Friday, December 31, 2010

TV Crew Covering President Claims Mistreatment - "Put that camera off of me."

TV Crew Covering President Claims Mistreatment

A public access television crew complained of police mistreatment Thursday, after trying to get a picture of President Barrack Obama.
Just after dawn Wednesday, the three-woman crew for a Big Island public access program called "We Are Change Hawaii" drove up to the barricade near the president's vacation home in Kailua.Host R.J. Hampton was told they couldn't stay, so she spoke into the video camera as she returned to the car.
 The crew was video-taping vehicle searches along the potential motorcade route as they left the neighborhood. They noticed a van behind them.

 Exciting turned to scary after they pulled into a gas station. On their video, a police officer approached the car and said, “Stay in the car. Put that camera off of me.”
. Click Here for more info.


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