Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MUSIC VIDEO: Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein - Edgar Winter turns 64


 album They Only Come Out at Night (1972)

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New Program Speeds Approval for Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Presumptives


VA Processes First Claims for New Agent Orange Presumptives

New Program Speeds Approval for Vietnam Veterans

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has decided more than 28,000 claims in the first six weeks of processing disability compensation applications from Vietnam Veterans with diseases related to exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange.
“With new technology and ongoing improvements, we are quickly removing roadblocks to processing benefits,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “We are also conducting significant outreach to Vietnam Veterans to encourage them to submit their completed application for this long-awaited benefit.”
VA published a final regulation on Aug. 31 that makes Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam and who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, ischemic heart disease, or a B-cell (or hairy-cell) leukemia eligible for health care and disability compensation benefits.  With the expiration of the required 60-day congressional review on Oct. 30, VA is now able to process these claims.
Vietnam Veterans covered under the new policy are encouraged to file their claims through a new VA Web portal at www.fasttrack.va.gov.  Vietnam Veterans are the first users of this convenient automated claims processing system.  
If treated for these diseases outside of VA’s health system, it is important for Veterans to gather medical evidence from their non-VA physicians.  VA has made it easy for physicians to supply the clinical findings needed to approve the claim through the new Web portal.  These medical forms are also available at www.vba.va.gov/disabilityexams.
The portal guides Veterans through Web-based menus to capture information and medical evidence required for faster claims decisions.  While the new system currently is limited to these three disabilities, usage will expand soon to include claims for other conditions.
VA has begun collecting data that recaps its progress in processing claims for new Agent Orange benefits at www.vba.va.gov/VBA/agentorange/reportcard/index.html.


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NY's Dumbest New York City sanitation workers destroy a Ford Explorer ***WARNING CONTAINS PROFANITY***


coolbreakvideos December 27, 2010

This is part of NYC's ongoing effort to annoy more people more of the time. Now, instead of traveling to a city office to have your day ruined, you can wake up to the sounds of your car being destroyed. No appointment needed!



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Beware New Cyber Crimes for 2011 Target Mobile apps Smartphones Apple Foursquare Gowalla

NBC -- As 2010 wraps up, a new crop of cyber scams is just starting to roll out. Forget email scams, they're so yesterday. 2011 is bringing a whole new brew of cybercrimes, targeting your pocketbook through your pocket gadgets.
McAfee's Joris Evers says "there will be more attacks on mobile devices, mobile applications."
Mcafee's Joris Evers says the company predicts scams and spam spiking in three areas: mobile apps on smartphones, Apple products, and location-based services like Foursquare and Gowalla that use GPS to track your movements.



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Top 10 kid favorites in 2010 iPad apps Sillybandz Justin Bieber Harry Potter


Some kid crazes are unexpected, like cheap, colored rubber bands worn on the wrist. Some are predictable, like cashing in on a fictional character's popularity or cute baby animals. And, others are simply a product of undeveloped taste, a la anything Justin Bieber.
Here are the top things that captivated our children in 2010:

1. Harry Potter • With the opening of a theme park within Universal Studios in Orlando, the release of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and a new Legos video game, it was an exceptional year for one particular wizard in training and his very, very wealthy creator.
2. Spas for tweens • Apparently, you're never too young for a mani-pedi. Even more beauty salons targeted at tweens opened this year, including the Sweet and Sassy store at West County Mall and the Avon Beauty Center and Party Boutique in Chesterfield Valley. Word to the wise: Keep these trips a special rare treat rather than habit-forming ritual. There's a thin line between pampered princess and spoiled brat.
3. iPad apps • Whether they were wasting time playing Angry Birds or Doodle Jump or learning new words with Montessori Crossword, the iPad was this year's best grown-up toy for little ones.
4. Baby giraffe at zoo • Who can resist a baby born weighing a whopping 136 pounds and standing more than 6 feet tall? The St. Louis Zoo welcomed Desi, a reticulated giraffe, and we'd like to give a special shout-out to his Mama, Susie, who carried and delivered that towering tot.
5. Jeggings • It started with faux-denim diapers and evolved into jeggings for babies. Pretty soon, every girl from preschool to high school was wearing jeggings. They may be questionable on some grown women, but they're adorable on your daughter.
6. Sillybandz
7. Kiddie attractions at the mall

