Friday, November 19, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW: Fact-based 'Fair Game' is a Compelling Thriller

Naomi Watts and Sean Penn in "Fair Game"
 For a nation at war with its own values, "Fair Game" is a compelling, pertinent and scrupulously true political thriller in the honorable tradition of "All the President's Men."

Valerie Plame, smartly portrayed by Naomi Watts, was a CIA operative who specialized in defusing the nuclear ambitions of terrorists and rogue regimes. When President George W. Bush's administration said Iraq was stockpiling uranium from Africa, it didn't square with Plame's information. She suggested to her bosses that her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson (Sean Penn), was qualified to investigate.

 In staring down terrorists, Plame is a poker-faced, high-stakes gambler. But when her cover is blown and the propaganda machine goes into overdrive, informers she had promised to protect become collateral damage. And in the Wilsons' suburban D.C. neighborhood, they are branded as traitors and hounded by death threats.

Penn and Watts have starred in several films together, and here they make a believable married couple. Like the actor who portrays him, Wilson is an outspoken ex-surfer who wades into a national debate at great personal cost. He's also the melancholy caretaker to their twin kids while Plame is off making the world a safer place. The intersection of the political and the personal has rarely been so clearly marked.
The blind-siding of Valerie Plame wasn't fair and wasn't a game, but this cinematic outcome is a touchdown for true patriots.
. Click Here for Full Review.
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  1. I am suspicious. I suspect a liberal spin on history ... especially with the involvement of the Bush-bashing Sean Penn. Nevetheless, I will go to the movie and keep an open mind. I love movies based upon history. I wish they could all be historically accurate, but I recognize that is a difficult ideal to achieve.

    Dick Schaefer

  2. When I see Fact Based, I immediately think FICTION!!! I am a sucker for a good spy flick (i.e. '3 Days of the Condor & Spy Game). I don't think this will be as enjoyable as those, but I'll check it out with an open mind!

