Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Public Information Statement: Missouri winter weather awareness day 2010


Public Information Statement
Statement as of 4:00 PM CST on November 17, 2010

... Missouri winter weather awareness day 2010...
the weather may be OK today but it may change soon. Winter is not
very far away. Following are suggestions for preparing your vehicle
for winter.

... Winter car care...

Your automobile can be your best friend or worst enemy during
winter storms. Get your car winterized before winter arrives.
The following items should be checked to ensure they are in
proper working order:

Ignition system
heater/cooling system
fuel system
windshield wipers
windshield washer fluid
exhaust system

A leaky exhaust system can be extremely dangerous. Carbon
monoxide... an odorless... and colorless gas... can build up inside
the car creating a deadly situation. Keep water out of your Fuel
Tank by keeping it full as much as possible.

It is a good idea to keep a winter storm kit in your car. Some items
to include are a blanket... extra clothes... non-perishable food such
as candy bars... flashlight... small shovel... sand... portable radio or
a weather radio... ice scraper... and booster cables.

________________________________________________________________________ Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

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