Saturday, December 4, 2010

Missouri State Auditor Admits to Delayed Release of Audit(s) Until After Election


The Missouri Technology Corp. was supposed to spur the state’s high-tech industry. Instead it was plagued by potential conflicts of interest, lax oversight, and barely spent any of the money it had to create high-paying jobs.

In a sharply critical audit released Wednesday, state Auditor Susan Montee substantiated many of the concerns raised by Nicholas Franano — a former MTC board member from the Kansas City area — and published by The Kansas City Star in March.

Montee, a Democrat who lost re-election last month and will leave office in January, claim's the audit’s release was delayed because of political threats by MTC managers.

Read more:
Hermann MO News also reported on a delayed release by Susan Montee on December 21, 2010 (see below)

Missouri state audit report of Gasconade County financial statements has been recently posted (after election) at the Missouri State Auditor's website:

Hermann MO News Commentary:

It is currently unknown what effect these intentional audit delays, had on the election, but it would seem that this sort of manipulation would be in conflict with the intent of the audits, i.e. the public's right to know.

Furthermore, how can the voters make an informed voting decision when pertinent facts are kept in the dark?

Perhaps this is what cost Montee her bid for re-election.


Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

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