8. Movie Sequels
9. Book installments
10. Justin Bieber
. Click Here for more info.


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$5 A Gallon Gas Forecast By 2112 Has Ex-Shell Exec Making Headlines

by Mark Memmott NPR

Predicting that gasoline will hit $5 a gallon by some time in 2012 has put former Shell Oil president John Hofmeister on the news media's radar today.
Why's he think the price will go there?
"The issues that gave rise to high priced gasoline in 2007 and 2008 are repeating themselves, except the world demands even more oil in the next several years than before," Hofmeister tells CNN (he's due on tonight's edition of Parker Spitzer). "Asian growth is continuing. ... U.S. economic recovery has brought demand back to where it was before. Economic growth means even more demand. But the U.S. Government is prohibiting expansion of U.S. domestic crude oil production which puts upward pressure on global crude oil prices."
. Click Here for more info.


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MISSOURI HIGHWAY PATROL Results Of Operation Arrest In Franklin County

Results Of Operation Arrest In Franklin County

a division of the

Troop C Headquarters- 891 Technology Drive, Weldon Spring, MO 63304


For further information please contact: Corporal Jeff Wilson
636-300-2800 ext. 3334
December 28, 2010

EMPHASIS: Results Of Operation Arrest In Franklin County

Captain Ronald S. Johnson, commanding officer of Troop C, Weldon Spring, is pleased to announce the results of a recent enforcement detail entitled “Operation A.R.R.E.S.T.” (Alcohol Related Response Enforcement Strike Team). The purpose of Operation A.R.R.E.S.T. is to increase the motoring public’s awareness of the potential hazards of operating a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated condition.

Operation A.R.R.E.S.T. was conducted from 7 p.m., on Saturday, December 18, 2010, to 3 a.m., on Sunday, December 19, 2010, in Franklin County, Missouri. This eight-hour project was conducted by five officers, who focused their enforcement efforts on identifying hazardous motor vehicle operations and impaired driving conditions. During the operation, a total of 55 vehicles were stopped. Of those stopped, 17 drivers were either arrested or issued a summons, and 53 warnings were issued. Among the arrests, one subject was issued a summons for a speed violation, four subjects were issued summonses for other moving and non-moving violations, five subjects were issued summonses for seat belt violations, two subjects were issued summonses for driver's license violations, and one subject was issued a summons for an insurance violation. In addition, three subjects were arrested for DWI and one subject was arrested for a misdemeanor drug violation.

“Operation A.R.R.E.S.T. continues to be a success for Troop C.” said Captain Johnson. “This weekend we made our presence known, which helps us in our efforts to reduce the traffic crashes and fatalities that occur in the Franklin County area.”


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Missouri Increases Small Business Loans to $50,000...$800,000 Remains Available


In an effort to drum up more interest in the state's small business loan program, businesses can now borrow $50,000, double the  amount previously available. Larger businesses also are now eligible.
The Missouri Development Finance Board approved the changes to the state's Small Business Loan Program this morning. The loans -- which are approved by the Department of Economic Development -- can be used for capital and operational needs.
The program launched in April 2009 with a total of $2 million available. Through the state's fiscal year, which ended in June, 48 small businesses borrowed between $5,000 and $25,000, and about $800,000 remains available.
In addition to doubling the amount available per applicant, businesses with up to 15 employees now are eligible for the loans that have a 3 percent interest rate from the previous 5 employee limit. . Click Here for more info.


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Chris Matthews Jumps In Birther Debate: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?



