Saturday, December 18, 2010

Good Samaritans Face Fine After Rescuing Deer From Icy Water


BALTIMORE COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) – They fought to save a life, and now they say they’ll fight the fine.
It all revolves around the rescue of a deer trapped in icy water Thursday night.

Alex DeMetrick reports that good deed was rewarded with tickets.

Strangers banded together to pull a deer out of the freezing water of the Patapsco River on Thursday night.

“We seen the deer going under,” said Khalil Abusakran. “It couldn’t maintain.  It was starting to freeze, and it was really getting bad.”

Abusakran brought a raft, and Jim Hart joined him.

But in the excited aftermath of the rescue, a natural resources police officer on the scene wrote both men a ticket.
. Click Here for more info.




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