Saturday, December 4, 2010

Apples and Oranges - Newspaper advertising versus online advertising


Amidst reports that online advertising is fast overtaking print advertising, it is important to keep in mind that these results at best reflect seasonal variance. One may overtake the other at a point of time, but at the end of the day, both are necessary because the approach towards both the mediums is different, the purpose is different and to some extent even the audience is also different.

So let us first take the case of newspaper advertising. Reading newspapers is a leisure activity, and for many, an intrinsic part of the daily routine. During the weekends, people usually relax with a newspaper and the accompanying magazine supplements to catch up with not only the latest news, but the latest trends, the most happening events, and even the latest gossips. The interest generated by the content spills on to the advertisements to an extent where the lines separating the two are dulled so that the ads and the content become a natural extension of each other.

This is then the power of newspaper and magazine advertising. They signify quality. The results may or may not be instantaneous but the message lingers in the mind for a longer period. Newspaper and magazine advertisements, therefore, have a greater impact and a greater recall value. The reader may not directly perform a call to action as specified in the ad, but in all probability, will do so when the need arises. Indeed, the emotional connect between newspaper content and the ads is so strong that people actually cut them out and store away the clippings for future use.

Online advertising, on the other hand, works on the principle of instant results. Your online advertisement appears in front of your potential clients exactly at the moment when they are searching for the product or service in question. Needless to say, the ad will lead to a greater conversion rate, more so, if the offering lives up to the expectation of what the customer is searching for.

Then there is the question of the audience. While the broadband has witnessed a significant increase, there are many who still don’t have access to the Internet. So if you concentrate on online advertising, you’ll be losing out potential customers whose primary source of information is the newspapers and magazines.

There are people who have access to both Internet and newspapers. However, the people who browse through the Internet, and especially when they are at work, focus specifically on what they are looking for. They may not have the time to read your ad properly. The mind is diverted elsewhere so there is a less chance of messages registering and having the required impact.  However, if the person is specifically searching for a particular product or service, your online advertisement will have a higher conversion rate.

So which is more important? The answer is both because you need instant clients but at the same time you cannot ignore the ones who may become potential clients in the long run. So it is not really a question of newspaper advertising versus online advertising, but an effective combination of both to achieve the desired results.

. Click Here for more info.


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