Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nasa looks to put a robot on the moon 'in just 1,000 days'...

Robonaut 2 is set to head into space on board Discovery

NASA has unveiled plans to put a robot on the moon for a fraction of the cost of sending a human.
Engineers claim that in just 1,000 days they can safely build and fire a humanoid-like machine into space and onto our nearest neighbour.
It would cost less than $200million (£124million), plus $250million (£156million) for the rocket, substantially less than the $150billion (£93billion) it would be to send an astronaut.
The engineers behind it also hope that the sight of a robot walking on the Moon would inspire a new generation of scientists, just as the Apollo landings did 40 years ago.
. Click Here for more info.

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