Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Intelligence Reports Offer Dim Views of Afghanistan War


As President Obama prepares to release a review of American strategy in Afghanistan that will claim progress in the nine-year-old war there, two new classified intelligence reports offer a more negative assessment and say there is a limited chance of success unless Pakistan hunts down insurgents operating from havens on its Afghan border.  

The reports, one on Afghanistan and one on Pakistan, say that although there have been gains for the United States and NATO in the war, the unwillingness of Pakistan to shut down militant sanctuaries in its lawless tribal region remains a serious obstacle. American military commanders say insurgents freely cross from Pakistan into Afghanistan to plant bombs and fight American troops and then return to Pakistan for rest and resupply.

The findings in the reports, called National Intelligence Estimates, represent the consensus view of the United States’ 16 intelligence agencies, as opposed to the military, and were provided last week to some members of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. The findings were described by a number of American officials who read the reports’ executive summaries.
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More American Teens Smoke Marijuana Than Cigarettes - Monitoring the Future Survey


More high school seniors this year used marijuana than smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days, according to government data released Tuesday.

In addition, daily marijuana use increased significantly among eighth-, 10th- and 12th-graders, with about one in 16 high school seniors using marijuana daily or near-daily, the annual "Monitoring the Future Survey" found.

Teens in all three grades exhibited more favorable attitudes toward the drug, according to the national survey of more than 46,000 teens.

Marijuana wasn't the only drug that teens increasingly used this year, the survey found. Ecstasy use rose in all three grades, with significant increases among eighth- and 10th-graders. The younger teens may not remember stories about casualties related to Ecstasy, whose use peaked in 2001 and then dropped sharply for about four years, Johnston said.

Use of narcotics other than heroin hasn't changed significantly since 2004, when 9.5% of 12th-graders had used the drugs in the previous year - nearly three times as many as in 1992. Injecting heroin with a needle showed a small but statistically significant increase in 2010
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Teen Texting - Averaqge One Text Every Ten Minutes When Awake


FCC looks into issues facing young users of mobile technology

A new survey shows teens now average one text every ten minutes when they're awake.
Daily text messaging among teens has skyrocketed from 38 percent in 2008 to 54 percent in 2009.

One in three sends more than 100 texts per day.

That's one reason the Federal Communications Commission is holding a forum on navigating the new high tech reality and its many pitfalls, including cyber bullying and sexting.

"About four percent of American teens with cell phones have sent nude or nearly nude suggestive image of themselves, about 15 percent say they have received such an image," says Pew Research Center senior specialist Amanda Lenhart.

64 percent of parents report they look at the contents of their child's cell phone.

About half limit the times of day they can use their phone.



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GOVERNMENT 'FOR THE PEOPLE': Iceland Considers Revoking Visa/MasterCard Licenses For Wikileaks Ban


Icelandic Parliament Committee Calls For Ban on Wikileaks "Harsh Operation on Freedom of Expression"

With Visa and MasterCard cutting off payments for Wikileaks, it appears that some Icelandic politicians are threatening to remove both companies’ operating licenses in that country. 
Apparently, the Icelandic Parliamentary General Committee has asked both companies to explain what legal grounds they used for cutting off Wikileaks and, without evidence of legitimate reasons, both companies could lose their operating licenses.
The Icelandic firm DataCell, which was handling the payments for Wikileaks, was planning to sue both companies but it appears that the Icelandic government may help out. 


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ONE LAST BINGE: Senate Democrats unveil $1.1T spending bill


Reid threatens to keep Congress into next year

New spending bill totals $575.13 million per page

Forget about going quietly into the night.

Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a broad agenda for an end-of-session sprint that, in other years, could be a whole year's worth of activity — ranging from an arms-reduction treaty with Russia to a major immigration bill to overturning the ban on gay troops.

And that's not to mention the nearly 2,000-page, $1.1 trillion massive spending bill Senate Democrats said they'll try to push through. The bill contains hundreds of pork-barrel spending projects and new rules governing everything from airport baggage to detainees at the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"We're not through. Congress ends on Jan. 4," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat.

