Friday, December 3, 2010

WEB VIDEO: Rottweiler attacked by Beagle puppy


Sometimes the tiniest dogs have the biggest personalities. In today's Web Video, a feisty Beagle puppy playfully attacks a full-grown Rottweiler, who humors the little dog by "fighting" back.


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Holiday spirit shines at Hermann Missouri's Christmas market...Kristkindl Markt at the Stone Hill Winery Pavilion will be Dec. 4 and 5.


You can experience a European-style market close to home in Hermann, Mo., one of the most authentically German towns outside of Germany. Best of all, it's just a little more than an hour west of St. Louis.

The holiday season kicks off Nov. 27 in Hermann with the Children's Lantern Parade through the Downtown Historic District, then it goes into high gear the first two weekends of December with a flurry of holiday activities, including two delightful Christmas markets with distinct Old World touches.

The annual Christmas lantern parade through Downtown Hermann starts at 6:30 p.m. tonight. 

In Germany, the traditional festival of lanterns celebrates the generosity and compassion of Martin of Tours, a German knight who gave half his coat to a beggar.   

The parade starts and ends at the Clara Eitmann Messmer Amphitheatre at 5th and Gutenberg. After the parade, participants may join in singing Christmas carols and enjoy refreshments. All ages are welcome to participate.

On November 27, a holiday organ concert will be held at 2 and 7 p.m. at St. Martin’s Museum Church in Starkenburg, located two miles north of Highway 94 near Rhineland. Barry Bierwirth, a talented musician who is a Hermann native now living in St. Louis, will play the church’s historic Pfeffer Pipe Organ. He will be joined by another Hermann native, Carrie Kirchhofer Tilly, who will perform several solos during the concert

The Kristkindl Markt at the Stone Hill Winery Pavilion will be Dec. 4 and 5. The traditional German-style market features arts, crafts, carolers, baked goods, hot soups and cider. The next weekend, Dec. 11 and 12, brings the Kristkindl Markt at the Hermannhof Festhalle. This market oozes European ambience with its setting and decorations.

Both weekends feature the special German Bakery at the Historic Hermann Museum at the German School. Local bakers outdo one another to provide the best of traditional German holiday treats — stollen, lebkuchen, pfeffernuesse, springerle, schnitzbrot, mondelschnitz and more. Judie Klinger bakes Wild Persimmon Black Walnut Steamed Pudding from a recipe she has developed; OK, so it's not exactly German, but it is delicious. Enjoy music and mulled cider, and take a tour of the recently renovated museum.

Weihnachtfest at Deutschheim State Historic Site also is held both weekends. This special holiday celebration gives a glimpse of a traditional German Christmas as celebrated by early German settlers in Missouri. Tour the historic site, see antique toy displays and table trees with period decorations, and enjoy music, German Christmas cookies and more.

A local tradition that is gathering fans from around the state is the tour of the St. George Catholic Church Rectory, Dec. 11 and 12. The historic rectory is decorated with an eye-popping collection of trees, nativities, angels, topiaries, ornaments, wreaths, garlands and bows.

Other events include the Lewis and Clark Christmas Dec. 3 and 4 at the Festhalle. The St. Charles Corps of Discovery re-enactors celebrate with period exhibits, dinner and a military ball. The annual Holiday House Tour will be the afternoon of Dec. 4.

Hermann is in the heart of wine country, and the Hermann Wine Trail is an integral part of the festivities. The Holiday Fare Wine Trail is Sunday, and the Say Cheese Wine Trail is Dec. 11 and 12.
 . Click Here for more info.

A Christmas dinner, starting at 6:30 p.m., followed by a military ball at 8, is open to the public.   Tickets are $28 and can be purchased at the Hermann Welcome Center or by calling 800-932-8687. Period dress is encouraged but not required; seating is limited.     

The annual St. George Rectory tour is scheduled for Dec. 11 and 12 from noon until 8 p.m. This is one of Hermann’s very special Holiday activities. Father William Debo and parishioners from St. George Catholic Church have worked countless hours to create a spectacular old world Christmas display that sparkles with candles, music, traditional art and décor, and dozens of Christmas trees. A good will offering at the door will help fund the Hermann Ministerial Alliance’s efforts to assist needy residents.     

The first Say Cheese Wine Trail will be held December 11-12 at seven wineries in and around Hermann where cheese dishes are paired with wine. Tickets are $30 and can be bought at the Welcome Center or online.




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Shocker! TSA's nude scans would miss taped-on bombs



Shocker! TSA's nude scans would miss taped-on bombs

Peer-reviewed paper says terrorists could fool clothes-penetrating tools

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A new peer-reviewed scientific study says the backscatter full-body imaging X-ray machines being used by the federal Transportation Security Administration could be fooled by terrorists who simply would mold explosives to conform to their bodies.

WND obtained an advance copy of the report, titled "An evaluation of airport X-ray backscatter units based on image characteristics," in which University of California scientists Leon Kaufman and Joseph Carlson demonstrated that packages of explosives contoured to the body or worn along the sides likely would not be detected by TSA X-ray units built to "see" hard edges and anatomical features, and used primarily to image the front and back of the body.

The article comes from Dr. David Brenner of Columbia's Center for Radiological Research, whose research includes estimating the risks of low dose X-ray exposures.

WND previously reported that Brennan has cautioned that it is "quite likely" that radiation from screening machines being installed nationwide by the TSA to use on airline passengers will cause cancer, especially among high-risk groups that include frequent fliers and children.

 "Even if the [X-ray] exposure were to be increased significantly, normal anatomy would make a dangerous amount of plastic explosive with tapered edges difficult if not possible to detect," Kaufman and Carlson wrote.
. Click Here for more info.


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NASA Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical


NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth.

Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.

"The definition of life has just expanded," said Ed Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington. "As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it."

This finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup will alter biology textbooks and expand the scope of the search for life beyond Earth. The research is published in this week's edition of Science Express.

. Click Here for more info.


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Three Gasconade County Officials want More Power...power to unilaterally decide to put out a controlled burn fire during a burn ban even if it is on private property


Three Gasconade County officials approached the Gasconade County Commission Thursday, December 2, 2010, proposing that the Sheriff and the Commission begin to research what powers other Missouri counties may have legislated regarding burn bans.

The three officials present today were Sheriff Randy Esphorst, County Emergency Management Director Dan Dyer, and Owensville Fire Chief Jeff Kuhne.

The three Gasconade County officials seem to agree that they ought to have the power to unilaterally decide to put out a controlled burn fire during a burn ban, if a fire chief deems the fire unsafe, unwise or out of control -- even if it is on private property.  They were proposing that a local law enforcement officer or a local fire chief would be empowered to order the extinguishing a controlled burn fire if he or she felt there was a danger during a burn ban.

County Commissioners did not express support for the idea, but they said they were willing to help research what other Missouri counties may have legislated on the subject.

Please Note: As a courtesy to the Landowners of Gasconade County, Hermann MO News is providing a list below of the phone numbers to your County Commissioners.  We encourage you to drop them a line and tell them what you think. 
That's how a Democratic Republic works, they are your Elected Representatives not all powerful leaders that make unilateral decisions without the people's input.

Presiding Commissioner:     Ronald Jost           573-486-5427 (Hermann office)
Southern Commissioner:     Jerry Lairmore       573-486-5427 (Hermann office)
Northern Commissioner:     Mathew Penning    573-486-2277



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