Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Area Children Victims of the methamphetamine plague

An excellent public awareness article has been posted Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:23 am | Updated: 8:26 am, Wed Nov 17, 2010, By Ed Pruneau, Missourian Managing Editor and can be found here:

The article provides these chilling facts:

As of Monday, 200 children currently are in foster homes or placed with relatives in the 20th Judicial Circuit, which includes Franklin, Gasconade and Osage counties.

"According to DFS (Division of Family Services), the largest number of those are in Franklin County and most of those were taken from drug endangered homes," said Detective Sgt. Jason Grellner, commander of the Franklin County Narcotics Enforcement Unit.

The article also appeals for help from the community in conducting a drive for donations.

 Hermann MO News encourages all to Click Here for more info. and to see how you can help!!!


In two previous postings here on HERMANN MO NEWS, we reported that(see below).

Although, Hermann MO News may question (see below) what measures are to be taken, to get a handle on the methamphetamine plague, Hermann MO News in no way condones nor encourages, the use or manufacture of methamphetamine.  Thank you readers, for your understanding in this delicate issue (city ordinances passed without a vote by the people).

 Cold Pill Sales are Not Soaring at Hermann Missouri Pharmacies: A Two Phone Call Report

Another City Ready to Jump on the 'Pseudoephedrine Ordinance' Bandwagon????
Pacific Missouri, To Consider
Pseudoephedrine Law

_______________________________________________________________________________ Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)


  1. In two previous postings here on HERMANN MO NEWS, we reported that(see below).

    Although, Hermann MO News may question (see below) what measures are to be taken, to get a handle on the methamphetamine plague, Hermann MO News in no way condones nor encourages, the use or manufacture of methamphetamine. Thank you readers, for your understanding in this delicate issue (city ordinances passed without a vote by the people).

    Cold Pill Sales are Not Soaring at Hermann Missouri Pharmacies: A Two Phone Call Report

    Another City Ready to Jump on the 'Pseudoephedrine Ordinance' Bandwagon????
    Pacific Missouri, To Consider
    Pseudoephedrine Law

  2. Rather than inconvenience the legitimate user of pseudoephedrine cold pills, we should track down the meth heads and meth dealers and "inconvenience" them with heavy fines and/or jail sentences. Molotov cocktails (fire bombs) can be fashioned out of glass bottles and gasoline. Should we require retailers to record the sales of these items as well? Should we require the issuance of purchase permits for glass bottles and gasoline?

    Dick Schaefer
