Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Internet Web Killer ? FCC's New Web Rules Trigger Washington Fog Machine


Many people who use the Internet and are aware that the Federal Communications Commission just made an important decision involving the Web are wondering: What the heck happened Tuesday?

The statements from President Obama and House Speaker-in-waiting Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) don't provide much help. 

They seem to be describing two alternate universes, one where the primary color is blue, the other red.

Not surprisingly, Obama praised the decision from the FCC which has a 3-2 Democratic majority and whose chair, Julius Genachowski, headed up the Obama campaign's telecommunications-policy team:

Today’s decision will help preserve the free and open nature of the Internet while encouraging innovation, protecting consumer choice, and defending free speech. Throughout this process, parties on all sides of this issue – from consumer groups to technology companies to broadband providers – came together to make their voices heard. This decision is an important component of our overall strategy to advance American innovation, economic growth, and job creation.

As a candidate for President, I pledged to preserve the freedom and openness that have allowed the Internet to become a transformative and powerful platform for speech and expression.  That’s a pledge I’ll continue to keep as President.  As technology and the market continue to evolve at a rapid pace, my Administration will remain vigilant and see to it that innovation is allowed to flourish, that consumers are protected from abuse, and that the democratic spirit of the Internet remains intact.

Meanwhile, Boehner slammed the decision as a "job-killing" which, it must be said, he applies to virtually every piece of Democratic legislation or policy decision these days:

“Today’s action by the FCC will hurt our economy, stifle private-sector job creation, and undermine the entrepreneurship and innovation of Internet-related American employers.  The American people are asking ‘Where are the jobs?’  They aren’t asking for yet another government takeover that imposes more job-killing federal regulations and puts bureaucrats in charge of the Internet.  Federal bureaucrats should not be in the business of regulating the Internet, and the new House majority will work to reverse this unnecessary and harmful federal government power grab next year."

As I said, more heat than light comes from those two statements. Put another way, the Washington fog machine was going full tilt Tuesday. CLICK HERE FOR MORE


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