Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is Our Sheriff Ripping Us Off?

Local Investigative Reporter Exposes Abuse of Public Funds in Gasconade Couny.

Friday, October 29, 2010


PART 2 of 2: "Necessary, appropriate and effective expenditures of public funds" do not include political affinity display ads!

Click Here For Site. 

Published by Dick Schaefer, Award-winning, Unpaid,  Amateur Investigative Reporter; and Aspiring Photo-Journalist

Date: 10/29/2010
Click Here Full Story:

A high-profile elected official of Gasconade County appears to have been placing affinity "name recognition" political display ads in The Hermann Advertiser-Courier for some time ..... and paying for them with public funds!'s+Ad+10.21.2010+002.jpg
. Click Here for more info.

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