Monday, November 29, 2010

UPDATED: Supreme Court denies challenge to President Obama's citizenship

Once again, the Supreme Court has denied an appeal that raised doubts about President Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship. Without comment, justices rejected a challenge from Charles Kerchner Jr., a Pennsylvania man who sought a trial in federal court forcing the president to produce documents regarding his birth and citizenship.
Kerchner's attorney, Mario Apuzzo, had argued in a petition with the Supreme Court that Obama did not fit the definition of a "natural-born citizen" required for the nation's highest office, as defined by Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.
That clause states, "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
Kerchner argued that the framers of the 1789 document intended a "natural-born" citizen to mean someone born in the U.S. to parents who were both American citizens.
The high court and other courts had dismissed earlier, unrelated lawsuits from individuals questioning Obama's citizenship. State birth certificate records show he was born August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother is a native of Kansas; his father was born in Kenya, which at the time was a British colony.
Kerchner alleged that it was "undisputed fact" Obama's father was a citizen of the British crown, and that meant Obama is not a true U.S. citizen.


Our Good Friends at Hermann Hearsay, (Check it out here:
today, Nov. 28th, posted the following: 

U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility

Have you been following the "Obama eligibility" issue?  Have you seen the following report by WorldNetDaily?

This story has been brewing for over 2 years now...with seemingly no end in sight... or perhaps the 2012 Presidential Election will put it to rest...
BORN IN THE USA? No End Around Play in 2012 Presidential Election.

State GOP leaders grab issue of Obama eligibility

Republican lawmakers, governors poised to demand documentation

The GOP members of Congress who booted Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi from the speaker's seat when they took the majority in the U.S. House this month may be the least of President Barack Obama's concerns as the 2012 presidential campaign assembles.

That's because in Pennsylvania, and in at least a couple of other states, there are Republican-controlled Houses, Senates and governors' offices where being developed right now are plans to use state law to demand proof of constitutional eligibility from presidential candidates before they would be allowed on the state ballot. 

From Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas there already is confirmation of such plans. Arizona is likely to have the same plan, and other states are expected to be in the works as legislatures approach the dates when they will convene. 

. Click Here for the Details.


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  1. Like the "Who Are You" video clip! Time for Obama to come clean on who he really is! We know that he is controlled by billionaire George Soros and the radical left. Obama is their puppet and word is they aren't to happy with his performance. They don't think his brand of CHANGE has been fast enough!

    Glad to see the state legislatures demanding answers as to his eligibility!


