Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Prop B would enact tougher dog-breeding regulations

Proposition B, known as the "Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act," would limit breeders to no more than 50 breeding dogs. The animals would have to have food, water, veterinary care, space for exercising and protection from the elements. Animals could not be kept in stacked cages with wire for floors.
The requirements also say dogs must have access to indoor space assuring temperatures of between 45 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Dogs also must have sufficient space to move.

Some members of agricultural organizations believe Proposition B is the first assault on the farmer's ability to raise livestock. 
Some groups, like the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association, said adequate dog-breeding laws are on the books now. They say the problem has been enforcement as well as the proliferation of unlicensed dog breeders who operate outside the law.Click Here for more

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