Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Internet Users Strike Back to Support WikiLeaks Founder


WikiLeaks supporters strike back online 

The website of the Swedish prosecutor's office pursuing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange came under cyber attack on Tuesday in the latest salvo in a campaign by online supporters who have also struck PayPal and the Swiss Post Office bank.

PandaLabs, the malware detection laboratory for computer security firm Panda Security, said the prosecutor's website,, was brought down by members of the loose "cyber hacktivist" group called "Anonymous."

The attack on the Swedish prosecutor's website came as Assange, whose release of secret US diplomatic cables has sparked an international furor, was refused bail by a British judge over allegations of sex crimes in Sweden.

 Sean-Paul Correll, threat researcher at PandaLabs, said Anonymous had dubbed the attacks on the websites of the Swedish prosecutor's office, PayPal and the Swiss Post Office bank as "Operation Avenge Assange."

He said they were part of a battle being waged online between supporters and opponents of WikiLeaks, whose website has come under repeated cyber attack itself and has seen US companies gradually withdrawing their support.

WikiLeaks has been under cyber attack since Assange began releasing the first US documents last week, forcing it to repeatedly change addresses and Web hosts.

Amazon dropped WikiLeaks from its servers last week and PayPal blocked financial transfers to the site while the Swiss Post Office bank on Monday closed accounts held by Assange, the Australian-born WikiLeaks founder.
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1 comment:

  1. Wow! Cyber-warfare! This could spiral out of control! Thanks for the article.

    Dick Schaefer
