Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Congress to Demand Answers from Big Sis TSA in Airport Security Flaws


Congress to demand answers from TSA in airport security flaws

It looks like he may have succeeded at his mission.
Exactly one month after Chris Liu posted videos to YouTube showing what he calls "critical security flaws," the new chairman of a House subcommittee said he will call Transporation Security Administration (TSA) leaders to Capitol Hill for an explanation.
The videos, captured by Liu's cell phone camera, show ground crews entering and exiting secure areas while never going through a screening process.
Liu posted the videos hoping Congressional leaders would address "gaping holes in airport security."
"We're spending of millions of dollars on technology, but we're not doing the basics," said Congressman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who will chair the subcommitee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. "We've got to be doing the basics to secure the airlines."
That subcommittee, part of the Republican Committee of Oversight and Government Reform, also controls oversight of the Transportation & Safety Administration.
"The TSA has a lot of things they're going to have to answer for, it's just totally unexcusable," said Chaffetz. "You watch this video and you see how insecure that airport facility is. We're going to call those TSA folks up and have them come up to Capitol Hill and answer for it."
Chaffetz is not alone in his call to action.
Outgoing Congressman Peter Hoekstra, R-Michigan, is the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee and had a similar reaction soon after the videos went viral.
In California, Congressman Dan Lungren, R-Sacramento, said other committees will look into the matter as well.
. Click Here for more info.



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