Friday, December 3, 2010

Three Gasconade County Officials want More Power...power to unilaterally decide to put out a controlled burn fire during a burn ban even if it is on private property


Three Gasconade County officials approached the Gasconade County Commission Thursday, December 2, 2010, proposing that the Sheriff and the Commission begin to research what powers other Missouri counties may have legislated regarding burn bans.

The three officials present today were Sheriff Randy Esphorst, County Emergency Management Director Dan Dyer, and Owensville Fire Chief Jeff Kuhne.

The three Gasconade County officials seem to agree that they ought to have the power to unilaterally decide to put out a controlled burn fire during a burn ban, if a fire chief deems the fire unsafe, unwise or out of control -- even if it is on private property.  They were proposing that a local law enforcement officer or a local fire chief would be empowered to order the extinguishing a controlled burn fire if he or she felt there was a danger during a burn ban.

County Commissioners did not express support for the idea, but they said they were willing to help research what other Missouri counties may have legislated on the subject.

Please Note: As a courtesy to the Landowners of Gasconade County, Hermann MO News is providing a list below of the phone numbers to your County Commissioners.  We encourage you to drop them a line and tell them what you think. 
That's how a Democratic Republic works, they are your Elected Representatives not all powerful leaders that make unilateral decisions without the people's input.

Presiding Commissioner:     Ronald Jost           573-486-5427 (Hermann office)
Southern Commissioner:     Jerry Lairmore       573-486-5427 (Hermann office)
Northern Commissioner:     Mathew Penning    573-486-2277



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