The omnibus spending bill is likely to get the most attention, spanning 1,924 pages and spending an average of $575.13 million per page.

It stands in contrast to the House, which last week passed a streamlined bill freezing fiscal 2011 government spending at 2010's level. The Senate bill, though, boosts spending by $16 billion — a tough sell at a time when deficits and debt already are dominating the policy debate in Washington.

In some cases the spending bill not only rejects President Obama's proposed cuts, it actually boosts spending

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In farewell, Bond tells senators to 'work together, play nice'...Old Bull...40 Frogs in a Wheel Barrow


In farewell, Bond tells senators to 'work together, play nice'..."Old Bull...40 Frogs in a Wheelbarrow"

At a time when fierce partisanship reigns in Congress, Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond admonished colleagues to work together to get things done.

In his farewell address after 24 years in the Senate, Bond, R-Mo., observed that his main achievements over the years have come about largely when he teamed up with Democrats.

As examples he mentioned his work on public housing issues, on behalf of the National Guard and a compromise he helped engineer with Democrats 20 years ago that began to curb the damage from acid rain pollution.

"As I look back at the successes I have achieved during my time here, they have come because people of good will were willing to work across the aisle," he said.

"So now, if my colleagues will permit a little parting advice form an old bull: Work together, play nice," he said.

"In a world today where enemies are real -- the kind who seek to destroy others because of their religion -- it is important to remember there is a lot of real estate between a political opponent and a true enemy," he added.

Bond, 71, who previously served two terms as Missouri governor, announced nearly two years ago that he would retire from Congress. He will be replaced in January by Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Springfield, who won an election Nov. 2.

In a speech spiced with his trademark wry humor, Bond acknowledged a scuffle years ago with former New York Sen. Daniel Moynihan that is said to have broken out while discussing highway funds.

"He used to tease me about setting up boxing matches so that we could raise money for charity," Bond said.
Moynihan, who stood six-feet-five, died in 2003.

"But when I looked at his height and his reach, I didn't take him up on that," Bond said.

At another point, Bond joked: "I've been in the majority, I've been in the minority. I've been fat and I've been thin. And I'll tell you that being thin and in the majority is a whole lot better."

Bond said one of the high points of his career was his work on intelligence matters, including his leadership in rewrites of the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act prescribing parameters on practices such as wiretapping.
Congress, Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond farewell is in the middle of this cspan video


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2011 Golden Globe Nominations Announced


The 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards Nominations
By the Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Protozoa Pictures & Cross Creek Pictures & Phoenix; Fox Searchlight Pictures
Paramount Pictures and Relativity Media; Paramount Pictures and Relativity Media
Warner Bros. Pictures UK LTD.; Warner Bros. Pictures
See-Saw Films and Bedlam Productions; The Weinstein Company
Columbia Pictures; Sony Pictures Releasing



Walt Disney Pictures; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Screen Gems; Sony Pictures Releasing
Antidote Films, Mandalay Vision, Gilbert Films; Focus Features
d. RED
di Bonaventura Pictures; Summit Entertainment
GK Films; Sony Pictures Releasing



Universal Pictures, Illumination Entertainment; Universal Pictures
DreamWorks Animation; Paramount Pictures
Django Films, Ciné B and France 3 Cinéma; Sony Pictures Classics
Walt Disney Animation Studios; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Disney * Pixar; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

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WEB VIDEO: Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy with Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly plus Original

David Bowie (Will Ferrell) visits Bing Crosby (John C. Reilly) during the holidays to sing a duet of two Christmas classics, Peace on Earth & The Little Drummer Boy.


Music video by Bing Crosby & David Bowie performing The Little Drummer Boy / Peace On Earth.

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Myths and Facts: Cochrane Library Study Finds No Evidence of Benefit for Influenza Vaccinations


Cochrane Library

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The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties provided by the Cochrane Collaboration and other organisations. At its core is the collection of Cochrane Reviews, a database of systematic reviews and meta-analyses which summarize and interpret the results of medical research. The Cochrane Library aims to make the results of well-conducted controlled trials readily available and is a key resource in evidence-based medicine.

