Saturday, November 13, 2010

Google to Be Investigated by FCC...for collecting emails and passwords from unsuspecting internet users...

FCC to examine Google Street View's collection of personal data

Google's collection of personal information – including emails and passwords from unsuspecting internet users – by its Street View cars is to be investigated by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The data capture, which occurred when Google Street View cars took photographs for the panoramic imaging service, has already been ruled unlawful in many countries, including Canada and the UK.
The US communications regulator said it will now examine whether the collection violated the Communications Act, confirming in a statement that consumers affected by "the breach of privacy" will be given the opportunity of redress. The investigation, thought to have been prompted by a complaint from the pressure group Electronic Privacy Information Centre, comes just two weeks after the US Federal Trade Commission dropped its investigation into the data breach.

Google originally acknowledged the collection of personal information in May, posting an apology on the company's blog and claiming only fragments of information were collected.
However, following an investigation by Canada's privacy commissioner, it transpired that the technology giant had collected so-called "payload" data from unsecured Wi-Fi networks.. Click Here for more info.

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