Friday, November 19, 2010

Cold Pill Sales are Not Soaring at Hermann Missouri Pharmacies: Pharmacists haven't seen a jump in sales

Pseudoephedrine blister pack

An headline and bi-line, in the top-stories section, of  (November 12, 2010), reports as follows:


Cold Pill Sales Soar

In Towns With No Prescription Law


This story claims that, "Since Missouri implemented a computer monitoring system to track purchases of pseudoephedrine products, sales have soared at pharmacies in communities that don't have laws requiring prescriptions to buy cold pills."...Click Here to read their Story

Hermann Missouri was not named, specifically in the story!

Two Local  Pharmacies were called, by this Blogger, by telephone, Hermann Pharmacy and Berlener Pharmacy and were asked, "Is this the Pharmacist...can I talk to the Pharmacist, please."

The Question asked: "Since the passage of laws, pertaining to the sale of Pseudo-ephedrine" (key ingredient needed to manufacture methamphetamine) "have you seen a jump in sales of such?"

The Answer: "No......"

Pharmacist (owner) Steve Ciegel, who agreed to be quoted for this report,  stated , "No...we really haven't seen a jump in sales." (of Pseudo-ephedrine).  Pharmacist Ciegel also added "...I know the majority of my customers and if I don't..."(insinuated if he has a suspicion of use other than intended)"...I will not sell to them" (the potential customer).

When asked; "If he (Pharmacist Ciegel) thought the Headline, 
'Cold Pill Sales Soar:
In Towns With No Prescription Law' 
was a bit over-blown he answered, without hesitation,
"Yes, I believe so." (that the headline over states the facts)

PLEASE NOTE:  Hermann Pharmacy answered our initial Question, "No, not really". (Since the passage of laws, pertaining to the sale of Pseudo-ephedrine, have you seen a jump in sales of such) but declined to be quoted further and hung-up when asked if we could quote.

Also, I AM NOT A REPORTER, just a concerned citizen (and Blogger), with what I feel are legitimate questions.  I was up-front, on the telephone, that I have a local, News Blog!

I informed both Pharmacists that, (before asking my initial question)  "I run a local 'News Blog' and I was curious to know if..."(see question above). 

I did not contact any locally established Corporate chain-store/franchises, as their managers are not usually authorized to answer direct questions pertaining to sales.

Further-more, I do NOT have a dog in the fight!  If the community feels it wants or needs certain laws in place, I am all for it.  

I am and will be, in the future, a concerned citizen who is only seeking the truth.  If at times that means exposing biased News be it!!!

I thank you for reading and hope you feel inclined to return.

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St. Louis Lambert Airport: Woman With 2 Artificial Knees Describes 'Sexual Assault' By Screener...


More Americans are growing angrier, over what the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), admits are more intrusive security pat-downs at airports.
One woman is comparing her experience at Lambert Airport to a sexual assault.
 . Click Here for more info.


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19,150 Welcome Blues Home: St. Louis Responds with 5-2 Win over Ottawa Senators


The Blues re-discovered a winning formula on Friday, beating the Ottawa Senators 5-2 in front of 19,150 at Scottrade Center. Goals by Brad Boyes, Andy McDonald, Eric Brewer, Carlo Colaiacovo and Patrik Berglund backed steady goaltending from Ty Conklin to snap the team's five-game winless skid.

The Blues are 7-0-1 at home this season. The game included a number of firsts. The victory was the first for Conklin as a member of the Blues at Scottrade. He was credited with a home win last season, but it came in Sweden. His record at Scottrade had been 0-6. His last 11 starts had been on the road.. Click Here for more info.

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19 (Traitors) Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet

This is hardly a surprise but, this morning (as previously announced), the lame duck Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously voted to move forward with censoring the internet via the COICA bill -- despite a bunch of law professors explaining to them how this law is a clear violation of the First Amendment. What's really amazing is that many of the same Senators have been speaking out against internet censorship in other countries, yet they happily vote to approve it here because it's seen as a way to make many of their largest campaign contributors happy. There's very little chance that the bill will actually get passed by the end of the term but, in the meantime, we figured it might be useful to highlight the 19 Senators who voted to censor the internet this morning:
  • Patrick J. Leahy -- Vermont
  • Herb Kohl -- Wisconsin
  • Jeff Sessions -- Alabama
  • Dianne Feinstein -- California
  • Orrin G. Hatch -- Utah
  • Russ Feingold -- Wisconsin
  • Chuck Grassley -- Iowa
  • Arlen Specter -- Pennsylvania
  • Jon Kyl -- Arizona
  • Chuck Schumer -- New York
  • Lindsey Graham -- South Carolina
  • Dick Durbin -- Illinois
  • John Cornyn -- Texas
  • Benjamin L. Cardin -- Maryland
  • Tom Coburn -- Oklahoma
  • Sheldon Whitehouse -- Rhode Island
  • Amy Klobuchar -- Minnesota
  • Al Franken -- Minnesota
  • Chris Coons -- Delaware

. Click Here for more info.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Fact-based 'Fair Game' is a Compelling Thriller

Naomi Watts and Sean Penn in "Fair Game"
 For a nation at war with its own values, "Fair Game" is a compelling, pertinent and scrupulously true political thriller in the honorable tradition of "All the President's Men."