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Missouri Man Pleads Guilty in Amish Buggy Death Case - Was Texting 2 Minutes before Fatal Crash


Jeffrey Fleming pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of careless and imprudent driving in court Monday during a preliminary hearing in Randolph County. Fleming hit and killed an Amish man driving a buggy on Highway 63 on January 12 of this year. The driver was Eli Borntrager of Madison. Fleming struck the vehicle from behind and phone records show that he was texting just minutes prior to the accident.
. Click Here for more info and video report.


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Fulton Missouri Mom Delivers Surprise Full Term Christmas Baby - Unaware She Was Pregnant

Mandi Steele/FULTON SUN photo: Natasha Weigel and Paul Bruner became the parents of a son, Nathaniel Bruner, on Christmas Day. It was a shock to both, as Weigel didn’t know she was pregnant until she arrived in the emergency room. 

Natasha Weigel had the Christmas surprise of her life this year — a baby.
The 24-year-old Fulton woman carried her son to full-term without realizing she was pregnant and delivered him on Christmas Day. 

“God blessed us with the best Christmas present anybody could ask for,” said Teresa Potts, Weigel’s mother.
Weigel, her boyfriend, Paul Bruner, and their three children were staying at Potts’ house for the holiday. Weigel said they go to her mother’s house in Williamsburg every year for Christmas. Just after midnight on Christmas, Weigel said she was putting together some toys for her sons, so they would awake to find them under the tree in the morning, when she started to have a lot of pain in her abdomen.
“I couldn’t walk, and I felt like I was having contractions,” Weigel said.
At around 4 a.m., she woke Potts to tell her that the pain was getting worse.
Potts said her daughter told her she may have pulled a groin muscle and told her, “Mom, I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You need to go to the hospital,” Potts told her.

 Nathaniel Ralph Bruner was born at 1:28 p.m. Christmas Day and weighed 6.15 pounds. Weigel said the doctors decided to keep her at the hospital two extra days just to make sure everything was fine with her and the baby, since she’d had no prenatal care. She said, so far, all the tests have come back normal.
. Click Here for more info.


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Hermann Missouri Wine Grape Might be Answer to Fighting Mildew and Rot


COLUMBIA — Five years ago, Les Bourgeois Winery in Rocheport lost 25 percent of its vignoles crop to downy mildew and late season rot.
The winery has since taken steps to prevent such losses, but record levels of precipitation in recent years have increased the threat from mildew for vineyards in the area.
"The three past years have been some of the most difficult growing seasons," said Cory Bomgaars, head winemaker at Les Bourgeois.
Losing crops isn't the only damage attributed to downy mildew and other types of fungi, he said.
"The wine quality can even be affected," Bomgaars said. "It might turn a $10 gallon into a $5 gallon."
To combat mildew, vineyards will often spray fungicides on their crops, but one local varietal has a natural resistance to downy mildew and other diseases that plague susceptible European varietals.
The Norton grape is a 150-year-old hybrid from a natural vine growing in America that has learned how to cope with downy mildew, powdery mildew and black rot fungus. It can ramp up its defenses to prevent the fungus from establishing itself.
Researchers are now trying to identify the specific genes responsible for Norton's resistance and hope to cross breed these genes with other grape varietals.

If the researchers are successful in creating resistant hybrids,  they hope to eliminate or reduce the use of fungicides. This would allow the grapes to grow where it is now climatically unfeasible without fungicides.
Using vines with Norton's resistance would also improve the yield of existing crops and eliminate the cost of fungicides.
But even Norton has its limitations, winemakers say.
Said Dave Johnson, the head winemaker at Stone Hill Winery in Hermann: "Norton in some years can be grown without fungicide, but in a wet year, even Norton needs a little help."
 . Click Here for more info.


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84 year-old Bob Hoerner Reminisces about Brother, Cardinal Baseball Pitcher Joe Hoerner who died in Hermann Missouri


Sunday, December 26, 2010
Baseball in his blood
The game continues to be a big part of 
Bob Hoerner's life.
 Emily Hoerner is a sophomore journalism student at the University of Iowa and a former Dubuque Hempstead diver. Bob Hoerner is her great uncle.