Access and use

The Cochrane Library is a subscription-based database, originally published by Update Software and now part of the Wiley Online system. In many countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, Australia, India, South Africa, and Poland, it has been made available free to all residents by "national provision". There are also arrangements for free access in much of Latin America and in "low-income countries", typically via HINARI. All countries have free access to two-page abstracts of all Cochrane Reviews and to short plain-language summaries of selected articles.

Cochrane Reviews appear to be relatively underused in the United States, presumably because public access is limited (the state of Wyoming is an exception, having arranged for free Cochrane materials access).[1]


Myths and Facts: Study Verifies That There Is No Value In Any Flu Vaccine

A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Library found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate.

The authors stated that the only ones showing benefit were industry-funded. They also pointed out that the industry-funded studies were more likely to be published in the most prestigious journals...and one more thing: They found cases of severe harm caused by the vaccines, in spite of inadequate reporting of adverse effects.

The study, "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults", is damning of the entire pharmaceutical industry and its minions, the drug testing industry and the medical system that relies on them.

In the usual manner of understatement, the authors concluded:

The results of this review seem to discourage the utilization of vaccination against influenza in healthy adults as a routine public health measure. As healthy adults have a low risk of complications due to respiratory disease, the use of the vaccine may be only advised as an individual protection measure against symptoms in specific cases.

The Study

The authors attempted to find and investigate every study that has evaluated the effects of flu vaccines in healthy adults aged 18-65. To this end, they "searched Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library, 2010, issue 2), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2010) and EMBASE (1990 to June 2010)." They included 50 reports. Forty of them were clinical trials adding up to over 70,000 people. Two reported only on harmful effects and were not included in this study.
Studies of all types of influenza vaccines were included: live, attenuated, and killed – or fractions of killed – vaccines.
The primary outcomes they looked for were numbers and seriousness of influenza and influenza-like illnesses. They also looked at the number and seriousness of harms from the vaccines. The authors attempted to collect missing data by writing to the authors. They describe the response as "disappointing". In the end, they included 50 studies and refused to use 92, mostly because of highly significant flaws, such as using inappropriate controls, not being randomly controlled trials, inconsistencies in data presented, lack of study design, unclear definitions, poor reporting, lack of crude data, and lack of placebo.
The authors found that vaccines administered parenterally, that is, outside the digestive tract, usually meaning by injection, reduced influenza-like symptoms by 4%. They found no evidence that vaccination prevents viral transmission! (There goes the whole herd immunity argument!) They also found no evidence that they prevent complications, either.
They attempted to ascertain the degree of complications, and though they did report on some, most of the studies simply did not address the issue or did so inadequately.

Five Myths to Keep in Mind About Flu Vaccines

Myth 1: The Flu Shot is very effective.

Statistically, you are less likely to get the flu if you haven’t had a flu vaccine. A BCTV reporter in Vancouver, commenting on the overload in BC emergency rooms, said that out of 32 people who had received a flu shot, 30 got the flu.

Myth 2: The Flu Shot has a high success rate.

This is a vaccine that only has a 6.25% success rate. This is a pretty big under-achievement, considering that the average reaction to placebo injections of distilled water is 30%.

Myth 3:
The Flu Shot is safe.
Hugh Fudenberg MD, who is the world’s leading immunogeneticist, says that if a person had 5 flu vaccinations between 1970 and 1980 he/she is 10 times more likely to get Alzheimer’s Disease than if he/she had only one or two shots. Fudenberg said that this was because of the aluminum and mercury, which almost every flu vaccine contains. The gradual accumulation of aluminum and mercury in the brain leads to cognitive dysfunction.

Myth 4: There are no harmful ingredients in vaccinations.

Flu vaccines consist primarily of 3 categories of ingredients. First there are viruses and cultured bacteria. The second ingredient is the way in which they can be cultivated. This includes aborted human fetal cells, chick embryos, pig blood, monkey kidney tissue, cowpox pus, and calf serum, and all of these foreign proteins get injected straight into your bloodstream. A bit repulsive just thinking about it, isn’t it? The flu shot also contains neutralizers, stabilizers, carrying agents and preservatives such as mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is something that is used for embalming the dead and is known to cause cancer. There is no amount of formaldehyde considered safe when injected into a living organism.

