Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fulton Missouri Mom Delivers Surprise Full Term Christmas Baby - Unaware She Was Pregnant

Mandi Steele/FULTON SUN photo: Natasha Weigel and Paul Bruner became the parents of a son, Nathaniel Bruner, on Christmas Day. It was a shock to both, as Weigel didn’t know she was pregnant until she arrived in the emergency room. 

Natasha Weigel had the Christmas surprise of her life this year — a baby.
The 24-year-old Fulton woman carried her son to full-term without realizing she was pregnant and delivered him on Christmas Day. 

“God blessed us with the best Christmas present anybody could ask for,” said Teresa Potts, Weigel’s mother.
Weigel, her boyfriend, Paul Bruner, and their three children were staying at Potts’ house for the holiday. Weigel said they go to her mother’s house in Williamsburg every year for Christmas. Just after midnight on Christmas, Weigel said she was putting together some toys for her sons, so they would awake to find them under the tree in the morning, when she started to have a lot of pain in her abdomen.
“I couldn’t walk, and I felt like I was having contractions,” Weigel said.
At around 4 a.m., she woke Potts to tell her that the pain was getting worse.
Potts said her daughter told her she may have pulled a groin muscle and told her, “Mom, I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You need to go to the hospital,” Potts told her.

 Nathaniel Ralph Bruner was born at 1:28 p.m. Christmas Day and weighed 6.15 pounds. Weigel said the doctors decided to keep her at the hospital two extra days just to make sure everything was fine with her and the baby, since she’d had no prenatal care. She said, so far, all the tests have come back normal.
. Click Here for more info.


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