Friday, December 10, 2010

Four bodies discovered inside St. Clair home suspected carbon monoxide poisoning


Four people found dead Thursday inside a home at 1585 North Commercial Avenue likely died of carbon monoxide poisoning, An autopsy was scheduled Friday,  St. Clair police chief Bill Hammack said.

Angela S. Sohn, 29, her boyfriend, Ryan G. Yoder, 27, and his two children, Devin Yoder, 4, and Tessa Yoder, 3, were found Thursday afternoon after friends went to check on the family, police said.

Investigators do not suspect foul play. None of bodies had any visible signs of injury and there was no evidence of forced entry to the home, Hammack said.

Three of the bodies were found in a bedroom. The fourth was discovered on a couch. It was unclear exactly when they died, Hammack said.

Family members told police Sohn and Ryan Yoder were sick early in the week, complaining of nausea. 

Family members last saw them alive on Tuesday.
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