Myth 5: The Flu Shot works.

The flu shot could actually weaken your immune system and make you more likely to catch this virus. It has absolutely no value and should probably be avoided for your own safety. Not only is it loaded with toxic chemicals, but many people actually get the flu shortly after getting the shot, because it weakens their immune system instead of making it stronger like it is claimed to do.

Dr. Viera Scheibner, arguably one of the world's most respected scientists and scholars on vaccine medical data stated from her research and writings on vaccine science and history: "Ever since the turn of the (last) century, medical journals published dozens and dozens of articles demonstrating that injecting vaccines (can) cause anaphylaxis, meaning harmful, inappropriate immunological responses, which is also called sensitization. (This) increase(s) susceptibility to the disease which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, and to a host of related and other unrelated infections."

"We see it in vaccinated children within days, within two or three weeks. (Most of them) develop runny noses, ear infections, pneumonitis, (and) bronchiolitis. It is only a matter of degrees, which indicates immuno-suppression, (not immunity). It indicates the opposite. So I never use the word immunization because that is false advertising. It implies that vaccines immunize, which they don't. The correct term is either vaccination or sensitization."
In addition, "Vaccines (can) damage internal organs, particularly the pancreas," so everyone vaccinated, including for seasonal flu, is vulnerable to contracting severe "autoimmune diseases like diabetes," Addison's Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Guillian-Barre Syndrome, Hepatitis, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Polio, and dozens of others.
Some can kill. Others produce a lifetime of disability and pain because autoimmune disease happens when the "body attacks itself," or more accurately "is attacked" by an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and various harmful ingestible substances; that is, toxins in drugs, food, air, water, and other liquids. According to immunologist, Dr. Jesse Stoff, human health is compromised four ways:
-- by poor nutrition;
-- man-made environmental toxins;
-- disease-causing organisms and their toxins; and
-- immune system trauma from factors like x-ray radiation and stress.

Other factors include a lack of sleep and exercise, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and various excesses that throw the body out of balance, making it susceptible to a host of debilitating illnesses.
The Cochrane study found very little evidence to support even a small improvement in time off work. Even that finding needs to be put into the context of industry influence. The authors wrote:

This review includes 15 out of 36 trials funded by industry (four had no funding declaration). An earlier systematic review of 274 influenza vaccine studies published up to 2007 found industry funded studies were published in more prestigious journals and cited more than other studies independently from methodological quality and size. Studies funded from public sources were significantly less likely to report conclusions favorable to the vaccines. The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies. The content and conclusions of this review should be interpreted in light of this finding.

"...industry funded studies were published in more prestigious journals and cited more than other studies..."

"...reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin..."
"...there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions..."
Most assuredly, the "content and conclusions of this review should be interpreted in light of this finding"!
Even without taking into account the shoddiness of the studies in general, the authors were still hard put to find any benefit of any sort for influenza vaccinations in healthy people. At best, they found a small decrease in number of days off work. They did not find that the vaccinations had any benefit whatsoever in complications or mortality.
In spite of the limited reporting on adverse effects, the authors did find some, including 1.6 Guillain-Barré cases per million.
The question that must be asked is: How can influenza vaccinations be justified when there is virtually no benefit—not even the oft-cited dubious herd-immunity—and cases of severe harm are documented, in spite of disgustingly limited reporting of adverse effects?
It is long past time to end the travesty of jabbing adults and children without a shred of evidence showing real benefit in spite of trying to find it, and with evidence of crippling harm, in spite of trying to mask it.




Reference Sources
December 10, 2010


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The Federal Reserve Spends More Money Than the Congress Does...


Ron Paul: The Fed Spends “More Money Than the Congress Does”

Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) in his first interview since being appointed chair of the House Monetary Policy Subcommittee. From what he says in the video below, he’s going “to think things through and not overdo things too soon,” but ultimately plans to stick to his guns, and “emphasize the oversight of the Federal Reserve.”

