Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Obama Administration has no hard deadline for Afghanistan War


Gen. David Petraeus: Afghanistan 2014 Deadline Not A 'Sure Thing'

Gen. David Petraeus's admission that a U.S. victory in Afghanistan is not a "sure thing" by 2014 is the latest indication that the Obama administration has no hard deadline whatsoever for ending what is already the nation's longest war.

Petraeus told ABC News of the 2014 target date: "No commander ever is going to come out and say, 'I'm confident that we can do this.' I think that you say that you assess that this is -- you believe this is, you know, a reasonable prospect and knowing how important it is -- that we have to do everything we can to increase the chances of that prospect.... But again, I don't think there are any sure things in this kind of endeavor. And I wouldn't be honest with you and with the viewers if I didn't convey that."
Petraeus's comment comes even as support for the war continues to decline in both the U.S. and Afghanistan -- and as leaked State Department cables expose how deeply corrupt and unreliable a partner the U.S. has in the central Afghan government.

In December 2009, President Obama promised to begin bringing U.S. troops home from Afghanistan in July 2011.

But over time, it became increasingly clear that any withdrawal in 2011 would be token at best. And by July of 2010, both the Afghan and U.S. governments were talking about a timeline that extended to 2014 instead.
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