Monday, January 17, 2011

Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Condition Upgraded from Critical to Serious


Giffords Improves As Shooting Investigation Continues

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January 17, 2011
by Jeff Brady  NPR

Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' condition has been upgraded from critical to serious, primarily because she was taken off a ventilator over the weekend and is breathing on her own.
Surgeons performed a tracheotomy on Saturday and inserted a feeding tube. Doctors say her recovery is still going well, considering her injuries. Two other shooting victims remain in the hospital in good condition.
Meanwhile, the investigation continues into what motivated a gunman to shoot 19 people — killing six of them. Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old accused shooter, is in federal custody and faces charges that include killing federal employees and trying to assassinate a member of Congress.
The Washington Post is reporting the federal trial will be moved to San Diego because of pre-trial publicity. But in a written statement, the Justice Department says it plans to bring the case in Arizona and will oppose any change of venue motions.
Pima County Sheriff's spokesman Jason Ogan says federal agents have control of the evidence now. But there is still the matter of state charges that could be filed against Loughner.
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