Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Such a Well Behaved Herd of Sheep

TSA thanks you for allowing them to 
violate your rights and to assault you.

Marti Oakley
Information Clearing House
November 2010

If ever there was an indicator of just how apathetic and well trained the American public truly is, it must be this situation with TSA.  Like a herd of bedraggled sheep, thousands of you forfeited your 4th and 5th amendment rights and allowed the government to irradiate you and view your virtually naked body, or allowed yourself to be subjected to an enhanced pat-down…nothing short of a sexual encounter.  And for what?  This is a training and conditioning exercise you fools! This has nothing to do with making us safer, national security or protecting America.  It has nothing to do with making your flight safer.  It has everything to do with conditioning you to accept a full body assault as long as the persons doing it are wearing a government badge.  You are being trained to submit and comply.

Did any of the claimed terrorists come from America? NO.

Are any potential terrorists afraid of TSA and Homeland Security or any of the rights-robbing laws passed by the jackass’s in the District of Criminals? NO.

Did any of those laws apply to terrorists?  NO!  They apply to US citizens.

We have a border that is wide open and anyone and everyone from far away places such as Uganda, China, North Korea, and even Afghanistan have crossed that border at will, without any trouble, and millions of people from Mexico, El Salvador, Ecuador, and various and sundry other South American country’s have also entered and Homeland Security has absolutely no plans to secure that border or to deport any of those individuals caught here illegally. With this in mind……how concerned do you think Homeland Security is about terrorism or terrorists?

Who is it Homeland Security views as terrorists?  YOU.
. Click Here for more info.





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1 comment:

  1. Sad but true! We have to rise up and resist this nonsense!

    Dick Schaefer
