Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gasconade County Courthouse Society Meeting - 12/27/2010 Hermann Missouri

This plan, presented by the Gasconade County Courthouse Society in 2008, features a new three-story annex building adjacent to the existing courthouse. The total cost of just under $8 million includes total renovation of the historic courthouse, a wrap-around driveway, expanded parking, elevators and full ADA compliance.


Gasconade County Courthouse Society Meeting - 12/27/2010
Published by Dick Schaefer HERMANN HEARSAY:

Last night, Monday, 12/27, the Board of Directors of the Gasconade County Courthouse Society (GCCS) met at 7 p.m. in the Gasconade County Courthouse at the request of GCCS President Dale Ridder.  The purpose of the board meeting was to discuss and consider the conveyance of property adjoining the Courthouse property and valued at approximately $700,000 to Gasconade County.  The property was purchased by and deeded to the GCCS by Joe and Judy Roethli
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