After seven years in the minor leagues, Joe reached the big leagues with the St. Louis Cardinals. He played in both the 1967 and '68 World Series as a relief pitcher.

Bob Hoerner attended many of his brother's major league games in St. Louis and had the opportunity to meet a lot of professional players.

"I'd go to the ballpark with Joe before the games while everyone was warming up," Hoerner said. "One time I met Roger Maris. Never met a nicer guy."

Maris was the first baseball player to surpass Babe Ruth's single season home run record.

Hoerner also met Mickey Mantle, Maris's biggest opponent for the home run record, in 1949 spring training in Missouri. It was Mantle's first season in the minor leagues.

Hoerner also went pheasant hunting every year with a group of Cardinals, who traveled to Dubuque with his brother (Joe). He ended up meeting almost the entire team.

While his brother was playing in the majors, a lot of change started happening. Hoerner recalled when ball players started making good money by being traded.

He still admirers his younger brother's career and the way he "kept his head on straight."

Joe died in 1996 in a farming accident in Hermann, Mo.

In Memory of Joe Hoerner
Joe Hoerner - Baseball Pitcher, 60
The New York Times

October 7, 1996

(c) Houston Astros
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 6 (AP) - Joe Hoerner, who was a relief pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals' championship teams of the 1960's, died Friday in a farming accident at a friend's farm in Herrmann, Mo. He was 60. Mr. Hoerner was planting a field and had apparently climbed off a tractor to move an object, said his daughter, Jolene Vollmer. He was killed when the tractor ran him over.
Mr. Hoerner was born and raised on a 250-acre farm near Dubuque, Iowa.
He was signed by the Chicago White Sox in 1957 but almost left baseball a year later when he had a heart attack while pitching for Davenport. Doctors found no permanent damage to his heart but advised him to change his delivery to sidearm, believing that his overhand motion hampered his circulation.
He was 5-1 with 13 saves and a 1.54 earned run average in 1966. In 1967, when the Cardinals won the World Series over the Boston Red Sox, he was 4-4 with 15 saves. The next season, when the Cardinals lost in the World Series to the Detroit Tigers, he was the best left-handed reliever in the league with a 1.47 e.r.a. and an 8-2 record with 17 saves.
Mr. Hoerner is survived by his father, Walter; his wife, Darlene; a son, Ronald; two daughters, Sharon McDaniel, and Ms. Vollmer, and three grandchildren.

Joe Hoerner

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was drafted by the Cardinals from the Houston Astros in the 1965 rule V draft, and this led to him being part of two pennant-winning teams, including the 1967 World Series champions. In game 3 of the 1968 World Series he became the first player in MLB history to get a hit in a World Series without having collected a hit in the regular season. In four seasons with St. Louis (1966-1969) Hoerner pitched in 206 games with a 19-10 record and 60 saves. He ranked in the National League TOP TEN all four seasons for saves, and three times for games finished. On July 22, 1966 at Wrigley Field he hit his only major league home run, a 3-run shot, against Hall of Famer Ferguson Jenkins. During this time he also tied a National League record for relievers with 6 consecutive strikeouts vs. the Mets on June 1, 1968 [1] He also appeared in five World Series games for the Cards, with a 0-1 record and one save.

