Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Teen Texting - Averaqge One Text Every Ten Minutes When Awake


FCC looks into issues facing young users of mobile technology

A new survey shows teens now average one text every ten minutes when they're awake.
Daily text messaging among teens has skyrocketed from 38 percent in 2008 to 54 percent in 2009.

One in three sends more than 100 texts per day.

That's one reason the Federal Communications Commission is holding a forum on navigating the new high tech reality and its many pitfalls, including cyber bullying and sexting.

"About four percent of American teens with cell phones have sent nude or nearly nude suggestive image of themselves, about 15 percent say they have received such an image," says Pew Research Center senior specialist Amanda Lenhart.

64 percent of parents report they look at the contents of their child's cell phone.

About half limit the times of day they can use their phone.



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