Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whipped Cream Causes Buzz with splash of alcohol...Get Whipped

A new cocktail topping is grabbing attention... of consumers and regulators alike.

It's alcohol-infused whipped cream.

It's not kept in the refrigerator, but on liquor-store shelves.

It contains about 15-percent alcohol. That is a little more that what's found in most wines and about three times more than beer.

The boozy treat is being sold in several states but could go nationwide.

Store owners in Boston say the alcohol-spiked whipped cream is extremely popular.

The Boston Herald reports that the Massachusetts Alcohol Beverages Commission will be keeping its eye on the product.
The federal government ordered the makers of Four Loko to change its dangerous combination of caffeine and alcohol to something safer. However, it's not just beverages getting the controversial boost, its whipped cream too.

It might look like a regular can of whipped cream, but if you take a closer look at the label, you'll see why some university students are really buzzing about whipped lightning.

The whipped treat comes in different flavors, and it's infused with alcohol. The alcohol content is fairly high, 18 percent by volume, that's more than three times the amount found in most beers.
. Click Here for more info.



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1 comment:

  1. Not really different than Bailey's Irish Cream! As for me, I'll take Bailey's and coffee!

    Yosemite Sam
