Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ohio Family's home crushed by tons of corn (video report)


An Ohio family is looking for a place to live after their rental home was buried by a "sea of corn" overnight.

Cassy Williams clung to the only comfort she could find after the weight of tons of corn destroyed her home.

"I was on the couch at the time. I was thrown to the floor from the force of it," Williams said.

Cassy and fiancee Joseph Lyons scrambled to salvage whatever belongings they could after a neighboring silo sent an avalanche of corn into their home.

"Everything we had for our children's Christmas is destroyed, said Lyons. "We're going to have to start over from scratch."

For six years the couple and their two children rented in the shadow of the grain bin and silos.

They made ends meet during hard times and were on the verge of getting a place of their own.

"We have Christmas and two birthdays coming up and we don't know what we'll do," Williams said.

It was either an explosion or failure in the walls of the loaded grain bin that caused the collapse.

Outside, children played in the grain like it was snow as bulldozers and front-end loaders move the weighty drifts of corn to waiting semis.

"For 26 years, I often told my husband it's only a matter of time before one of those falls and today was the day," said neighbor Sue Salmon.

Whatever fears neighbors had were not shared with the fire department.

The grain storage is owned by a local farm co-op.

The grain bin can be rebuilt.

The Williams' home is a total loss.

However, they have each other this holiday season and for that they are thankful.



Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)

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