Hoerner was traded to Philadelphia as part of the infamous Curt Flood deal [2] on October 7, 1969. He made the National League All-Star team in 1970, and his .643 winning percentage ranked sixth in the league. During 1971 that year he gave up Willie Mays's major league-leading 22nd and last career extra-inning home run at Candlestick Park. In 1971, at age 34, he finished the year with a 1.97 ERA, and his effectiveness declined after that season. However, he later gave up Willie McCovey's N.L. record-breaking 17th grand slam in 1977 at Riverfront Stadium. His final major league appearance was on August 5, 1977. At the age of 40, he was the second-oldest player to appear in a National League game that season.
For his career he finished with a lifetime record of 39-34, 99 saves, 268 games finished, and an earned run average of 2.99. He struck out 412 and walked 181 In 562.2 innings pitched. Hoerner held All-Stars Bobby Bonds, Johnny Callison, Tommy Harper, Ed Kranepool, Joe Pepitone, and Bill White to a .070 collective batting average (5-for-71). He also held Hall of Famers Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks, Reggie Jackson, Willie Mays, Bill Mazeroski, Tony Perez, Willie Stargell, and Carl Yastrzemski to a .101 collective batting average (9-for-89)

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Warmer Temps Spring Toward the New Year but Cold Will Soon Return



5-Day Forecast for ZIP Code 65041
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Partly Cloudy
36° F | 27° F
Chance of Rain
41° F | 38° F
Chance of a Thunderstorm
54° F | 49° F
Chance of a Thunderstorm
58° F | 27° F
Partly Cloudy
34° F | 20° F
Partly Cloudy Chance of Rain
40% chance of precipitation
Chance of T-storms
30% chance of precipitation
Chance of T-storms
60% chance of precipitation
Partly Cloudy
Today is forecast to be Much Warmer than yesterday.

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Love at First Sight - A fifth of a second: Falling in love is more scientific than you think



(PhysOrg.com) -- A new meta-analysis study conducted by Syracuse University Professor Stephanie Ortigue is getting attention around the world. The groundbreaking study, "The Neuroimaging of Love," reveals falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also affects intellectual areas of the brain. Researchers also found falling in love only takes about a fifth of a second.
Ortigue is an assistant professor of and an adjunct assistant professor of neurology, both in The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University.
Results from Ortigue’s team revealed when a person falls in , 12 areas of the work in tandem to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopression. The love feeling also affects sophisticated cognitive functions, such as mental representation, metaphors and body image.
. Click Here for more info.


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Hermann Missouri Elementary School 'Junior Blue Moves' Dance Team Entertains Halftime Crowd


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No Refund Loans From H&R Block, Feds Halt Banking Partners Business


Millions of H&R Block Inc. customers who relied on short-term loans backed by their expected tax refunds will not have that option this year, since Block’s banking partner was forced by federal regulators to stop offering the loans.
It’s a blow to Block, the nation’s largest tax preparation company, which could lose tax customers to competitors still offering the loans and has virtually no time to find a new funding partner before tax season starts in January.
That means Block could lose millions of dollars in revenue, since nearly 45 percent of its customers use a refund anticipation loan or refund anticipation checks. The company made about $146 million on the two products in 2010.

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Holiday Retail Sales On Track To Be Best Ever - Return Down Still Buying

December 27, 2010

Forget the returns line. Americans hit the stores after Christmas to buy stuff, indulging the rediscovered retail appetite that may have made 2010's holiday shopping season the biggest ever.
Revenue for the holiday season is on track to grow at its strongest rate since 2006. Total spending for November and December could exceed 2007 sales, the best season on record. This despite an uncertain economy and a rise in thrifty habits.
Shoppers spent more on their family and friends and for the first time since before the Great Recession, treated themselves and even their pets. And after Christmas, even an East Coast blizzard didn't kill the mood as they headed to stores armed with gift cards and eyeing a new crop of discounts.
Mall of America's spokesman Dan Jasper reported Monday that shoppers are doing more buying and less returning this week than a year ago.
"People are definitely treating themselves,'' particularly to jeans and accessories, he said.
Spending was strong since the start of the holiday shopping season in November and the momentum continued through Christmas Eve, a surprising sign of strength for the economy. Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity.
People spent more even as they held on to frugal habits learned during the Great Recession, from focusing on big bargains to paying with cash. That conservative shopping mentality was clear as shoppers rummaged through clearance bins at stores and malls this week.
. Click Here for more info.


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