Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Senate delays S 510 food safety bill vote until Tuesday Nov. 30 - Take action now to oppose food tyranny

Slammed by a barrage of phone calls and emails today that the mainstream media isn't even reporting, the U.S. Senate today has decided to postpone their vote on S.510 -- the Food Safety Modernization Act -- until Tuesday morning.

Internet reports that S.510 has already passed are incorrect. The final bill has not yet been voted on (only a motion to move forward was voted on).

The Tester Amendment has been passed (see below for more details) which would exclude the smaller farm operations from the more onerous provisions of the bill.

Still up for debate are two amendments to the bill from Sen. Tom Coburn, who is seeking to scale down the bill and make it smaller and less expensive. A second proposed amendment would end Congressional "earmarks" -- a tool of financial corruption that lawmakers use to hand out government money to the corporations and special interest groups that got them elected in the first place. I watched a live C-SPAN video tonight of a pathetic-sounding Senator from Hawaii arguing that earmarks should stay in place because it gives Congress more power (seriously).

The vote on the amendment that would repeal the 1099 IRS reporting requirement for small businesses failed, leaving America's small business owners frantically looking for ways to move their businesses offshore before this outrageous new paperwork requirement kicks in by early 2011. (http://www.naturalnews.com/028854_1...)

It was virtually all Democrats, by the way, who voted to keep this outrageous 1099 law in place. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/L...) It's almost as if the Democratic Senators can't wait to drive U.S. small business owners out of the country and destroy the U.S. economy in the process.

On the S 510 bill itself, our hope now rests with Senator Tom Coburn's amendments as well as the possibility that more Senators will reconsider their positions on this bill and come out tomorrow to oppose it.

Other improvements put in place with the help of health freedom allies

The Alliance for Natural Health (www.ANH-USA.org) has been working hard with many health freedom allies, including NaturalNews, to reduce the tyranny of the bill. From their announcement today:

These are some of the changes that ANH-USA and allies have [achieved with] the Food Safety bill:

Excluded excessive punishment

Last week we learned that S. 510 would not include the obscene ten-year jail sentences for food and supplement manufacturers who violate complicated FDA rules. That draconian language was specifically designed to target supplement manufacturers while leaving pharmaceutical drug and medical device companies untouched.

Resisted international harmonization of food and health supplement policy

Together we worked to modify language that would have committed the US to harmonization of international food and supplement rules similar to those in Europe, where attempts are being made to regulate away natural health.

Excluded small farmers from burdensome regulation

Working with the natural health community, ANH-USA succeeded in winning inclusion of the Tester amendment with its protection of small farmers. ANH-USA and other organizations fought tirelessly to protect the bourgeoning local healthy food movement from unwarranted federal regulation, and from the processed food companies that are increasingly nervous about the new competition. Thirty processed food organizations like the American Frozen Food Institute and the Corn Refiners Association sent a letter to the Senate arguing that a local produce stand should face the same regulatory hurdles as their industrial-scale processed food operations.

Mainstream media lies about S.510

There's no question that Senators' offices today were hit with a barrage of phone calls and emails from people voicing their opposition to the bill. Not surprisingly, mainstream newspapers published articles strongly supporting S.510 -- they've never seen a Big Brother expansion of power they didn't like!

We've also recently been reminded that mainstream media publishers will simply lie to their readers
on important issues regarding freedom. For example, recent MSM reports about the TSA and the "National Opt Out Day" conveniently and deliberately leave out the fact that the TSA turned off their naked body scanner machines for the day, and that's why no one had the opportunity to protest. (Funny how the big newspapers never bother to mention this all-important fact when covering the story. They just claim the protests were a failure because no one protested.)

Sadly, it looks like S.510 is likely to pass, and that means Americans should get ready to endure yet another Gestapo agency (the FDA) running rampant over their food and seeds. As if there weren't government agents taking away our rights already, now the FDA is going to be able to show up at farms and, at gunpoint, demand, "Show us your papers!"

