Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Missouri City Of Hermann Considering New Phone Tax

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  1. What is your source for this story?

  2. Damned government officials are always looking for new taxes and additional tax revenue. Do they ever work on the other side of the equation, i.e. the spending side? When John Penning questioned a tire expenditure and whether or not the tires had been "shopped", he was told by others on the city council that he shouldn't be questioning such a "small expenditure". I think Brian Chorley was the one questioning Penning. Mr. Chorely, cut expenses to the bone and THEN we'll consider your new phone tax!

    Dick Schaefer

  3. If you're so smart about City finances, why don't you come to the next City Council meeting and tell us where to cut? We've been bare-bones for at least 2 years now. We are operating with about 3-4 staff members less than we should be. A lot of things are slipping through the cracks because we just don't have enough staff to keep up with everything. Just look at the pothole complaints and the grass cutting complaints. We just need more people to keep up with everything going on in this city, but we don't have the money right now to expand our staff. I wish you would think a little bit before commenting on something you know very little about.
    The Penning thing was a personal attack on the Jost Tire Co. and had nothing to do with if it was shopped around or not. The tire bid was shopped around to three companies and Jost was the only one who would come to Hermann and replace the tires. Their service was excellent and they only charged us $40 for the trip up from Owensville to install the tires. To question the City employees in an open meeting when we have a long-standing process in place to handle these expenditures was the wrong move, and I called him on it.
    Hope to see you at the next meeting!
    Brian Chorley
    PS- It looks like the photo you're using above is a copyrighted photo that you can't use legally. I would take it down before someone notices!

  4. Dear Mr. Brian Chorley

    Thank you for your comments!!!

    I believe You have Hermann MO News confused with the other commenter!!!

    Mr. Schaefer is not in any way connected with this web site!!! We do however enjoy his web site - Hermann Hearsay.

    Thank you for visiting Hermann MO News!!!

    Editor - PR2011

  5. You can leave Anonymous comments all you want...however We do NOT answer QUESTIONS from any one Anonymous.

    If you have QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS please email us at:


    Thank you for Visiting!!!

    Editor - PR2011

  6. Mr. Chorley,

    I think I will take you up on your invitation and start attending your city council meetings. I am curious to know just what is going on with city finances and why politicians who think like you can never seem to suck enough taxes and fees from your constituents. I'm glad John Penning is asking direct and penetrating questions. He is representing the citizens of our community. And what pray tell are you doing for us? Other than talking down to us!

    Dick Schaefer

  7. Mr. Chorley,

    I have it on good authority that Central Tire Company of Owensville was never queried regarding the purchase of these tires by the City of Hermann. I can give you the names of some other tire vendors who were not queried if you would like to have them.

    And when did you become a mind reader? You make a big leap to the conclusion as to why John Penning was asking his questions about a tire purchase. You have no idea as to his intent. You are just spculating!

    As a Ward 1 Alderman, I hope Mr. Penning will keep asking penetrating questions about cost control. I hope that you, as an aspiring two-term Ward 2 Alderman, will likewise dig into the procurement practices of the City of Hermann.

    You had better stick to the management of city affairs instead of casting dispersions upon a fellow alderman who is trying to carry out his duties!

    Dick Schaefer

    P.S. I will begin attending your city council meetings to learn more about the city's budget difficulties you say cannot possibly be resolved without increasing taxes. This week I will see if I can get copies of the city's operating budget from City Clerk Delores Grannemann.
