Monday, November 8, 2010

Commentary By My Cousin, Benny Frankin: $2000 IS PEANUTS...

Unlike many local politicians & a commentary reporter or two,  I know exactly why the Use Tax was a bad Idea!!! The $2000 exemption was WAY TO LOW!!!

For myself & my family, strictly as a consumer, I spend well over $2000 per year, on out of state goods!  If we need or want something that is not available or is cheaper than what is available here locally, then we usually buy it over the web.  It usually is less expense that way, rather than driving out of town to chase the item down.  That is why internet sales keep increasing year after year, convenience & savings.  If the savings are taken away because of taxes,  then going out of town shopping makes sense and the county still will not get the revenue. 

This is the 21 first century and $2000 does not go very far.  One Big ticket item can eat up most, if not more, than that amount.

I believe this measure did not pass because at least 2/3 of the voters that bothered, to show up and vote, can do the math, like I have done.  It appears, this Tax would have an effect on more people than you realize.  Quit being so condescending by blaming it on uninformed voters.  Insulting 'We The People' (i.e. the voters) does not help your cause.  I think that was stated loud and clear, by the voters of Gasconade County.  We do not want any more, NEW TAXES!!! 

So I have a Suggestion:

Dear County Commissioners,

Next time you try this (Use Tax), do us all a favor and not waste our time, or yours, with such a low-ball exemption.  Try maybe an exemption in the range of $10,000-$20,000. The vote might get close, then! You might even be able to convince some small--mom & pop--businesses to vote for it.

I guess, you just do not realize how many of us WOULD have been effected, by an exemption so low.

Thank you for your consideration;

Benny Frankin


Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)

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