NaturalNews plans to publish the names of all the U.S. Senators who vote for this tyranny, and they will join our "Hall of Shame" of legislators who our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson would have considered treasonous in their shameful betrayal of the rights of individual citizens and small farmers.

Why we need to delineate the right to grow food in the next Bill of Rights

This also reminds me to point out that after the U.S. collapses from total financial and moral bankruptcy -- which seems to be getting closer by the day -- we must all remember that in the next society, we need to add "The Right to Grow, Harvest and Exchange Our Own Food" into the next Bill of Rights. Because that's exactly what's being stripped away from the American people with the passage of S.510.

Remember, too, that the FDA already took away your right to learn the truth about nutritional supplements and natural remedies. It has sought to destroy the natural products industry. Now it's poised to take away your access to raw milk while burdening food producers with outrageous new paperwork requirements -- all while ignoring the real causes of the food contaminations, which are actually caused by factory animal farms.

The people who are in support of this bill -- including several big-name food authors who should frankly know better -- are selling out to the agricultural giants and aligning themselves with the dark powers in government who seek to destroy food freedom.

"Food is no less a weapon than tanks, guns, and planes." said Franklin D. Roosevelt. And now the U.S. Senate is making sure that food controls can be used against the American people in exactly the same way the Patriot Act is now being used to crush our civil liberties.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030565_Food_Safety_S_510.html#ixzz16lxaSbqj


The Gormley Files: Senate Bill 510: The $825 Billion Dollar Folly:

"Are you a backyard grower of heirloom tomatoes you sell on your own property or at a local farmer’s market? If so, you will be in for a whopper of a surprise if Senator Durbin’s Senate Bill 510 (S.B. 510) passes: you may be receiving a visit from inspectors.

Products not grown according to designated standards will be considered adulterated and your business records will be subject to warrantless searches by inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all this without any evidence that you have violated any law."Wonder why the National Guard or Federal agents have effectively imposed martial law by quarantining your town? Under S.B. 510’s House counterpart bill, H.R. 2749 (Section 133b, “Authority to Prohibit or Restrict the Movement of Food”), sponsored by Congressman Dingell, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will have the power to prohibit all movement of all food within a geographic area, whether the food is in your grandmother’s grocery bag in her Toyota Hybrid or on a flatbed. No court order will be needed, just a phone call to the appropriate state official and a public announcement will be sufficient.

 Click Here for More Info.

(NaturalNews) If there's one thing to give thanks for this year, it's the fact that the Senate floor vote on the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" has been delayed until after the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. This gives all of us -- the commonsense opponents of S.510 who don't want the FDA having authority over raw milk, seeds and backyard gardens -- another week to flood the offices of U.S. Senators with calls, faxes and emails that express opposition to the bill.

The jury is still out on the Tester-Hagan Amendment which would exempt small farmers from some of the more tyrannical requirements under the law. If this amendment were adopted, it would substantially improve the bill, but even with this amendment, the bill is just another overreaching expansion of Big Government into yet another area of incompetence. (If the government can't run health care worth a darn, how are they supposed to manage the entire food supply?)
 . Click Here for more info.


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  1. This is the last straw! I'm gonna find myself 40 acres on top of a wooded mountain where I can build myself a two-room log cabin. A little secluded place where the USDA, the FDA, the IRS, the DEA, the FBI, the CIA, the TSA and whiskey revenuers can't find me. Up on a ridge (like Ruby Ridge) where I can see them comin'! No roads to the place, just a foot trail! I'll shoot squirrels, rabbits and deer for meat and I'll grow vegetables in a small garden. No electricity. Candles for lighting and firewood for heat. Lots of batteries for my laptop, flashlights, etc. A good stock of single-malt scotch and premium quality cigars too!

    I'm tired of the Feds interfering in EVERY aspect of our lives!

    Elmer Fudd

  2. I think the bill will allow you to grow Straw on your 40 acres!!!


    Farmer Brown
