to bomb the 2008 Republican National Convention in New Orleans. Coincidentally, Barack Obama began his career as the chief national trainer for Rathke’s ACORN.

But the most unapologetically extreme member of Obama’s reactionary force is Ayers, who described to Chicago magazine in Aug. 2001 the goal of 1969’s Weather Underground Days of Rage: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents. That’s where it’s really at.”

Later, he wrote joyfully of the widespread destruction: “The streets became sparkling and treacherous with the jagged remains of our rampage.”

Ayers’s literary flair is obvious, as his talents were later used to pen Obama’s autobiography Dreams From My Father. Although mainstream media lapdogs have largely ignored their ties, Obama lives in the same elite Chicago neighborhood as Ayers and served with him on the Woods Fund. Obama later appointed Ayers head of the prestigious Annenberg Challenge.


On Aug. 11, Chaz Valenza of Op-Ed News compiled a list of cities that, he felt, were powder kegs ready to erupt (as chronicled earlier this year in AFP, Detroit tops the list, suffering from 40 percent unemployment, a mere $14,000 average yearly income, 36 percent poverty and a 37 percent dropout rate, not to mention the nation’s third-highest crime rate): 1.) Detroit; 2.) Miami Beach; 3.) Cleveland; 4.) Memphis; 5.) New Orleans; 6.) Buffalo; 7.) Milwaukee; 8.) St. Louis; 9.) Baltimore; 10.) Atlanta; 11.) Cincinnati; 12.) Long Beach; 13.) Newark; 14.) Philadelphia.

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MTV Turns Down Obama Rhetoric, Fears Lack of Real Jobs a Turn-off for Millennial Generation


MTV Rejects Obama Campaign’s Request to Help President Connect with Young Voters

nypost.comSeptember 28, 2011


President Obama’s re-election campaign wants to connect with young Americans and reached out recently to MTV for help -- but the cable network turned them down, sources tell The Post.
The president’s Get Out the Vote campaign, run by Buffy Wicks, concerned the high unemployment rate of the so-called millennial generation would turn them off to their candidate, asked the network of “Jersey Shore” about helping to supply them with ideas on how to deal with their, er, situation.
The campaign called MTV’s internal ad agency, MTV Scratch, for assistance in mid-August, sources familiar with the conversations said.
MTV Scratch, run by Ross Martin, former MTVU boss, and Anne Hubert, who was a policy adviser to Jon Corzine when he was a US senator from New Jersey, works across all the MTV Networks and helps marketers such as General Motors and Dr. Pepper understand the mind-set of young people.
The re-election effort wants to reconnect with youth, which were among its most fervent supporters in 2008.
“The youth initiative is having trouble with big donors and youth votes,” said a person familiar with the discussions. “They asked, ‘Can you tell us how we should be talking to them?’ ” one source noted.
Viacom’s unit took a few weeks before getting back to the campaign to decline its invitation, saying that it doesn’t do political work.
Sources familiar with the campaign’s efforts said it didn’t try to hire MTV or MTV Scratch. Executives at Scratch had no comment.

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