Wednesday, December 29, 2010

MoDot of Missouri - State Rail Plan Needs Public Input New Survey - Gasconade and Franklin County Residents encouraged to participate


MoDOT News Release  
For more information, 
contact Railroad Administrator Rod Massman, (573) 751-7476.
December 29, 2010

JEFFERSON CITY - If you were charged with guiding Missouri's rail future, how would you spend your resources and what would you make a priority?  A new online survey is giving citizens the chance to offer suggestions. 
The survey, found on the Missouri Department of Transportation website at , is seeking information about rail services, challenges, opportunities, costs and benefits from the public's point of view. 
"We're launching efforts to develop a state rail plan for Missouri," said MoDOT Director Kevin Keith, "and we need your help to plan properly for the future.   
"It's always a challenge to pay for all the transportation services and improvements Missourians tell us they want," Keith added, "so how the state invests our rail transportation dollars says a lot about our priorities and has a major impact on the state's economy." 
The survey results, along with other information collected through public involvement activities, will be used to help MoDOT create a comprehensive rail plan that will primarily focus on three general areas:  freight rail development, passenger rail and highway/rail crossing safety.

Gasconade and Franklin County Residents are encouraged to participate in the survey! 


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