He also points out why he views his new role as important in these times…
“Obviously, it is very popular with the American people to audit the Fed and know what they’re doing when they can spend trillions of dollars and we don’t know where it goes. They have a bigger budget; they spend more money than the Congress does. Yet, we have no oversight. It was never intended that a secret body like this could create money out of thin air spend to take care of some banks and big business and foreign banks and the American people struggle? We have to look into it and we have to start to consider reforms.”




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Music Video: Best of Hardstyle 2010 Top 100 Complete [HQ]


Hardstyle, in the United Kingdom sometimes referred to as hardbass, is a genre of electronic dance music that is closely related to hardcore and hard trance. Being a fusion of both hard trance and hardcore (also known as gabber), hardstyle is grouped in the hard dance section. Its sound is usually characterized by a four to the floor kick beat and an off-beat gabber style bass line, hard trance like synth stabs and sweeps and miscellaneous samples. Tracks often feature excessive reverb and/or other effects, breakdowns and occasionally small breakbeat sections. The average tempo is between 130 and 150 bpm, around 30 slower than nu style gabber

Hardstyle is popular Europe wide, especially in its home lands such as the Netherlands and Germany, but its also popular among countries were the "hard dance" scene is big - such as Russia the U.K, Italy ect. Hardstyle is also hugely popular in Australia and some Asian countries such as Malaysia because of the "Melbourne Shuffle" In Australia hardstyle was first seen in underground clubs, and has started to spread to Sydney and Brisbane and even overseas to Malaysia over the past seven years.


1. Headhunterz - Psychedelic
2. Brennan Heart - Just As Easy (Wildstylez &SMD Rmx)
3. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Come As One (Brennan Heart Rmx)
4. Max Enforcer ft. The Rush - Fade To Black (Black 2010 Anthem)
5. Brennan Heart - Face The Enemy (Zany Rmx)
6. Brennan Heart - Revelation
7. Dutch Navigatorz vs Dragan - Will Find You
8. Ruthless & Coone - D.E.N.S.
9. Ambassador Inc - Put This On YouTube (Wildstylez Rmx)
10. Wildstylez - Revenge (Technoboy Rmx)
11. Intractable One - Dikke Bleek
12. Toneshifterz - Elektro Shock
13. Chain Reaction - Answers
14. Frequencerz - Phaser
15. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute (Alpha2 Rmx)
16. Showtek - We Live For The Music (Noisecontrollers Rmx)
17. Low E vs Alter Egosz - Harde Rag
18. Bioweapon & Toneshifterz - Worlds Collide
19. DJ Desnar - 2H2H
20. Wasted Penguinz - I'm Free
21. Abyss & Judge - Hardstyle Preacher
22. B-Front - Sleepwalker
23. Coone - The Undefeated
24. Psyko Punkz - Feel The Rhythm
25. B-Front & Frontliner - Audiotory Nerve
26. Danielle Mondello vs Express - Bitch
27. Toneshifterz - Drop It
28. Frontliner ft. MC Villain - Who I Am
29. Noisecontrollers - Summer In The City (Part II)
30. DJ Frenetix - Beauty Of Music
31. Dragan & B-Front - Froitzel
32. Pavo - From Scratch
33. Chris One - Recruit
34. Donkey Rollers - 2012
35. Deepack - Phoenix
36. Da Tweekaz - Be Aware
37. The Prophet - My Worship
38. JDX feat. Sarah Maria - Live The Moment
39. Zany - Psychedelic Trip
40. The Pitcher - Take Me Higher
41. Twilight Forces - Leg Die Drum Ein
42. Digital Punk & B-Front - Elements
43. DJ Isaac - Tear The Club Up (LA Mix)
44. Crypsis - The Demand
45. Deepack - We Don't Care
46. Alpha2 & Wildstylez - Atrocious
47. Dozer - In Full Effect
48. Dailucia - Hard Bass
49. The Pitcher - Here For The Future
50. Frontliner - Save.Exit.Planet (In Qontrol Anthem 2010)
51. Mike NRG - Lost In Dreams Showtek ft. Mc Stretch - Beats Of Life
52.Showtek ft. Mc Stretch - Beats Of Life
53. Dutch Master - Million Miles Away
54. Wildstylez - No Time To Waste (Official Defqon 1 Anthem)
55. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Together
56. Showtek ft. MC DV8 - Electronic Stereo-phonic
57. Showtek - Loco
58. Brennan Heart - LSD (Love, Sadness & Desire)
59. Noisecontrollers - Macabre 2010
60. B-Front & Frontliner - Magic
61. DJ Isaac - Bitches
62. Vorwerk - Interrogation (Transfarmers Rmx)
63. Zatox & A-Lusion - No One Excluded
64. Dailucia - Fuckin Fresh Beats
65. Psyko Punkz - Pull Your Strings (2010 Rmx)
66. Bioweapon - Raw
67. Digital Punk & B-Front - Awake
68. SMD - All For The Thrill
69. Krusaders - Reinvented
70. Zatox - A New Dimension
71. Digital Punk & Waverider - Death Sentence
72. Headhunterz & Wildstylez ft. - Stuck In Ur Head
73. Jeckyll & Hyde - On Fire
74. Fusion Allstars - The Next Level (Instrumental Mix)
75. Coone - Million Miles
76. Deepack & Josh & Wesz - Durty 7
77. Zany - The Great Zany Show
78. Max Enforcer - Gold
79. Beat Providers - Abandoned
80. Dailucia - Listen
81. Noisecontrollers & Zany - Diavoli
82. A-Drive - Higher
83. Toneshifterz mts NitrouZ - Origins Of Life
84. Sasha F - M.U.S.I.C.
85. The Pitcher & Noisecontrollers - Cherish
86. Jack Of Sound - Ghost Story
87. Ambassador Inc. - The Hardstyle Nation
88. Frontliner - On The Rise
89. Headhunterz - Dreamcatcher
90. Slim Shore & B-Front - Scary Noises
91. Bioweapon & Toneshifterz - Beat Conductor
92. Abyss & Judge - New Generation
93. Ran D & Adaro - Under Attack
94. Chain Reaction - Victime
95. Demoniak - Yo Mama
96. Fenix - Drug Collection (Coone Rmx)
97. Da Tweekaz - DNA (Hardstyle DNA Anthem)
98. A-Lusion - Veritas (Zany Rmx)
99. Crypsis - Strike
100. Artic - Parallel Universe

