Tuesday, December 7, 2010

VFW updating its image to entice younger veterans to join


After years of declining membership, leaders of local VFW posts are working to update the organization's image, and their efforts have brought in a surge of young troops.

In Missouri last year, about 2,600 new members signed up, and in Illinois, the number reached 8,000.

"A lot of people think the VFW is just a bunch of old guys sitting around getting drunk, smoking cigars and telling war stories, but we're more than that," said Tom Mundell, 60, commander of Overland-St. Ann Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3944.

While VFW posts always will provide camaraderie and support, leaders recognize that some young veterans might not smoke or drink. They know that today's veterans include a good number of women, that many are into technology, and they have young children, so they want more events that are family-oriented.

Several posts have answered by taking steps to make their facilities more attractive. For instance, the post in Arnold put up a new building that provides easy access to Interstate 55. 

Others have added Wi-Fi cafes or hosted sports leagues or dances with live music. Some simply made an extra effort to make veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan feel welcome by personally asking them to join.

The primary mission of the organization is to ensure that veterans of foreign wars get the medical and educational benefits they deserve. 

With the ranks of World War II, Korean and Vietnam veterans dwindling, local leaders want to make sure assistance continues for younger soldiers.

Posts have tried several strategies to get out their message, including using social media such as Facebook, as well as spots on radio, TV and in print media. 

In addition, the VFW is now making presentations at meetings that all veterans are required to attend when they return from a combat zone.
. Click Here for more info.

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