Saturday, December 18, 2010

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon: No prison closings; School aid questionable; Seeks 2nd Term


Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has ruled out closing a state prison to help close Missouri’s budget gap. But he says more cuts are possible to state jobs, higher education and certain public school programs.

Nixon outlined some of his budget priorities Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press. Nixon’s administration has said Missouri is facing a shortfall of between $500 million and $700 million for the fiscal year that begins July 1.

Nixon says he hopes to be able to keep basic aid for K-12 schools at the same level as this year. But he says state money specifically targeted toward school busing is on “the watch list” of things that could be cut, along with funding for public colleges and universities.

Asked Thursday whether he will seek re-election, Nixon told The Associated Press: “Yea.”
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