Valerie Plame, smartly portrayed by Naomi Watts, was a CIA operative who specialized in defusing the nuclear ambitions of terrorists and rogue regimes. When President George W. Bush's administration said Iraq was stockpiling uranium from Africa, it didn't square with Plame's information. She suggested to her bosses that her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson (Sean Penn), was qualified to investigate.

 In staring down terrorists, Plame is a poker-faced, high-stakes gambler. But when her cover is blown and the propaganda machine goes into overdrive, informers she had promised to protect become collateral damage. And in the Wilsons' suburban D.C. neighborhood, they are branded as traitors and hounded by death threats.

Penn and Watts have starred in several films together, and here they make a believable married couple. Like the actor who portrays him, Wilson is an outspoken ex-surfer who wades into a national debate at great personal cost. He's also the melancholy caretaker to their twin kids while Plame is off making the world a safer place. The intersection of the political and the personal has rarely been so clearly marked.
The blind-siding of Valerie Plame wasn't fair and wasn't a game, but this cinematic outcome is a touchdown for true patriots.
. Click Here for Full Review.
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HERMANN MISSOURI: Needs Your Vote for Union Pacific's Excursion Adventure!!!


Click Here To Vote:
Hermann MO Zip Code is: 65041



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FREE: Great Black Friday apps help you find the best deals

While Black Friday is still a couple weeks out, FREE new apps for smartphones have made it even easier to find shopping bargains and learn of a good deal before the masses do.. Click Here for more

Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

California Couple finds giant boa constrictor wrapped around car's engine


A California couple returning from a trip to the grocery store discovered this surprise under their car.

It was a nine-foot red tail boa constrictor!

Animal control workers used a little cooking oil to loosen the snake's grip on the car's engine.

It's not clear where the snake came from.

But animal control workers suspect it broke free from its owner's care.



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Missouri: Hermann High School students Dannyelle Groppe and Franke Horstmann are going to march in NYC, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Dannyelle Groppe and Franke Horstmann, wearing their Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade dance uniforms.

The parade is from 8-11 a.m. central time.

The two Hermann High School students, members of the Blue Moves dance team, will be in the 84th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  They will be among 1,500 girls from across the U.S. dancing and doing cheer routines in Herald Square. They are part of the Spirit of America Dance Team.     

Dannyelle, a senior, and Franke, a junior, were given the opportunity, as  captains of the dance team, to march in the parade after the HHS dance team attended a United Dance Association (UDA) camp at Hermann High this summer.     

They will be leaving on Saturday, Nov. 20, and returning home on Friday, Nov. 25. . 

While in New York, the girls will rehearse, visit Times Square, take in the Broadway show, "Billy Elliott," see the Statue of Liberty and climb to the top of the Empire State Building.  They will also see the Rockettes at the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular.    

The girls could use your support:
Dannyelle and Franke are selling t-shirts, "Live from New York, Dannyelle & Franke," for $10 to help cover the cost of their trip. You can send $10 to Dannyelle & Franke Parade, 206 West 6th St., Hermann, MO 65041. 

___________________________________________________________________________ Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

Afghanistan war: Pentagon deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time

The U.S. military is sending a contingent of heavily armored battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year war, defense officials said, a shift that signals a further escalation in the aggressive tactics that have been employed by American forces this fall to attack the Taliban. 

The deployment of a company of M1 Abrams tanks, which will be fielded by the Marines in the country's southwest, will allow ground forces to target insurgents from a greater distance - and with more of a lethal punch - than is possible from any other U.S. military vehicle. The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that can destroy a house more than a mile away.

 Despite an overall counterinsurgency strategy that emphasizes the use of troops to protect Afghan civilians from insurgents, statistics released by the NATO military command in Kabul and interviews with several senior commanders indicate that U.S. troop operations over the past two months have been more intense and have had a harder edge than at any point since the initial 2001 drive to oust the Taliban government.

The pace of Special Operations missions to kill or capture Taliban leaders has more than tripled over the past three months. U.S. and NATO aircraft unleashed more bombs and missiles in October - 1,000 total - than in any single month since 2001. In the districts around the southern city of Kandahar, soldiers from the Army's 101st Airborne Division have demolished dozens of homes that were thought to be booby-trapped, and they have used scores of high-explosive line charges - a weapon that had been used only sparingly in the past - to blast through minefields.
. Click Here for more info.
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