Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Internet Tax for Gasconade Co. Consumers on ballot November 2 a.k.a INTERNET TAX

County use tax on Nov. 2 ballot 
     Gasconade County residents will get a chance to vote on a county-wide use-tax in next Tuesday's election.    Commissioners put the proposition on the November ballot to capture some the sales tax that is being missed on out-of-state sales.    A use-tax imposes a tax on purchases made online and out of state. 
 It would apply only to those who spend more than $2,000  online or outside Missouri in a calendar year.    The use tax does not apply if the purchase is from a Missouri retailer and subject to Missouri sales tax.    The responsibility of remitting use taxes falls on the consumer, but not everyone who buys a pair of shoes or a book online would have to pay the tax. Only those who spend more than $2,000 a year on merchandise from the Internet or out-ofstate vendors are affected.

. Click Here for more info.

(please call it what it is...INTERNET TAX)

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