Originial CD-Cover:



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2000 year old tree, symbol of Christianity, cut down by vandals in U.K.

The rare thorn tree in Glastonbury, England, before it was vandalized .

Christian Landmark Tree Cut Down In U.K.

Legend has it that the rare thorn tree on a hill in southern England had ties to the earliest days of Christianity, and pilgrims often left offerings at its base. In more recent times, local children honored its current incarnation each year by cutting sprigs to place on Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas dining table.

Now British police want to know who sawed the limbs off the Glastonbury Holy Thorn Tree, reducing it to a stump. And they want to know why.

Glastonbury, 125 miles west of London, is best known for its annual rock music festival, which has drawn artists such as Bruce Springsteen since the 1960s. Its mysterious landscape — including the Glastonbury Tor hill, which is believed by some to have magical qualities — has drawn pagan worshippers for many years.

Katherine Gorbing, the director of Glastonbury Abbey, said the tree originally came from the Middle East and is a type of thorn tree common in Lebanon as well as in Europe. It typically lives about 100 years, but Gorbing said locals have kept Glastonbury Holy Thorn Tree going by taking grafts and clippings from it to plant new trees when the existing one neared the end of its natural life.

"It's a sacred tree," she said. "Not only for the Christian church, but for many other people."
The tree itself, located near the summit of Wearyall Hill, is visible from many parts of rural Somerset.

Local historians said the tree — or one of its ancestors — has been chopped down at least once before, by a soldier using an ax during the 1642-51 English Civil Wars.

Experts say the tree could recover in about 10 years if it was in good health at the time of the attack.
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WEB VIDEO: Halle Berry December play time at the beach with daughter Nahla.



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WEB VIDEO: Kitty Cat Bliss Hugs Teddy Bear

Little kitten Meesha loves stuffed animals! 
In this video he's hugging his little teddy bear.


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